Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 7 pdf

Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 7 pdf

Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 7 pdf

... 1. 178 0.50 0.5084 1.009 0.4954 0.9 47 0.5286 0.618 0.5232 0 .74 4 0.4965 0. 572 0.4995 0 .70 9 Chapter 7 Obtaining and Preparing Samples for Analysis 2 27 1400-CH 07 9/8/99 4:04 PM Page 2 27 Figure 7. 27 Plot ... 0 080 26 7 27 22 2 n s ==≈ (. )(.) (. ) . 2 075 2 0 080 26 9 27 22 2 n s == (. )(.) (. ) 196 20 080 24 22 2 n ts e s s = 22 2 µ= ±X ts n s s 1400-CH 07 9/8/99 4:0...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

53 232 1
Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 9 pdf

Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 9 pdf

... 1.34 15.50 7. 75 15.40 17. 2 15.55 6.50 15.60 8.40 15.60 24.0 15.65 8.90 15 .70 9.29 15 .70 –11.0 15 .75 7. 80 15.80 10. 07 15.83 –32.8 15.90 2.90 16.00 10.65 16.20 –3.68 16.50 0.690 17. 00 11.34 17. 00 –0.400 17. 50 ... mixture. *See Chapter 11 for a further discussion of ion-selective electrodes. 1400-CH09 9/9/99 2:13 PM Page 322 Figure 9.4 Volumetric buret showing a portion of its g...

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95 307 1
Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 12 pdf

Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 12 pdf

... [. . . A] [I] == 069 011 63 Chapter 12 Chromatographic and Electrophoretic Methods 545 0.83 0. 17 0.33 0.83 0.33 0. 67 0 1 0 AI AI AI AI 0. 97 0.55 AI 1 0 0. 17 0 0. 67 0.14 0.03 0.22 0.14 0.22 0.45 Extract Extract Separate Separate Add ... resolved on a particular column (n c ). 1400-CH12 9/8/99 4:28 PM Page 554 544 Modern Analytical Chemistry 12A Overview of Analytical Separat...

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Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 1 pps

Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 1 pps

... to Collect 1 87 7B.4 How Many Samples to Collect 191 7B.5 Minimizing the Overall Variance 192 7C Implementing the Sampling Plan 193 7C.1 Solutions 193 7C.2 Gases 195 7C.3 Solids 196 7D Separating ... Equilibrium Chemistry 175 6K Key Terms 175 6L Summary 175 6M Suggested Experiments 176 6N Problems 176 6O Suggested Readings 178 6P References 178 1400-Fm 9/9/99 7: 38 AM Page v 12B.5 Pe...

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26 237 0
Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 2 docx

Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 2 docx

... 4 .73 7 10 mol Fe 1 mol C mol Fe = 2.369 10 mol C –4 3+ 2 3+ –4 2 ×× × HO HO 24 24 2 0 0130 0 03644 . . mol Fe L L = 4 .73 7 10 Fe 3+ –4 3+ ××mol 1400-CH02 9/8/99 3:48 PM Page 21 32 Modern Analytical ... 31) equivalent (p. 17) equivalent weight (p. 17) formality (p. 15) formula weight (p. 17) meniscus (p. 29) molality (p. 18) molarity (p. 15) 1400-CH02 9/8/99 3:48 PM Page 32 22...

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24 428 0
Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 3 ppsx

Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 3 ppsx

... evaluating analytical methods may be found in Wilson, A. L. “The Performance-Characteristics of Analytical Methods,” Part I-Talanta, 1 970 , 17, 21–29; Part II-Talanta, 1 970 , 17, 31–44; Part III-Talanta, ... Part III-Talanta, 1 973 , 20, 72 5 73 2; Part IV- Talanta, 1 974 , 21, 1109–1121. Several texts provide numerous examples of analytical procedures for specific analytes in well-d...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

18 414 1
Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 4 doc

Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 4 doc

... 16.883 16.8 87 16. 977 16.8 57 16 .72 8 Calculate the mean, the standard deviation, and the 95% confidence interval about the mean. What does this confidence interval mean? 17. Ketkar and co-workers ... Winefordner, J. D. Anal. Chem. 1983, 55, 71 2A 72 4A. 4 M REFERENCES 1400-CH04 9/8/99 3:55 PM Page 102 Chapter 4 Evaluating Analytical Data 57 s r == 0 051 3 1 17 0 016 . . . The re...

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51 227 0
Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 5 ppt

Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 5 ppt

... (µA) 0.000 2.53 2.50 2 .70 2.63 2 .70 2.80 2.52 0.3 87 8.42 7. 96 8.54 8.18 7. 70 8.34 7. 98 1.851 29.65 28 .70 29.05 28.30 29.20 29.95 28.95 5 .73 4 84.8 85.6 86.0 85.2 84.2 86.4 87. 8 Determine the standardization ... 2.8339 0.2834 35.0 270 0.0283 3.50 27 0.200 24.83 0.2313 0.0463 5 .74 32 0.0093 1.1486 0.300 35.91 0.0 671 0.0201 2.4096 0.0060 0 .72 29 0.400 48 .79 0.0234 0.0094 1.14 1...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

31 387 0
Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 6 pot

Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 6 pot

... OH ==× ==× ==× ==× + + + + + [][]. [( )] [][ ] . [][] [] . [][]. –– – – –– 83 10 17 10 175 10 100 10 17 2 3 2 3 2 7 4 3 5 3 14 β 166 Modern Analytical Chemistry 1400-CH06 9/9/99 7: 41 AM Page 166 6G. 3 Systematic Approach to ... reaction between a metal, M, and a ligand, L M(aq)+L(aq) t ML(aq) Chapter 6 Equilibrium Chemistry 177 1400-CH06 9/9/99 7: 41 AM Page 177 Chapte...

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44 252 0
Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 8 pot

Modern Analytical Cheymistry - Chapter 8 pot

... MoO 3 0. 077 0 30 0.20 0.9 0.0 675 0. 077 0 30 0.30 0.9 0.1014 0. 077 0 30 0.35 0.9 0.1140 0. 077 0 30 0.42 0.9 0.1155 0. 077 0 30 0.42 0.3 0.1150 0. 077 0 30 0.42 18.0 0.1152 0. 077 0 30 0.42 48.0 0.1160 0. 077 0 ... standards. [thiourea] (M) ∆f (Hz) 3.00 × 10 7 74.6 5.00 × 10 7 120 7. 00 × 10 7 159 9.00 × 10 7 205 15.00 × 10 7 3 27 25.00 × 10 7 543 35.00 × 10 7 789 50.00 ×...

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41 281 0