Plastics Materials 7 Episode 3 docx
... A100 Amodel AS-1 133 Amodel AF-l14S* Udel P- 172 0 Victrex 200P Pocan B 130 S Pocan KL1 -78 35 * Pocan 4 630 ' Noryl N-110 Noryl N-190* Delrin 500 Fortron grades Vectra (30 % GF) Ultem ... Chem. Soc., 63, 2 832 (1941) 3. DAVIES, J. M., MILLER, R. E, and BUSSE, w. F., J. Am. Chem Soc., 63, 36 1 (1941) 4. EUCKEN, A,, and MEYER, L., Phys. Z., 3...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 4 doc
... LANDEL, R. F., and FERRY, J. D., J. Am. Chem. SOC., 77 , 370 1 (1955) 4. COGSWELL, F. N., Plastics & Polymers, 41 , 39 (1 973 ) 5. DOWNS, G. Vinyl and Allied Polymers Vol. 1 ... CLYDE, B. s., Brit. Plastics Inst, 33, 41 4 (1960) IO. HOWELLS, E. R., and BENBOW, J. I., Trans. Plastics Inst., 30, 242 (1962) 11. GROVES, W. R., Plastic...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 5 ppsx
... 955 (1900) 3. CAROTIIERS, W. H., HILL, I. W., KIRBY, I. E and JACOBSON, R. A,, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 52 , 5 279 4. KOCH, H. and IBING, G., Brennstof-Chem., 16, 141 (1 955 ) 5. ... Kunstoffe, 86, 14 47- 1 453 (1996) HERNER, M. and WOLTER, H J., Kunstoffe, 77 , 959 -62 (19 87) KAPS, R., LECHT, R. and SCHULTE, u., Kunsroffe, 86, 1 454 -1 458 (1996)...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 6 ppsx
... RANALLI, F., Trans. Plastics Inst., 27, 55 (1959) 2. VAN DER WEGT, A. K., Trans. Plaslics Inst., 32, 165 (1 964 ) 3. CHARLEY, R. v., Brit. Plastics, 34, 4 76 (1 961 ) 4. Technical ... Polypropylene, Reinhold, New York (1 960 ) 6. PRITCHARD, R., SOC. Plastic Eng. J., 4, 66 (1 964 ) 7. TURNER, L. w. and YARSLEY, v. E., Brit. Plastics. , 5, 32 (...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 7 docx
... Butadiene-methyl isopropenyl ketone Butadiene-diethyl fumarate I 19.3 19.2 18 .7 18 .7 18.2 17. 9 17. 4 17. 2 3 4.4 17. 4 10.0 2.8 3.3 15.9 15.0 The anomalous effect of the last two rubbers ... ofPVC Marcel Dekker, New York; Vol. (1 976 ); Vol. 2 (1 977 ) I and I1 (1963) (see also FELCER above) IIiffe, London (1 972 ) Society, Washington (1 971 ) OWEN, E...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 8 ppt
... other thermoplastics. Poly(methy1 methacrylate) 401 CH, I I I I CH, CH,=C + ROH- CH,=C + H,O COOH COOR (a) (Japan Koka 74 1 174 25, 77 95609, 79 3000 08, 78 10 988 9, USP 3 9 28 462) CH3 ... Ber, 13, 23 48 ( 188 0) 3. FI~IC, R., Ber, 12, 173 9 (1 87 9 ) 4. FITTIG, R., and ENGELHORN, E., Ann. 200, 65 ( 188 0) 5. U.S. Patent 1, 980 , 483 ; Brit...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 9 potx
... March ( 196 3) 9. K~NIG, w. and STEPHNEK, v., Kunstoffe, 69, 223 (1 97 9 ) 10. DAVIDGE, H., J. Appl. Chem., 9, 241, 553 ( 195 9) 11. German Patent, 93 1 ,73 1; Brit. Patent, 73 9, 438 ... Derivatives, Reinhold. 5. Brit. Plastics, 30, 26 ( 19 57) 6. Plastics (London), 22, 3 ( 19 57) New York ( 195 2) 17 Miscellaneous Vinyl Thermoplastics 17. 1 I...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 10 pdf
... British Patent 72 3 ,77 7 (ICI), British Patent 76 9, I16 (Hercules): US. Patent 2 ,72 2,340: US. Patent 2 ,72 2,492; U.S. Patent 2 ,72 2,4 87; US. Patent 2 ,72 2,493; US. Patent 2 ,72 2,520 (Hercules); ... 27 5 6 27 000 4300 - - - - 73 -75 H 406 - - -~ Torlon 2000, unfilled 1.41 13 500 93 - - - - 2.5 7 10 000 450 000 4900 282 0.28...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 11 doc
... Cellulose trinitrate Nitrogen content (%) 6 .76 % (theor.) 11. 11 (theor.) 10 .7- 1 1.1 11. 2-12.3 12.4-13.5 14.14 (theor.) Typical usage plastics, lacquers films, lacquers cordite It ... resistivity ( 111 25 1.1 0 .7 21 40 60 2000 80 10l6 130 35 1.16 0.6 24 50 85 2200 90 1Ol6 130 125 8 46 1.2 1.22 0.6 0.35 24 <2 1 75 55 2 75 6000...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 12 potx
... (19 47) 7. HULTLSCH, K., Chemie der Phenolhurze, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1950) 8. APLEY, M., Trans. Plast. Inst., Lond., 20, 7 (1952) 9. BROWN, w. I., Laminated Plastics, Plastics ... HARRIS, G. I., Br. Polym. J., 2, 270 (1 970 ) 15. IstmA, A. I., Modern Plastics International 87 (June 1998) Bibliography APLEY. M., Cast Resins, Plastics Institute...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 13 docx
... 170 - - Series 1. Poly(ethy1ene alkylenedioxy-4,4‘-dibenzoates) 5 150 100 - - 175 84 30 55 164 - - - - 6 170 170 155 181 240 90 47 52 57 1 67 160 - 7 10 - 135 ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 - 254 254 265 125 270 273 82 17 122 66 188 220 3 190 160 115 213 - - - - 29 - - - 150 T,,, (“C) for n = 4 220 188 32...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 14 pdf
... Kunstoffe, 70 , 690-4 (1980) KUNZE, w., Kunstoffe, 77 , 10 47- 9 (19 87) MOCKEL, J., KunstofSe, 80, 1 177 -80 (1990) Rubbers 78 5 (3) Quasi-prepolymer systems. (4) One-shot systems. ... Epoxide 201 pale straw liquid 1200 1.121 145 24 15 1.25 Unox Epoxide 206 water white liquid 7. 7 1.099 76 0.25 6 .75 0 .75 Unox Epoxide 2 07 white powder - 1.330 8...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 15 pptx
... Colour Wet heat resistance PH Premium 11-13 7- 8 0.5-0 .7 7. 0 -7. 2 0-50 0-50 A A First Stundurd 11-13 11-13 0 .7- 1.0 1.0-1.5 6.9 -7. 2 6.8 -7. 2 50-100 50-100 Dried casein in normally ... of new polymers of greater viscosity ( 375 - 475 cP) ( 37. 5- 47. 5 N s/m2) and generally easier handling qualities. Whilst patents (e.g. Ger. Pat. 19 27 776 ) describe polymeri...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
Plastics Materials 7 Episode 16 ppsx
... resins, 7, 24, 329, 369, 606, 74 4 -76 acyclic aliphatic, 76 6 -7 additives, 76 8 -72 applications, 77 2-6 curing of glycidyl ether resins, 75 1-61 cyclic aliphatic, 76 4-6 diluents, 76 8 -72 flexibilisers, ... 579 -80 Polyester foams, 79 2-3 Polyester-glass fibre laminates, 70 3 -70 7 Polyester resins, 694 -74 2 allyl resins, 70 8 -70 9 curing systems, 70 2 -70 4...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20
... .90 29 . 797 1 1.60 1.1 899 1.0571 .92 42 .92 42 .8264 1.80 1.1476 1.0 495 .95 13 .95 13 .8677 2.00 1.11 49 1.04 09 .96 70 .96 70 . 895 7 2.20 1. 090 4 1.0336 .97 68 .97 68 .91 54 2.50 1.06 49 1.0252 .98 55 .98 55 .93 58 3.00 ... .6 898 .6 898 .5688 1.20 1.2208 .98 51 .7 494 .7 494 .6262 1.25 1.2405 1.0168 . 792 9 . 792 9 .6701 1.30 1.2457 1.0358 .82 59 .82 59 .7053 1.40 1.2350 1.0536 ....
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 17:20