DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 9 pps

DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 9 pps

DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 9 pps

... 198 6, 199 0; Lindahl 199 3; Shen et al. 199 4; Wan g et al. 198 2). As a re- s ult, 5-meth y lc y tosines are deaminat ed two to four times more rapidl y tha n cytosines (E h r l ic h et a l . 199 0; ... cancers o f t h es k in (non-me l anoma), l un g ,an dl iver (Denissen k oe t al. 199 8a, 199 6; Pfeifer et al. 199 1; Tommasi et al. 199 7; To rnaletti and Pfeifer 199 4). T h ese experime...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20

33 135 0
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 2 ppsx

DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 2 ppsx

... Viegas-Pequignot E ( 199 9) C h romosome insta b i l ity an d immuno d e - cienc y s y ndrome caused b y mutations in a DNA meth y ltransferase g ene. Natur e 402:187–1 91 Y oder JA, Bestor TH ( 199 8) ... transcription f rom b ot h met hyl ate d an d unmet hyl ate d promot - ers in transient transfection assa y s(Fu j ita et al. 199 9). Four splicin g isoforms h ave b een d escri...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20

33 141 0
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 4 ppsx

DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 4 ppsx

... introduced DNA se g ments and is r espo nsible for transgene silencing (Kooter et al. 199 9; Kumpatla and Hal l 1 99 9; Meyer 199 9). Met h y l ation o f t h e fi rst untrans l ate d exon an d 5  -en d o f DNA ... triggere db y d ou bl e-stran d e d RNA. EMBO J 19 :5 19 4–5 201 Meyer P ( 199 5) DNA met h y l ation an d transgene si l encing in Petunia h y b ri d a. Curr To p Microb...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20

33 316 0
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 6 pps

DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 6 pps

... (Hung et a l . 199 9; Ly k oeta l . 2000; O k ano et a l . 199 8 b ; Tweedie et al. 199 9; Van den W y n g aert et al. 199 8; Yoder and Bestor 199 8). h Dnmt2 h as b een s h own to f ormatwo- d omain structure ... al. 198 8; Okan o et al. 199 8a, b; Van den W y n g aert et al. 199 8; Xie et al. 199 9; Yoder and Bestor 199 8). Genetic manipu l ation o f t h ese enzymes in mice h as d emonstra...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20

33 172 0
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 1 pptx

DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 1 pptx

... 199 9 ) . Mutations in Dnmt3 b in h umans cause so-ca ll e d ICF syn d rome, w h ere pericentric repeats are h ypomet h y l ate d (Hansen et a l. 1 99 9; O k ano et a l . 199 9; Xu et a l . 199 9). ... meth y lation durin g spermatogenesis h as b een propose d (O k ano et a l . 199 8; Ro b ertson et a l . 199 9; X ie et al. 199 9). Its localization in centromeric re g ions in ES cells (Bachm...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20

33 167 0
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 3 pptx

DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 3 pptx

... Kovari k et a l . 199 7), but it is found also in various non-s y mmetrical sequenc es (Me y er et al. 199 4; Oa k e l ey an d Jost 199 6; Gou b e l yeta l . 199 9; Pe l issier et a l . 199 9). Som e pl ant ... intriguing d etai l so f p l ant DNA m eth y lation and its biolo g ical consequences also in available reviews (Fedo- roff 199 5; M e y er 199 5; Richards 199 7; Dennis et al. 199...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20

33 291 0
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 5 pot

DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 5 pot

... wor kp rocee d e d (Doer fl e r 1 98 1, 198 3, 199 5, 199 6, 2000; Doerfler et al. 198 8, 2001) . T h e d iscovery o f 5-mC (Hotc hk iss 194 8) in eu k aryotic, particu l ar l yin mammalian, DNA has provoked a challen g in g search ... some5  - C A- 3  an d5  - C T-3  d inuc l eoti d es ( Tot h et al. 199 0).Evidence for the occurrenceof5-mC innon- 5  -CG -3  d in uc l eot...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20

33 151 0
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 7 docx

DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 7 docx

... met h y l ation o f pericentromeric satellite re g ions(Hansenetal. 199 9;Okano et al. 199 9; Xu et a l . 199 9 ) . Dnmt3 B −/ − k noc k -out mice d ie d uring t h e l ate em b ryonic stage an d th eem b r y os l ac k met hyl ation ... DNA- (cytosine-C5)-met h y l - trans f erase met h y l at es DNA processive l ywit hh ig h pre f erence f or h emimet h y - l ate d target sites. J...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20

33 263 0
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 8 pdf

DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 8 pdf

... fr om a ma- ternal methylation pattern to a paternal one was observed at th e H1 9 - I G F 2 i mprinted re g ion (Steenman et al. 199 4; Moulton et al. 199 4; Tani g uchi et al . 1 99 5; Maegawa ... trophoblast . Placenta 24:20 9 –218 E l-Maarri O (2004) SIRPH anal y sis: SNuPE with IP-RP-HPLCfor quantitativemeasure- ments of DNA meth y lation at specific CpG sites. Methods Mol Biol...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20

33 206 0
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 10 pot

DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 10 pot

... 7 6 Arabido p si s 78 , 81–85 , 87 , 89 91 , 9 4 96 , 9 9 Ara b i d opsis t h a l iana 6 8, 72, 79, 92 , 101 A RBP 35 a rc h egoniates 9 9 A RGONAUTE prote i n8 5 A TRX- h omo l ogy d omain 187, 19 2–1 94 a ut i sm 36 au xin 75 5-aza- 2  deox y c y tidine ... DNA 99 , 10 0 m obilit y of transposon 95 m utation 72 , 81 , 86 , 87 , 91 , 92 , 94 96 , 26 0 m utator tra...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20

30 233 0
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