Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 6 docx

Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 6 docx

Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 6 docx

... vector on the left end face x\ ~ 0. 4.12. For any stress state T., we define the deviatoric stress S to be Stress Power 2 03 where Div denotes the divergence with respect to ... normal stress acting. 4 .6. For the following state of stress findTn' and T 1 ^' where e x ' is in the direction of ej + 2e 2 + 3e 3 and 63 & apos;is in...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

40 280 0
Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 4 docx

Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 4 docx

... single-valued continuous solutions #1, #2 an ^ U 3 °f the six equation Eq. (3. 16. 1) to Eq. (3. 16. 6) are 118 Kinematics of a Continuum and Thus, the equation is satisfied, and ... from Eq. (3. 23. 4), we have That is That is similarly, Kinematics of a Continuum 133 thus, for this material element (d) For dX = dS^ and dX = dS 2 e 2 Example 3. 23...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

40 324 0
Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 5 docx

Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 5 docx

... to the basis at the reference configuration 3. 73. From Eqs. (3. 30.4a), obtain Eqs. (3. 30.5). 3. 74. Verify Eq. (3. 30.8b) and (3. 30.8d). 3. 75. Verify Eq.( 3. 30.9b) and (3. 30.9d). 3. 76. ... (3. 30.9d). 3. 76. Derive Eqs. (3. 30.10). 3. 77. Using Eqs. (3. 30.10) derive Eqs. (3. 30.12a) and (3. 30.12d). 3. 78. Verify Eqs. (3. 30. 13 a) and (3. 30.13d). Ki...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

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Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 1 ppsx

Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 1 ppsx

... (2A1.2) 3 etc. x Contents 6. 17 Dissipation Functions for Newtonian Fluids 38 3 6. 18 Energy Equation for a Newtonian Fluid 38 4 6. 19 Vorticity Vector 38 7 6. 20 Irrotational Flow 39 0 6. 21 ... 2B3.1 Given that a tensor T which transforms the base vectors as follows: Tej = 2e 1 -6e 2 +4e 3 T02 = 3ej+ 462 - 63 Te 3 = -26J +62 +2 63 How does this te...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

40 284 0
Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 2 doc

Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 2 doc

... Q 23 TII T^ 2 7 *33 ^ 13 0 23 033 T 31 T 32 T 33 031 032 033 or PartB Symmetric and Antisymmetric Tensors 35 This is the transformation law for the components of a vector. Thus, fy ... j2 11 =cos(e 1 ,ei)=cos30°=—, (2i2 =cos ( e i» e 2) =cosl2 0 0 = , (2i3 = cos(e 1 ,e 3 )=cos90 0 =G ^2i=cos(e2,ei)=cos60 0 =-,j322 == cos(e 2 ,ei)=cos30 0 =—,j2 23 ==c os(...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

40 332 0
Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 3 ppsx

Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 3 ppsx

... of Eq. (3. 6 .3) , we obtain Now, from Eq. (3. 6 .3) , we have Thus Since RR = I, RR +RR = 0, so that RR is antisymmetric which is equivalent to a dual (or axial) vector <o ... Eq. (2C4 .3) , with the vector a equal to the unit base vector e r gives To evaluate the first term on the right-hand side, we note that so that according to Eq...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

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Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 7 potx

Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 7 potx

... the lateral surface vanishes. The unit vector on the plane *3 = a is 63 , so that the surface traction for the stress tensor of Eq. (5. 13. 1) is given by Similarly, there will ... we have a unit normal vector n = (l/a)(x2*2 + X 3* $)- Therefore, the surface traction on the lateral surface Substituting from Eqs. (5. 13. 3) and (5. 13. 5), we have Thus...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

40 287 0
Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 8 pps

Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 8 pps

... Elastic Solid 279 From the compatibility equations, Eqs. (3. 16. 8), (3. 16. 9) and (3. 16. 7), we have Thus, G(XI £1) = a K\ + J3x2 + y. In the absence of body forces, the equations ... and 52 planes automatically ensures the symmetry with respect to the 53 plane. (c) All planes that are perpendicular to the 3 plane have their normals parallel...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

40 196 0
Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 9 pptx

Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 9 pptx

... (5 .33 .9) and (5 .33 .11), as those cor- responding to a change of rectangular Cartesian basis, then we come to the conclusion that the constitutive equation given by Eq. (5 .33 .6) ... 7\i>0. 5 .65 . Verify that if <p (x\, X2) satisfy Eq. (5. 16. 7), than it does correspond to a compatible strain field. 5 .66 . Show that if the bending moment...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

40 319 0
Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 10 pptx

Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3 Episode 10 pptx

... have Thus, i.e., 36 0 Navier-Stokes Equation For Incompressible Fluids 6. 7 Navier-Stokes Equation For Incompressible Fluids Substituting the constitutive equation [Eq. (6. 6.4)] into the ... given by Eq. (6. 13. 3), however, the driving force now is Newtonian Viscous Fluid 36 1 These are known as the Navier-Stokcs Equations of motion for incompressible Ne...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

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