Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 4 ppsx

Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 4 ppsx

Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 4 ppsx

... PM 106 Handbook of Production Management Methods The advantages of concurrent engineering are as follows: 1. Reduction in the number of design changes which are necessary because of problems of ... 7, 2001 5:00 PM 90 Handbook of Production Management Methods Common-sense manufacturing – CSM P – 1c; 2c; 4b; 6b; 8c; * 1.3b; 2.3d; 2.4b; 3.5c; 3.6b; 4. 2c The objec...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

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Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 8 ppsx

Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 8 ppsx

... and Inventory Management , 24 (3), pp. 33 44 . 10. Wilson, G.T., 1985: Kanban scheduling – boon or bane? Production and Inventory Management , 26 (3), pp. 1 34 142 . Knowledge management X – ... 3c; 5c; 6c; 7b; 11c; 13c; * 1.3c; 2.2b; 2.3b; 2.4b; 4. 1c; 4. 2c; 4. 4b Knowledge management consists of the distribution, access and retrieval of human experiences and relevant...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

30 339 0
Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 1 doc

Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 1 doc

... September 7, 2001 4: 52 PM 4 Handbook of Production Management Methods They are regarded as stand-alone tasks, presumably done by CAD – com- puter-aided design, and supply production management with ... 7, 2001 4: 52 PM Preface 1 Trends in manufacturing methods 2 List of manufacturing methods 2.1 List of manufacturing methods 2.2 Classification of methods b...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

25 326 0
Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 2 docx

Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 2 docx

... 2.4b; 3.2c; 3.3b; 3.4b; 3.5c; 3.6b; 4. 1b; 4. 2c; 4. 3c; 4. 4c 44 . Flat organization P – 2b; 3b; 4d; 7c; 8c; 9c; 13c; 14c; * 1.1b; 1.2c; 1.3c; 1.5c; 3.2c; 3.3b; 4. 2b; 4. 3d; 4. 4c 45 . Flexible manufacturing ... 7, 2001 4: 56 PM 32 Handbook of Production Management Methods 47 . Fuzzy logic X – 1c; 2c; 3c; 4c; 5d; 11c; 13d; 16c; * 2.2c; 2.3c; 2.4c; 2.5c; 3.1c; 3.2c; 3....

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

30 232 0
Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 3 pot

Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 3 pot

... 8 242 4 37 X 3 3 4 4 4 30 24 32 24 24 38 X 1 3 3 4 3 10 24 24 24 18 39 S 4 4 4 4 4 40 32 32 24 24 43 M 3 4 4 4 3 30 32 32 24 18 50 P 4 3 3 3 4 40 24 24 18 24 68 T 4 3 4 4 3 40 24 32 24 18 94 M ... Table 4. 2 the columns of required functions. Table 4. 3.3 Method number Class 2367 13 9 M 344 4 3 14 X 43 44 3 20 S 31 14 4 37 X 3 344 4 38 X 13...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

30 380 0
Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 5 pdf

Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 5 pdf

... Manufacturing Management . John Wiley & Sons, pp. 159–189. Computer-oriented PICS – COPICS S – 1b; 2c; 4d; 6d; 7c; 10c; 13c; * 1.2c; 1.3b; 2.3b; 2.4b; 2.5d; 4. 2c; 4. 3b; 4. 4c; 4. 5c Computer-oriented ... PM 1 14 Handbook of Production Management Methods The COPICS method must have data from several sources such as customer orders, available inventory, status of pur...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

30 387 0
Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 6 doc

Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 6 doc

... 3.3b; 3.4b; 3.5c; 3.6b; 4. 1b; 4. 2c; 4. 3c; 4. 4c See Supply chain management. Flat organization P – 2b; 3b; 4d; 7c; 8c; 9c; 13c; 14c; * 1.1b; 1.2c; 1.3c; 1.5c; 3.2c; 3.3b; 4. 2b; 4. 3d; 4. 4c Flat ... PM 162 Handbook of Production Management Methods 9. Liu, J. and MacCarthy, B.L., 1996: The classification of FMS scheduling prob- lems, International Journal of Pro...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

30 347 0
Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 7 pps

Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 7 pps

... Friday, September 7, 2001 5:00 PM 1 74 Handbook of Production Management Methods Group technology M – 1b; 2b; 3b; 4b; 5d; 6c; 7b; 8c; * 1.3b; 1.4d; 2.2c; 2.3c; 2.4b; 2.5c; 3.2c; 3.3c; 3.5d; 3.6b ... 2001 5:00 PM 172 Handbook of Production Management Methods 3. The cost and lead time required to produce a component are functions of the process used. 4. There are infini...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

30 333 0
Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 9 potx

Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 9 potx

... Journal of Production Economics , 59 (1), 103–111. 0750650885-ch005.fm Page 240 Friday, September 7, 2001 5:00 PM 2 54 Handbook of Production Management Methods function deployment is often regarded ... 31 (12), 40 47 . 16. SMART. http:l/smart.npo.org/ One -of- a-kind manufacturing (OKM) M – 2c; 3b; 4c; 7c; 14d; * 1.1d; 1.2d; 1.3b; 2.3b; 2.4b; 2.5c; 3.1c; 3.2b; 4. 1b;...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

30 388 0
Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 10 pdf

Handbook of Production Management Methods Episode 10 pdf

... 2001 5:00 PM 282 Handbook of Production Management Methods Time base competition – TBS M – 2d; 3b; 4b; 6b; 7c; 8b; 9d; 13c; 14c; * 1.1d; 1.2d; 1.3b; 1.4b; 2.2c; 2.4b; 3.3c; 4. 5b; 4. 6c The time ... 26 (3), pp. 44 3 45 5. 14. Lambrecht, M. and Segaert, A., 1990: Buffer stock allocation in serial and assem- bly type of production lines, International Journal of Operatio...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

30 386 0