Plastics Materials 7 Episode 16 ppsx

Plastics Materials 7 Episode 16 ppsx

Plastics Materials 7 Episode 16 ppsx

... resins, 7, 24, 329, 369, 606, 74 4 -76 acyclic aliphatic, 76 6 -7 additives, 76 8 -72 applications, 77 2-6 curing of glycidyl ether resins, 75 1-61 cyclic aliphatic, 76 4-6 diluents, 76 8 -72 flexibilisers, ... 579 -80 Polyester foams, 79 2-3 Polyester-glass fibre laminates, 70 3 -70 7 Polyester resins, 694 -74 2 allyl resins, 70 8 -70 9 curing systems, 70 2 -70 4...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

54 335 0
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 5 ppsx

Plastics Materials 7 Episode 5 ppsx

... Chem. SOC., 52, 5 279 4. KOCH, H. and IBING, G., Brennstof-Chem., 16, 141 (1955) 5. FAWCETT, E. w., Trans. Faraday Soc., 32, 119 (1936) 6. British Patent 471 590 7. ZIEGLER, K. ... G., Kunstoffe, 86, 14 47- 1453 (1996) HERNER, M. and WOLTER, H J., Kunstoffe, 77 , 959-62 (19 87) KAPS, R., LECHT, R. and SCHULTE, u., Kunsroffe, 86, 1454-1458 (1996) COND...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

60 304 0
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 6 ppsx

Plastics Materials 7 Episode 6 ppsx

... RANALLI, F., Trans. Plastics Inst., 27, 55 (1959) 2. VAN DER WEGT, A. K., Trans. Plaslics Inst., 32, 165 (1964) 3. CHARLEY, R. v., Brit. Plastics, 34, 476 (1961) 4. Technical ... WEBSTER, w., Trans. Plastic Inst., 32, 219 (1964) 16. STREIB, H., PUMP, w. and RIESS, R., Kunstoffe, 67, 118 (1 977 ) 17. IISRP Worldwide Rubber Statistics I993 18. RO...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

60 341 0
Plastics Engineering 3E Episode 16 ppsx

Plastics Engineering 3E Episode 16 ppsx

... which Contents 0 General properties of plastics 0 of plastics Mechanical behaviour of c plastics 0 Analysis of polymer melt Structure of plastics and Solutions to An imprint of ... a single volume. It assumes no prior knowledg and processing of reinforced and unreinforced plastics ai-: LO emphasises the practical aspects of the subject. In this third edi...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

5 238 0
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 3 docx

Plastics Materials 7 Episode 3 docx

... Properties of Polymeric Materials, The Plastics Institute, London (1 973 ) BLYTHE, A. R., Electrical Properties of Polymers, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1 979 ) FROMMER, J. E. and ... 19 (by PARKER, T. G.) (1 972 ). Wiley, New York (1986) Wiley, New York, London (19 67) New York, London (1986) 104 avoided. Amongst the materials used in the plastics industr...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

60 307 0
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 4 doc

Plastics Materials 7 Episode 4 doc

... LANDEL, R. F., and FERRY, J. D., J. Am. Chem. SOC., 77 , 370 1 (1955) 4. COGSWELL, F. N., Plastics & Polymers, 41, 39 (1 973 ) 5. DOWNS, G. Vinyl and Allied Polymers Vol. 1 ... hundreds of materials have been investigated as blowing agents the number in actual use is very small. Some details of such materials are summarised in Table 7. 8 and Figure...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

60 270 0
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 7 docx

Plastics Materials 7 Episode 7 docx

... Butadiene-methyl isopropenyl ketone Butadiene-diethyl fumarate I 19.3 19.2 18 .7 18 .7 18.2 17. 9 17. 4 17. 2 3 4.4 17. 4 10.0 2.8 3.3 15.9 15.0 The anomalous effect of the last two rubbers ... ofPVC Marcel Dekker, New York; Vol. (1 976 ); Vol. 2 (1 977 ) I and I1 (1963) (see also FELCER above) IIiffe, London (1 972 ) Society, Washington (1 971 ) OWEN, E...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

60 289 0
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 8 ppt

Plastics Materials 7 Episode 8 ppt

... compared with other thermoplastics. Poly(methy1 methacrylate) 401 CH, I I I I CH, CH,=C + ROH- CH,=C + H,O COOH COOR (a) (Japan Koka 74 1 174 25, 77 95609, 79 300008, 78 109889, USP 3 ... maintained in humid conditions. 45-52 6.5 -7. 5 1.0-2.5 38 5.5 76 - 97 11-14 0.25-0.35 16. 5 GENERAL PROPERTIES 40-48 6 -7 1.0-2.5 35 5.0 62 -76 9-11 0.25-0.35...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

60 310 0
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 9 potx

Plastics Materials 7 Episode 9 potx

... 5. British Patent, 570 ,71 1 (ICI) 6. U. S. Patent, 2,238,020 (Dow) Poly(viny1 carbazole) 7. KLINE, G. M., Mod. Plastics, 24, 1 57 (1946) 8. CORNISH, E. H., Plastics, 28 (305). ... 223 (1 979 ) 10. DAVIDGE, H., J. Appl. Chem., 9, 241, 553 (1959) 11. German Patent, 931 ,73 1; Brit. Patent, 73 9, 438 (BASF) 12. SHINE, w. M., Mod. Plastics, 25, 130...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

60 329 0
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 10 pdf

Plastics Materials 7 Episode 10 pdf

... British Patent 72 3 ,77 7 (ICI), British Patent 76 9, I16 (Hercules): US. Patent 2 ,72 2,340: US. Patent 2 ,72 2,492; U.S. Patent 2 ,72 2,4 87; US. Patent 2 ,72 2,493; US. Patent 2 ,72 2,520 (Hercules); ... state of purity. Reviews 555 3. US. Patent, 2 ,76 8,994 (October 1956) 4. British Patent, 77 0, 71 7 (July 19 57) 5. British Patent, 74 2, 135 (195...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

60 326 0
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