Aircraft Structures 3E Episode 1 pdf
... section beams Problems 10 Stress analysis of aircraft components 10 .1 Tapered beams 10 .2 Fuselages Contents vii 17 4 17 5 i77 18 0 18 8 19 7 19 7 209 211 21 1 220 223 225 232 233 ... (1. 38) max or E1 - Err ( = 2 {cf. Eqs (1. 14) and (1. 15)}. 1_ _IN_ 1. 14 Mi (1. 39) We now apply the arguments of Section 1. 13 to the Mohr circle of stress de...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21
Aircraft Structures 3E Episode 2 pdf
... satisfied. PX ax = - [5y(x2 - z2) - ioy3 + 6dZy] 20 d3 ay = E( - 3yd2 - 2d3) 4d3 -P 40d3 Txy = - [5(3x2 - Z2)(y2 - d2) - 5y4 + 6y2d2 - $1 The boundary stress ... dO/dz X 2Ty T (a2+b2) dw - 2Tx T (a2 +h2) - - - dw dx 7rab3G+G m3b3 y7 % =-E 7ra3b3 - or (vii) Integrating both of Eqs (vii) T(b2 - a2) 7ra3 b3 G T(b2 - a2) nu3 b3...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21
Aircraft Structures 3E Episode 3 potx
... 2 13 0 0 160 13 0 0 0 - 160J2 /3 0 FB 4000J2 -20000J2 d2pB.f 13 ~2 13 DC 4000 80 000 PB,f 13 1 13 pDsf 1 32 0 13 320 PD,f 1 32 0 13 320 1 480 13 240 BA 4000 60 000 2pB,f /3 2 13 ... -2J2pB,f /3 -2J2 13 0 0 32 0J2 0 EF 4000 -60 000 -2pB,f /3 -2 13 0 0 160 0 FD 4000J2 -80000J2 -d2PB.f /3 - ~2 13 0 0 640J2 13 0 CB 4000 80...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21
Aircraft Structures 3E Episode 4 pps
... = dx 2 8x (5 .41 ) The potential energy V, of the N, loading follows from Eqs (5 .40 ) and (5 .41 ), thus V, = - 1 r N, (g ) dxdy 200 Similarly (5 .42 ) (5 .43 ) The potential ... deflection from Eq. (4. 35) and the bending deflection from Eqs (4. 27); thus (4. 36) Example 4. 17 Determine the deflection of the tip of the cantilever in Fig. 4. 30 with th...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21
Aircraft Structures 3E Episode 5 ppsx
... (5. 44) and for the complete in-plane loading system we have, from Eqs (5. 42), (5. 43) and (5. 44), a potential energy of v = -'rr 200 [ ( g)2 + Ny( $)2 + ax ay (5. 45) ... unloaded edge free I I 5 one simply supported 0 1 2 3 4 I5 I3 II 9- 7- 5, k - - - a/b (b) k 40- 36 - Clamped edges Simply supported 123 45 a/b (C) Fig. 6.16...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21
Aircraft Structures 3E Episode 6 pps
... = - 76. 2mm. The remaining section properties are found by the methods specified in Example 6. 1 and are listed below A = 60 0mm2 Zxx = 1.17 x 106mm4 J = 800mm4 = 0 .67 x 106mm4 I? ... of Eqs (6. 98) or (6. 99) 2 Ot +'F W 2AF tan a CF = in which AF is the cross-sectional area of each flange. Also, from Eq. (6. 102) wb us = -tana ASd (6. 1 06...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21
Aircraft Structures 3E Episode 7 pps
... 163 164 165 166 1 67 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 176 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 1 87 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 1 97 1% 199 200 201 ... hydraulic actuator 74 Starboard outrigger wheel 75 BL755 6OO-lb ( 272 -kg) cluster bomb (CBU) 76 Intermediate pylon 77 Reaction control air ducting 78 Alleron control ro...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21
Aircraft Structures 3E Episode 8 doc
... the life of the aircraft in terms of flights is Nflighr = l/l)total 8. 7.5 Crack propagation (8. 60) (8. 61) We have seen that the concept of fail-safe structures in aircraft construction ... and E(u,) from Eqs (8. 48) and (8. 50). From Eq. (8. 48) m sa = su,e = K, (1 + c/JG) from which where Su?, = kl Veu, and S;,, = kl VeuF Also Eq. (8. 50...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21
Aircraft Structures 3E Episode 9 pptx
... carrying area. 9. 9.1 Bending of open and closed section beams The analysis presented in Section 9. 1 applies and the direct stress distribution is given by any of Eqs (9. 6), (9. 7) or (9. 9), depending ... in Sections 9. 5 and 9. 6 apply. 9. 9.5 Alternative method for the calculation of shear flow distribution Equation (9. 73) may be rewritten in the form apr q2-41 =-&a...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21
Aircraft Structures 3E Episode 10 pdf
... Py,r (10. 13) r=l r= 1 Substituting in Eqs (10. 13) for P.,,r and P,,,r from Eqs (10. 10) and (10. 9) we have sx = s.x:w + P:,r - 1 sy = sy:w + pz,r I' sY (10. 14) ... P.9.18 10. 1 Tapered beams 371 33.2 77.5 110. 7 Izll 6 33.2 77.5 4 i Fig. 10. 7 'Open section'shear flow (Wmm) distribution in beam section of Example 1...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21
Aircraft Structures 3E Episode 11 pptx
... 233q11~] (ii) de 1 dz - 2 x 355 OOOGREF _- For cell 111 (iii) 1 [-233q11+ q 111( 736 i- 233 + 736 + 368)] d6’ -= dz 2 x 161 OOOGREF In addition, from Eq. (10.22) 11. 3 ... Example 10.7 61 = 1542 + 250 = 1792 611 = 250 + 725 + 233 + 725 = 1933 6111 = 736 + 233 + 736 + 368 = 2073 61,~ = 250 611, 111 = 233 Hence, from Eqs...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21
Aircraft Structures 3E Episode 12 pptx
... - ' mm mm P.10 .12 A singly symmetric wing section consists of two closed cells and one open cell (see Fig. P.10 .12) . The webs 25, 34 and the walls 12, 56 are straight, while ... distance of lOOmm from and parallel to side 12. The modulus of rigidity G is constant throughout the section. Wall 12 34 23 Length (mm) 375 125 500 11.2 Built-in end of a c...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21
Aircraft Structures 3E Episode 13 pps
... anticlockwise. 00 mm2 1.0 mm Fig. P.11.4 Matrix methods of structura I analysis Actual aircraft structures consist of numerous components generally arranged in an irregular manner. These ... idealizations and their effect on structural analysis have been presented in Chapter 9 for aircraft structures. Outside the realms of aeronautical engineering the represen- ta...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21
Aircraft Structures 3E Episode 14 docx
... uniform beam Our discussion so far has been restricted to structures comprising members capable of resisting axial loads only. Many structures, however, consist of beam assemblies in which ... aCL/aa is the wing lift curve slope. Rearranging gives or (13.2) Elementary aeroelasticity Aircraft structures, being extremely flexible, are prone to distortion under load. When...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21
Aircraft Structures 3E Episode 16 potx
... section beams 307 -16 Bredt-Batho theory 307-9 condition for zero warping 315, 316 displacements 309-15 Neuber beams 316 shear flow distribution 307 warping distribution 309 -16 aircraft components ... 340 Aircrafi Structures for Engineering Students provides a comprehensive self- contained course in aircraft structures. Starting with the structural mechanics of...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21