Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 9 potx

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 9 potx

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 9 potx

... Table 9. 6.1 for the C-band and X-band waveguides, WR-1 59 and WR -9 0 .  Example 9. 8.2: WR-1 59 Waveguide. Consider the C-band WR-1 59 air-filled waveguide whose characteristics were listed in Table 9. 6.1. ... microwave band. name a b f c f min f max band P α WR-510 5.10 2.55 1.16 1.45 2.20 L 9MW 0.007 WR-284 2.84 1 .34 2.08 2.60 3 .95 S 2.7 MW 0.0 19 WR-1 59 1. 59 0. 795 3.7...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

18 320 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 2 potx

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 2 potx

... forward-moving) E (z)= A( ˆ x +j ˆ y)e −jkz (left-polarized, forward-moving) E (z)= A( ˆ x −j ˆ y )e jkz (left-polarized, backward-moving) E (z)= A( ˆ x +j ˆ y )e jkz (right-polarized, backward-moving) If A ... still a right-handed vector system, but {E 0 , H 0 , k} will be a left-handed system. This is the reason why Veselago [376] named such media left-handed media. † In a lossy negative-in...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

23 489 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 6 potx

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 6 potx

... Structures r= -0 .1000 -0 .2000 -0 .4000 0.5000 A= 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 -0 .1000 -0 .1200 -0 .2000 0 -0 .0640 -0 .1000 0 0 -0 .0500000 B= -0 .1000 -0 .2000 -0 .4000 0.5000 -0 .1880 -0 .3600 0.5000 0 -0 .3500 0.5000 ... we have Γ 1 =−0 .99 99 and |Γ 1 | 2 = 99 .98 percent. If the substrate is glass with n b = 1.52, the reflectances change...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

28 385 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 7 potx

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 7 potx

... as p-polarization, π-polarization, or TM po- larization, the electric fields lie on the plane of incidence and the magnetic fields are Fig. 7.1.1 Oblique incidence for TM- and TE-polarized waves. 7.1. ... −71.9j = 9. 73 −3.69j, and for 100 MHz, n  =  81 −719j = 20.06 −17 .92 j.  In computing the complex square roots in Eq. (7 .9. 6), MATLAB usually gets the right answer, that is, β...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

31 317 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 13 potx

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 13 potx

... 13.5.1: The Hewlett-Packard AT-41511 NPN bipolar transistor has the following S- parameters at 1 GHz and 2 GHz [1355]: S 11 = 0.48∠−1 49 o ,S 21 = 5.1 89 89 o ,S 12 = 0.073∠43 o ,S 22 = 0. 49 − 39 o S 11 = ... are necessary and sufficient for unconditional stability [99 2]: K>1 and |Δ| < 1 K>1 and B 1 > 0 K>1 and B 2 > 0 K>1 and |S 12 S 21 | < 1 −|S 11 |...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

23 317 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 23 potx

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 23 potx

... length dualband - two-section dual-band Chebyshev impedance transformer dualbw - two-section dual-band transformer bandwidths stub1 - single-stub matching stub2 - double-stub matching stub3 - triple-stub ... and W-P. Huang, “Coupled-Mode Theory,” Proc. IEEE, 79, 1505 ( 199 1). [93 8] W-P. Huang, “Coupled-Mode Theory for Optical Waveguides: An Overview,” J. Opt. Soc. Am....

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

48 210 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 1 pps

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 1 pps

... losses) (1 .9. 6) where J tot = J + jωD is the total current in the right-hand side of Amp ` ere’s law and accounts for both conducting and dielectric losses. The time-averaged version of Poynt- ing’s ... following formula [147], where λ and λ i are in units of μm: n 2 = 1 + 0. 696 1663 λ 2 λ 2 −(0.0684043) 2 + 0.40 794 26 λ 2 λ 2 −(0.1162414) 2 + 0. 897 4 794 λ 2 λ 2 − (9. 896 161) 2 (...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

18 287 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 3 ppt

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 3 ppt

... Re(n g ) Fig. 3 .9. 1 Slow, fast, and negative group velocities (at off resonance). Fig. 3 .9. 1 plots n(ω)= n r (ω)−jn i (ω) and Re  n g (ω)  versus ω, evaluated us- ing Eqs. (3 .9. 3) and (3 .9. 4), with ... quadrature weights and points h = - wp^2 * tf * J1over(wp*sqrt(x.^2 - tf^2)) .* exp(j*w0*(t(i)-x)); Ez(i) = exp(j*w0*(t(i)-tf)) + w’*h; % exact output Es(i) = exp(j*w0...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

25 205 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 4 pdf

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 4 pdf

... have a 1 = 1 and a 2 = 0, correspond- ing to α 1 = 0 and α 2 =∞. Typical values of the attenuations for commercially available polaroids are of the order of a 1 = 0 .9 and a 2 = 10 −2 ,or0 .9 dB and 40 ... appropriate linear combinations. For example, we define the right-polarized (forward-moving) and left-polarized (backward- moving) waves for the {E + ,H + } case: E R+ = 1 2 ...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

11 338 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 5 ppt

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 5 ppt

... both layers are half-wave, (c) layer-1 is quarter- and layer-2 half-wave, and (d) layer-1 is half- and layer-2 quarter-wave. Show that the reflection coefficient at interface-1 is given by the following ... (5.2.3) and (5.2.4). 5.3. Reflected and Transmitted Power 1 59 5.3 Reflected and Transmitted Power For waves propagating in the z-direction, the time-averaged Poynting vector ha...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

17 408 0