Plastics Materials 7 Episode 10 pdf
... British Patent 72 3 ,77 7 (ICI), British Patent 76 9, I16 (Hercules): US. Patent 2 ,72 2,340: US. Patent 2 ,72 2,492; U.S. Patent 2 ,72 2,4 87; US. Patent 2 ,72 2,493; US. Patent 2 ,72 2,520 (Hercules); ... 27 5 6 27 000 4300 - - - - 73 -75 H 406 - - -~ Torlon 2000, unfilled 1.41 13 500 93 - - - - 2.5 7 10 000 450 000 4900 282 0.28...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 14 pdf
... white liquid 7. 7 1.099 76 0.25 6 .75 0 .75 Unox Epoxide 2 07 white powder - 1.330 82 - - - Standard diglycidyl ether straw liquid 10 500 1.16 185 0.12 7. 00 0 .75 HHPA, hexahydrophthalic ... Kunstoffe, 70 , 690-4 (1980) KUNZE, w., Kunstoffe, 77 , 10 47- 9 (19 87) MOCKEL, J., KunstofSe, 80, 1 177 -80 (1990) Rubbers 78 5 (3) Quasi-prepolymer syst...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 3 docx
... ABS/polycarbonate alloy Lexan 101 Lexan 120* Maranyl A100 Amodel AS-1 133 Amodel AF-l14S* Udel P- 172 0 Victrex 200P Pocan B130S Pocan KL1 -78 35* Pocan 4630' Noryl N- 110 Noryl N-190* Delrin ... 19 (by PARKER, T. G.) (1 972 ). Wiley, New York (1986) Wiley, New York, London (19 67) New York, London (1986) 104 avoided. Amongst the materials used in the plastic...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 4 doc
... LANDEL, R. F., and FERRY, J. D., J. Am. Chem. SOC., 77 , 370 1 (1955) 4. COGSWELL, F. N., Plastics & Polymers, 41, 39 (1 973 ) 5. DOWNS, G. Vinyl and Allied Polymers Vol. 1 ... hundreds of materials have been investigated as blowing agents the number in actual use is very small. Some details of such materials are summarised in Table 7. 8 and Figure...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 5 ppsx
... C Figure 10. 5. Effect of polymer density, testing rate and temperature on the shape of the stress-strain curve for polyethylene’ 18.48 11.03 18.96 10. 90 20.00 10. 34 22. 07 9.66 and ... WOLTER, H J., Kunstoffe, 77 , 959-62 (19 87) KAPS, R., LECHT, R. and SCHULTE, u., Kunsroffe, 86, 1454-1458 (1996) CONDRO, C., Kunstoffe, 80 (lo), 108 0-5 (1990) MUNSTEDT...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 6 ppsx
... Maclaren, London (19 67) 10. D. J. GRAY, Plast. Rubb. Process., 60 (1 977 ) 11. CLARK, K. J. and PALMER, R. P., S.C.I. Monogc No. 20 12. DAY, M. R., Plast. Polym., 36, 101 (1968) 13. ... (amorphous) thermoplastics (Glasstomer) (in practice as previously mentioned there is a limit of 77 wt% possible for the styrene content; unless it is a 100 % homopolymer). t...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 7 docx
... Butadiene-methyl isopropenyl ketone Butadiene-diethyl fumarate I 19.3 19.2 18 .7 18 .7 18.2 17. 9 17. 4 17. 2 3 4.4 17. 4 10. 0 2.8 3.3 15.9 15.0 The anomalous effect of the last two rubbers ... ofPVC Marcel Dekker, New York; Vol. (1 976 ); Vol. 2 (1 977 ) I and I1 (1963) (see also FELCER above) IIiffe, London (1 972 ) Society, Washington (1 971 ) OWEN,...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 8 ppt
... with other thermoplastics. Poly(methy1 methacrylate) 401 CH, I I I I CH, CH,=C + ROH- CH,=C + H,O COOH COOR (a) (Japan Koka 74 1 174 25, 77 95609, 79 300008, 78 109 889, USP 3 928 ... composition? -60 000 1.18 10. 5 (72 .5) -350 (2400) -18 -400 ( 275 0) MI03 - 2-3 0.3 0.40 109 -112 85-95 1.49 >io 17 3.1 Copolymer$ - 1. 17 - -400 ( 275...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 9 potx
... "C in/in Property 42 121 105 3500 100 00 75 80 IO 96 1 17 100 249 232 1 1.5 3.4 1 .os 1.25 1.21 2.6 3.1 3.1 0.0002 0.001 0.001 0.00 27 0.003 4.00 37 0.004 ASTM method Tensile ... Derivatives, Reinhold. 5. Brit. Plastics, 30, 26 (19 57) 6. Plastics (London), 22, 3 (19 57) New York (1952) 17 Miscellaneous Vinyl Thermoplastics 17. 1 IN...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 11 doc
... 6 10 Other Thermoplastics Containing p-Phenylene Groups -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 TEMPERATURE IN OC Property Units Value Specific gravity - 1. 27 Tensile strength MPa 100 ... 85 135 64- 17 33 3 3900 320 20 44 3.1 0.004 2.5 X 10l6 - - I I PPSIGF (60140) - 265 150 33 2 10 500 350 47 3.8 0.00 37 0.01 1.01 - PAS-I 145 170 I1 -...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20