Báo cáo khoa học: "A targeted extracorporeal therapy for endotoxemia: the time has come" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "A targeted extracorporeal therapy for endotoxemia: the time has come" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "A targeted extracorporeal therapy for endotoxemia: the time has come" doc

... However, polymyxin B has been bound and immobilized to polystyrene fibers and Commentary A targeted extracorporeal therapy for endotoxemia: the time has come John A Kellum The CRISMA Laboratory, ... Gram- negative sepsis [13]. However, the activity of these antibody therapies in endotoxemia has been questioned. Polymyxin B is an antibiotic that has high affinity for...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 03:21

2 194 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Terminological Simplification Transformation for Natural Language Question-Answering Systems" doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Terminological Simplification Transformation for Natural Language Question-Answering Systems" doc

... pre-existing concept, the system assigns the concept a new name which no other concept has, say PERSON-I. The outcome of the simplification of the whole FORALL is then just the much simpler expression: ... ENT-WI TH-D I ABET IC- MOTHER X) as in the preceding example. The role tightening phase This phase is quite simple. After the contraction phase has been run on...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20

6 299 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " A fast radiotherapy paradigm for anal cancer with volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT)" ppsx

Báo cáo khoa học: " A fast radiotherapy paradigm for anal cancer with volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT)" ppsx

... data on the same calculation basis as for the other systems. IMRT Corvus DD has the worst homogeneity and less conform- ity. Best anterior OAR sparing is performed by IMRT Hyperion. For DVH generation ... rotational modulated therapy may be another approach to improve these parameters [11,12]. Volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) is based on the intensity modulated arc t...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 10:20

11 333 0
báo cáo khoa học: " High-dose steroid therapy for idiopathic optic perineuritis: a case series" doc

báo cáo khoa học: " High-dose steroid therapy for idiopathic optic perineuritis: a case series" doc

... steroid pulse therapy. This axial image (c) shows persistence of the high signal intensity area around the right optic nerve and moderate swelling of the right extraocular muscles. The extraocular ... the fixation point. This case series had the following limitation. The best diagnostic sequence for optic perineuritis is post-con- trast fat-suppressed T1-weighted images. On o...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 02:22

4 273 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A systems biology approach for the analysis of carbohydrate dynamics during acclimation to low temperature in Arabidopsis thaliana doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A systems biology approach for the analysis of carbohydrate dynamics during acclimation to low temperature in Arabidopsis thaliana doc

... influenced the process of photosynthesis, gas exchange of plants was measured by infrared gas anal- ysis. Measurements were performed during the first 8 h of the light phase, representing the time period ... experiment 2 for hexoses (black) and sucrose (grey). Doc. S1a. Model structure of C24. Doc. S1b. sbml format of model structure of C24. Doc. S2a. Model structure of Rsch. Do...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 22:20

13 708 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A role of miR-27 in the regulation of adipogenesis ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A role of miR-27 in the regulation of adipogenesis ppt

... subjected to the IDM treatment for 2 days before being transfected with the indicated miRNA or left untransfected (Untreated). Whole-cell lysates were prepared at the indicated time points for western ... in their thermal dissociation curve: for C ⁄ EBPa (NM_007678), for- ward primer 5¢-CGCAA GAGCC GAGATA AAGC-3¢, and reverse primer 5¢-CGGTC ATTGT CACTG GTCAA CT-3¢; for C ⁄...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 08:20

11 850 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A knowledge-based potential function predicts the specificity and relative binding energy of RNA-binding proteins ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A knowledge-based potential function predicts the specificity and relative binding energy of RNA-binding proteins ppt

... reported in the literature. Then the distance-dependent potential scores for these structures were compared with the known binding con- stants for each mutation. Unfortunately, when all of the MS2 ... on the presence or absence of a cytosine at position )5 in the RNA. A likely explanation for the importance of the )5 cytosine mutation is offered by the observation that...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 16:20

14 736 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A genetic screen identifies mutations in the yeastWAR1 gene, linking transcription factor phosphorylation to weak-acid stress adaptation docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A genetic screen identifies mutations in the yeastWAR1 gene, linking transcription factor phosphorylation to weak-acid stress adaptation docx

... variants. However, their hyperactivity is suppressed by the pres- ence of the additional R764D deletion in War1-42p. Furthermore, we tested the strains expressing the mutant War1p variants for their ability ... (Fig. 3D). These modifications either directly influence the DNA-binding capability or are necessary for the interaction with another as yet unknown cofactor that would f...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 00:20

14 627 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A functional polymorphism of apolipoprotein C1 detected by mass spectrometry docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A functional polymorphism of apolipoprotein C1 detected by mass spectrometry docx

... All ions from the N-terminus were 14 amu lower for the m ⁄ z ¼ 865.465 peptide, whereas all ions from the C-terminus as well internal ions were identical for the two peptides. Detection of the same ... of the profile from a person who displayed a commonly observed double peak for TTr. The m ⁄ z values and suggested protein identities are: 13762, the common form of TTr; 13...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 05:20

9 530 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A FYVE-containing unusual cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase from Trypanosoma cruzi docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A FYVE-containing unusual cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase from Trypanosoma cruzi docx

... to the struc- ture that was determined for EEA1 [26]. To explore if these regions are indeed essential for stabilizing the FYVE domain in the dimeric state, the FYVE domain was expressed either ... directs the expression of the genuine protein, while the other adds an N-terminal hemagglutinin-tag to facilitate detection of the recombinant proteins. Transformation of the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 07:20

11 480 0