Speech recognition using neural networks - Chapter 1 pot

Speech recognition using neural networks - Chapter 1 pot

Speech recognition using neural networks - Chapter 1 pot

... volumes, and so on, x Speech Recognition using Neural Networks Joe Tebelskis May 19 95 CMU-CS-9 5 -1 42 School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15 21 3-3 890 Submitted ... up to large speech recogni- tion tasks. This thesis demonstrates that neural networks can indeed form the basis for a general pur- pose speech recognition sys...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:21

17 473 1
Speech recognition using neural networks - Chapter 3 potx

Speech recognition using neural networks - Chapter 3 potx

... and w 2 , then we move w 1 toward x, and w 2 away from x: (34) 3.3 .1. 2. Recurrent Networks Hopfield (19 82) studied neural networks that implement a kind of content-addressable associative memory. ... x j p ( ) 1 1 e x j p – + = = y j p σ x j p ( ) = E 1 2 = y j t j –( ) 2 j ∑ E t j y j log( ) 1 t j –( ) 1 y j –( )log+ j ∑ –= E 1 t j y j –( ) 2 –( )log j ∑ –= E f d( )=...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:21

24 404 0
Speech recognition using neural networks - Chapter 8 potx

Speech recognition using neural networks - Chapter 8 potx

... discussed in Chapter 7 were developed on this database, and were never applied to the Conference Registration database. perplexity test on training set System 7 11 1 402(a) 402(b) 11 1 HMM -1 55% HMM-5 96% ... 11 1 HMM -1 55% HMM-5 96% 71% 58% 76% HMM -1 0 97% 75% 66% 82% LPNN 97% 60% 41% HCNN 75% LVQ 98% 84% 74% 61% 83% TDNN 98% 78% 72% 64% MS-TDNN 98% 82% 81% 70% 85% Table 8 .1: Com...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:21

4 178 0
Speech recognition using neural networks - Chapter 2 docx

Speech recognition using neural networks - Chapter 2 docx

... cell. y 1 T y 1 t α j t( ) α i t 1 ( ) a ij b j y t ( ) i ∑ = α j (t) t -1 t α i (t -1 ) . . . . a ij b j (y t ) i j y 1 T y 1 3 A: 0.2 B: 0.8 A: 0.7 B: 0.3 0.4 0.6 1. 0 1. 0 .17 64 j=0 j =1 t=0 .42 ... taken, from time 1 to T: Figure 2 .12 : The backward pass recursion. y 1 t y t 1+ T β j t( ) a jk b k y t 1+ ( ) β k t 1+ ( ) k ∑ = t +1 β k (t +1) β j (t) t . . . ....

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:21

18 388 0
Speech recognition using neural networks - Chapter 4 pps

Speech recognition using neural networks - Chapter 4 pps

... x( )⋅= 51 4. Related Research 4 .1. Early Neural Network Approaches Because speech recognition is basically a pattern recognition problem, and because neural networks are good at pattern recognition, ... by a simple HMM-based recog- nizer. Figure 4.3: Time Delay Neural Network. Integration Speech input Phoneme output B D G B D G 4.3. NN-HMM Hybrids 63 and neural networks...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:21

21 324 0
Speech recognition using neural networks - Chapter 5 doc

Speech recognition using neural networks - Chapter 5 doc

... was developed in conjunction with the Janus Speech- to -Speech Translation system at CMU (Waibel et al 19 91, Osterholtz et al 19 92, Woszczyna et al 19 94). While a full discussion of Janus is beyond ... no English. Janus performs speech trans- lation by integrating three modules — speech recognition, text translation, and speech gen- eration — into a single end-to-end system. Ea...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:21

4 337 0
Speech recognition using neural networks - Chapter 6 pps

Speech recognition using neural networks - Chapter 6 pps

... 20/20 (10 0%) 229/229 (10 0%) 3 50/50 (10 0%) 20/20 (10 0%) 229/229 (10 0%) 924 1 106 /11 8 (90%) 55/60 (92%) 855/900 (95%) 2 11 6 /11 8 (98%) 58/60 (97%) 886/900 (98%) 3 11 7 /11 8 (99%) 60/60 (10 0%) 8 91/ 900 ... later in this chapter. P X 1 T Q 1 T , ( ) P X p 1+ T Q p 1+ T , X 1 p Q 1 p , ( )≈ p ε x t F k t X t p– t 1 θ k t ,( )– λ k t ( ) p q t q t 1 ( )⋅ t p 1+ =...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:21

23 279 0
Speech recognition using neural networks - Chapter 7 pdf

Speech recognition using neural networks - Chapter 7 pdf

... labeling. Figure 7 .14 : A 3-state phoneme model outperforms a 1- state phoneme model. 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 10 0 word accuracy (%) 0 1 2 3 4 5 epochs 1- state vs 3-state models 1 state per phoneme 1 3 states ... 0.25 learnRate *= 0.5 learnRate *= 1. 0 learnRate *= 2.0+ .00 01 .00 01 .00 01 .0003 .0 010 .0090 .0030 .00 21 .0 015 .0 010 .0007 .0005 7.4. Word Level Tra...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:21

45 323 0
Speech recognition using neural networks - Chapter 9 pptx

Speech recognition using neural networks - Chapter 9 pptx

... 10 , 24, 26, 11 6, 11 8, 14 4, 15 3 -1 55 learning 4, 27 learning rate 35, 45, 47, 12 1- 1 27, 14 4, 15 3 constant 12 1, 12 6 geometric 12 2, 12 4, 12 6 asymptotic 12 5, 12 6 search 12 2 12 7, 14 4, 15 0, 15 3 factors ... 16 , 61, 80, 94, 13 8 -1 43 recognition 1 4 -1 9, 5 5-5 6, 61, 8 4-6 , 13 8, 14 3 -1 44, 14 8 -1 49 spotting 6 9-7 1 transition pen...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:21

30 277 0
speech recognition using neural networks

speech recognition using neural networks

... cell. y 1 T y 1 t α j t( ) α i t 1 ( ) a ij b j y t ( ) i ∑ = α j (t) t -1 t α i (t -1 ) . . . . a ij b j (y t ) i j y 1 T y 1 3 A: 0.2 B: 0.8 A: 0.7 B: 0.3 0.4 0.6 1. 0 1. 0 .17 64 j=0 j =1 t=0 .42 ... taken, from time 1 to T: Figure 2 .12 : The backward pass recursion. y 1 t y t 1+ T β j t( ) a jk b k y t 1+ ( ) β k t 1+ ( ) k ∑ = t +1 β k (t +1) β j (t) t . . . ....

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 10:18

190 422 0