Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 3 pot

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 3 pot

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 3 pot

... its annual maintenance budget in predictive maintenance programs, but one-third (33 %) of the plants interviewed in our May 2000 survey allocate less than 10 percent to predictive maintenance. According ... insurance to plants that have a viable predictive maintenance program. Predictive Maintenance Costs The average maintenance budget of the plants interviewed was $12,0 5...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

35 181 0
Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 2 potx

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 2 potx

... . 530 .576 .615 .654 3 .34 0 .34 7 .36 0 .402 . 438 .475 4 .256 .2 63 .275 .31 5 .35 0 .38 6 5 .206 .212 .225 .264 .298 .33 4 6 .1 73 .179 .191 . 230 .264 .30 1 7 .149 .155 .167 .205 .240 .277 8 . 131 . 137 ... .187 .2 23 .261 9 .117 .122 . 135 .174 .210 .248 10 .106 .111 .1 23 .1 63 .199 . 239 11 .096 .102 .114 .154 .191 . 231 12 .089 .095 .107 .147 .184 .225 18 .061 .067 .079 .120...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

35 144 0
Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 6 pot

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 6 pot

... 200–800 93 427 .27– .32 Type 32 1 Polished 30 0–1500 149–815 .18–.49 Type 32 1 w/BK Oxide 200–800 93 427 .66–.76 Type 34 7, Oxidized 600–2000 31 6–10 93 .87–.91 Type 35 0 200–800 93 427 .18–.27 Type 35 0 Polished ... Board 100 38 0.96 Cement 32 39 2 0–200 0.96 Cement, Red 2500 137 1 0.67 Cement, White 2500 137 1 0.65 Cloth 199 93 0.9 Paper 100–700 38 37 1 0. 93 Slate 68 20 0.97...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

35 155 0
Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 9 pot

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 9 pot

... An Introduction to Predictive Maintenance 200 100 100 200 30 0 400 500 600 700 800 1000 150 50 65% 70% 75% 80% 80% 75% 70% 65% BEP 15 HP 15 HP 20 HP 20 HP Total Dynamc Head (Feet) Figure 13 5 ... the shaft. 272 An Introduction to Predictive Maintenance INLINE CONFIGURATION 100 PSID 100 PSID 30 0 PSI 100 PSI 100 PSI 100 PSID 100 PSID 100 PSID OPPOSED CONFIGURATION Figure 13 1 Impelle...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:22

35 192 0
Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 13 pot

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 13 pot

... systems, 33 4 Preloads Preventive maintenance, 3, 35 7, 414 calibration, 36 2 lubrication, 35 3 Process instability, 296 Process dynamics, 217, 35 3 Process parameters monitoring, 217, 35 3 Pumps centrifugal, ... 264 Mean-time-to-failure, 3 Mechanical looseness, 290 Microprocessor, 33 8 Misalignment, 2 93, 30 3, 32 1 Mode shapes, 93 Monitoring parameters, 74 bearings, 30 3 belt...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:22

35 132 0
Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 14 potx

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 14 potx

... 471x757 30 0.0x300.0 248 0.0 - - + + + + ❖ GrayScale Gray 482x768 30 0.1x300.1 248 0.0 - - + + + + ❖ GrayScale Gray 875x342 30 0.0x300.0 262 0.0 - - + + + + ❖ GrayScale Gray 744x 632 30 0.0x300.0 262 ... + ❖ GrayScale Gray 1464x 130 4 30 0.0x300.0 36 1 0.0 - - + + + + ❖ GrayScale Gray 531 x276 30 0.0x300.0 36 4 0.0 - - + + + + Report for 832 5.pdf Created on July 26, 2002 20 :31 :40 b...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:22

4 129 0
Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 1 pdf

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 1 pdf

... justification 25 2 .3 Justifying predictive maintenance 29 2.4 Economics of preventive maintenance 32 3 Role of Maintenance Organization 43 3. 1 Maintenance mission 43 3. 2 Evaluation of the maintenance organization ... Selecting a predictive maintenance system 33 4 15.5 Database development 34 3 15.6 Getting started 34 8 16 A Total-Plant Predictive Maintena...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

29 169 0
Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 4 doc

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 4 doc

... it can detect higher-voltage–related problems with respect to ground. HiPot Testing HiPot (high potential) testing is a potentially destructive test used to determine the integrity of insulation. ... Data Most predictive maintenance programs rely almost exclusively on frequency-domain vibration data. The microprocessor-based analyzers gather time-domain data and auto- Predictive Mainte...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

35 183 0
Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 5 docx

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 5 docx

... definite value ww 42 13 1 23 2 12 23 13 12 2 0- + + + Ï Ì Ó ¸ ˝ ˛ + ++ = KK Mg KK Mg KK K K KK MM g cc c - = - K M g KK M g KK K c c 3 1 2 13 2 2 23 3 w w A A M g KK K c 1 2 2 2 23 3 = - w A A K M g KK c 1 2 3 1 2 13 = - ... equation then becomes: M g XKKXKX c 1 1 131 32 0 ˙˙ ++ () -= M g XKXKXX c 1 11 131 2 ˙˙ =- - - () 144 An Introduction to Predictive Maintenance...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

35 163 0
Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 7 docx

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2E Episode 7 docx

... System Poor maintenance of lubrication system components, such as filters and strainers, typically causes premature failure. Such maintenance is crucial to reciprocating 236 An Introduction to Predictive ... components and lubricants presently used. 214 An Introduction to Predictive Maintenance Particle Count Particle count tests are important to anticipating potential system or m...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:22

35 162 0