Báo cáo y học: " Effects of the K65R and K65R/M184V reverse transcriptase mutations in subtype C HIV on enzyme function and drug resistance" pps
... determination of specific activity and TFV susceptibility of recombinant subtype C and B HIV- 1 RTsFigure 1 Purification, determination of specific activity and TFV susceptibility of recombinant subtype ... not for citation purposes) Retrovirology Open Access Research Effects of the K65R and K65R/ M184V reverse transcriptase mutations in subtype C...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:21
... understanding of the genetics, pathophysiology and potential clinical use in management of RA. Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Authors' contributions LM, ... investigation of the SE through the contribution of SE single amino acids to RA susceptibility, taking into account both linkage and association data. This work re...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 08:22
... two identical α-1(I) chains and one α- 2(I) chain, with each α chain containing 1,014 amino acid res- idues. In mammals, CI is highly conserved, and there is a 92% homology at the amino acid level ... 13-acetate)/ionomycin activated T cells. (a) We detected interferon (IFN)-γ staining but no interleukin (IL)-4 staining. Mul- tiplex cytokine assay was used to analyse the cytokine pro...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 08:22
Báo cáo y học: "Intussusception of the small bowel secondary to malignant metastases in two 80-year-old people: a case series" potx
... breast cancer is the second most frequent malignant cause of intussusception in adults, demonstrating usually the histological type of lobular carcinoma and located in the colon and in the rectum ... surgeon on the first case. AK was the attending surgeon on the second case and author of the initial draft. NA assisted on the operation of the secon...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 00:23
Báo cáo y học: "Validity of the 32-item Hypomania Checklist (HCL-32) in a clinical sample with mood disorders in China" pps
... clinical con- siderations decided the final number of factors. The internal consistency of the HCL-32 was determined using Cronbach’s alpha. Spearman correlation analysis was performed on the current ... each factor. Internal consistency Internal consistency (Cronbach’salpha)oftheChinese version of the HCL-32 was 0.88 in patients with mood disorders (N =456).Cronbach’s alp...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 15:22
Báo cáo y học: "Reconstruction of the urethra with a Surgisis onlay patch in urethral reconstructive surgery: two case reports" pdf
... [1–2]. Every process affecting the urethral urothelium and the covered tissue of the cavernous body may induce scarring, which can cause urethral stricture. Internal urethrotomy using the Sachse technique ... interests. Abbreviations SIS, small intestinal submucosa. Consent Written informed consent was obtained from the patients for publication of these case reports and any...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:21
Báo cáo y học: " Characterization of the innate immune response to chronic aspiration in a novel rodent model" ppsx
... that chronic aspiration contributes to pulmonary injury, resulting in a variety of pulmonary pathologies. Based on the rodent model of chronic aspira- tion described herein, chronic aspiration can ... TGF-beta Cytokine response as a function of duration of gastric fluid aspirationFigure 8 Cytokine response as a function of duration of gastric fluid aspiration. Cytokine l...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:21
Báo cáo y học: " Optimization of the doxycycline-dependent simian immunodeficiency virus through in vitro evolution" docx
... +111 +121 . . . . . . . . . . . # day GGCAGAAA GAGCCATTGGAGGTTCTCTCCAGCACTAGCAGGAAGAGCATTGGTGTTCCCTGCTAGACTCTCACCAGCACTTGGCCGGTGCTGGGCAGAGTGACTCCACGC 1 72 G 104 G 153 T G 2 81 G ... vaccine virus upon vaccina- tion is due to the persistence of the virus and ongoing low- level replication. The error-prone viral replication machinery can facilitate the generation and...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo y học: "validation of the ERS standard citric acid cough challenge in healthy adult volunteers" pps
... received a single inhalation of each conc entration of citric acid; between each inhal ation was a 30 second interval. The cough response during the first 15 seconds of this interval was recorded. ... ml/s. Each volunteer received four inhalations of each concentration of citric acid; each of o ne second duration, between each inhalation was a 30 second interval. The cough r...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 10:20
Báo cáo y học: " Performance of the international physical activity questionnaire (short form) in subgroups of the Hong Kong chinese population" doc
... of activity, reducing the weight of occu- pational activity may improve the accuracy of IPAQ total MET score. Furthermore, separating physical activ- ity into occupational and leisure types could ... recall of their physical activity. The physical demands of the job may also influ- ence reporting accuracy. In addition, educational level may be associated with accuracy o...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20