DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 1 pptx
... 9 :11 77 11 87 C h urc h GM, Gi lb ert W (19 84) Genomic sequencing. Proc Nat l Aca d Sci USA 81: 19 91 1 99 5 Clark SJ, Harrison J, Paul CL, Frommer M (19 94) Hi g h sensitivit y mappin g of meth y- lated ... chromosomal allele s ( Sapienza 19 95; C h ai ll et et a l . 19 95). For one o f t h e micro d e l etion syn d rome s involvin g human chromosome 15 q1 1- 1 3, Prader-Labhart-Will...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20
... ompose d o f small g ene-rich re g ions intermixed with 5- to 200-kb blocks of repetitiv e DNA. The repetitive DNA blocks are usuall y meth y lated at 5 - CG -3 a n d5 - C NG-3 c ytosines in ... 2004). 2 Cytosine DNA Methylation 2 . 1 Chemical Specificit y 5-Meth y lc y tosine in plant DNA is mainl y located in s y mmetrical CG an d C NG se q uences (Gruen b au...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20
... comp l ex, w h ic h contains h istone d eacety l ases 1 an d 2 (J ones et al. 19 98; Nan et al. 19 98). An approximatel y 10 0-amino-acid-containin g tran- scriptiona l repression d omain (TRD) in t h emi ddl eo f t h e ... interacting d omain; C XX C ,Cys-ric hd omain ; ( E ) 1 2 , G l u repea t; ( GR ) 11 , G l y-Arg repeat; MBD , met h y l -CpG- b in d ing d omain ; Hh H-GPD,DN A...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 4 ppsx
... Genetics 16 5:835–84 8 L uo S, Preuss D (2003) Strand-biased DNA meth y lation associated with centromeri c re g ions in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 10 0 :11 133 11 138 L y k o F (20 01) DNA met h y l ation l earns ... met h y l ationinp l ants. Gene 74 :11 7 12 1 V anyus h in BF, Be l ozers k y AN, Ko k urina NA, Ka d irova DX (19 68) 5-Met h y l cytosine and 6-meth y laminopur...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 5 pot
... wor kp rocee d e d (Doer fl e r 1 9 81, 19 83, 19 95, 19 96, 2000; Doerfler et al. 19 88, 20 01) . T h e d iscovery o f 5-mC (Hotc hk iss 19 48) in eu k aryotic, particu l ar l yin mammalian, DNA has provoked a challen g in g search ... sensitivity (Be h n-Krappa et a l. 19 91) . 6. 2 M eth y lat i on Patterns i n Genet i call y Impr i nted Reg i ons of the Human Genome The Prader-W...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 6 pps
... silencin g HP1 ATRX Heteroc h romatin f ormatio n SUMO -1 N-termina l Sma ll u b iquitin-re l ate d protein Ubc9 N-terminal SUMO -1 E2 con j u g atin g enz y me PIAS1 N-terminal SUMO -1 E3 li g ase PIA S x α N-termina l SUMO -1 ... (20 01) The overex p ression of the adenovirus t y pe 12 pTP or E1A g ene facilitates Ad12 DNA replication in non- p ermissive BHK 21 hamster cells. J Viro...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 7 docx
... Ring 1 , 28759 Bremen, German y a. j eltsch@iu-bremen.de 1In t r oduct i o n 2 04 2Cata l ytic Mec h anism o f DNA- (Cytosine-C5)-MTases . 20 6 2 .1 Reaction Mec h anism o f DNA- (Cytosine-C5)-MTases ... Mammalian DNA MTase s 21 0 3 .1 Specificit y of Dnmt1 for Hemimeth y latedDNA 210 3 .2 CG and Non-CG Meth y lation b y Dnmt3AandDnmt3B 211 3 .3 Flankin g SequencePreferenceof...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 8 pdf
... Mol Bi o l4 : 11 1 12 8 Pau l in RP, Ho T, Ba l zer HJ, Ho ll i d ay R (19 98) Gene si l encing b y DNA met h y l ation an d d ua l in h eritance in C h inese h amster ovary ce ll s. Genetics 14 9 :10 81 10 88 238 O . ... Philadelphia, pp 11 33 11 51 C ui H, Niemitz EL, Ravenel JD, On y an g o P, Brandenbur g SA, Lobanenkov VV, Fein - ber g AP (20 01) Loss of imprintin g of insulin...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 9 pps
... Raton, pp 12 89 13 17 S aparbaev M, Laval J (19 98) 3,N4-Ethenoc y tosine, a hi g hl y muta g enic adduct, is a pri- mary su b strate f or Esc h eric h ia co l i d ou bl e-stran d e d uraci l -DNA g l ycosy l ase ... Aci d s Res 31: 22 61 22 71 Harris RS, Petersen-Mahrt SK, Neuber g er MS (2002) RNA editin g enz y me APOBEC 1 and some of its homolo g s can act as DNA mutato rs. Mol Ce...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20
DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 10 pot
... prote i n8 5 A TRX- h omo l ogy d omain 18 7, 19 2 1 94 a ut i sm 36 au xin 75 5-aza- 2 deox y c y tidine 18 7 5-aza-d C 18 7 5-azac y tidine 73, 19 1 base flippin g 208– 210 b enzo [ a ] pyrene 2 71 BER-coupled ... mou ld 98 smRN A 8 7 speci fi cit y – o fDnm t 12 1 0 – o fDnm t 2 21 2 – o fDnm t3 A 21 1 – o fDnm t3 B 21 1 s p erm 233, 235 s p erms 23 4 stimu l atio n –o f D...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 07:20