Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming phần 6 potx

Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming phần 6 potx

Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming phần 6 potx

... ( int i= 0; i < len; i++) Sum += pItem[i]; return Sum / len; } 266 Chapter 10 15_ 762 935 ch10.qxp 11/20/ 06 7:57 AM Page 266 XmlNodeReader reader = new XmlNodeReader(doc); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.ReadXml(reader); reader.Close(); dt1 ... WEDNESDAY 3 #define THURSDAY 4 #define FRIDAY 5 #define SATURDAY 6 265 Platform Invoke 15_ 762 935 ch10.qxp 11/20/ 06 7:57 AM Page 265 pSt...

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Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming phần 2 potx

Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming phần 2 potx

... upper-left cor- ner of the control. Figure 4 -6 shows this simple UI interface. Figure 4-5 69 User Interface and Input 09_ 762 935 ch04.qxp 11/20/ 06 7:54 AM Page 69 The MSDN library is also a must-have ... 41 Developing Your First Smartphone Application 08_ 762 935 ch03.qxp 11/20/ 06 7:54 AM Page 41 Part II Smartphone Application Development Chapter 3: Developing Your First Smar...

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wrox professional microsoft smartphone programming phần 10 ppsx

wrox professional microsoft smartphone programming phần 10 ppsx

... 364 – 366 culture codes, 364 – 365 CultureInfo class, 365 – 366 CurrentCulture class, 365 – 366 CurrentUICulture class, 365 – 366 definition, 363 MUI (Multilingual Language Interface), 365 – 366 new features, 437 world-ready ... namespace, 455–4 56 System.XML namespace, importing, 234–235 T T9 input mode, 97–97 tab order, controls, 47, 66 69 TabIndex property, 66 69 tables adding...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

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Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 6 potx

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 6 potx

... pipeline.Error.Read() as ErrorRecord; if (thisError != null) { } } 173 Kumaravel c 06. tex V2 - 01/07/2008 11:30am Page 166 Chapter 6: Hosting the PowerShell Engine in Applications The engine’s public API ... a RunspaceConfiguration ,oraconsolefile. RunspaceConfiguration and console files are 166 Kumaravel c 06. tex V2 - 01/07/2008 11:30am Page 177 Chapter 6: Hosting the PowerShell Engine...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

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Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming phần 1 doc

Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming phần 1 doc

... a smartphone application. GUI design is discussed in more detail in Chapter 4. 6 Chapter 1 05_ 762 935 ch01.qxp 11/20/ 06 7:50 AM Page 6 04_ 762 935 pt01.qxp 11/20/ 06 7:50 AM Page 2 Professional Microsoft ® Smartphone ... xxi Professional Microsoft ® Smartphone Programming 01_ 762 935 ffirs.qxp 11/20/ 06 7:48 AM Page i xiv Contents TCP Servers and Clients 1 76 The IPE...

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Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming phần 3 ppsx

Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming phần 3 ppsx

... Issues Traditionally, Smartphone devices have a resolution of 1 76 × 220 pixels and a DPI (dots per inch) value of 96. With the advances of display technology, QVGA (Quarter VGA) mode is now available in newer Smartphone ... screen is saved. Duplicates should be removed from the back stack. 86 Chapter 4 09_ 762 935 ch04.qxp 11/20/ 06 7:54 AM Page 86 this.tbList.Add((TextBox)aTxtbox)...

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53 285 0
Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming phần 4 docx

Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming phần 4 docx

... the server, and 182 Chapter 7 12_ 762 935 ch07.qxp 11/20/ 06 7: 56 AM Page 182 Figure 6- 32 Figure 6- 33 1 56 Chapter 6 11_ 762 935 ch 06. qxp 11/20/ 06 7: 56 AM Page 1 56 ❑ IPAddress.Loopback — ❑ ... Server Mobile 11_ 762 935 ch 06. qxp 11/29/ 06 3:24 PM Page 135 Figure 6- 19 Figure 6- 20 149 Data Access with SQL Server Mobile 11_ 762 935 ch 06. qxp 11/20/ 06 7: 56 AM...

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Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming phần 5 pdf

Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming phần 5 pdf

... ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } finally { ns.Close(); client.Close(); 1 86 Chapter 7 12_ 762 935 ch07.qxp 11/20/ 06 7: 56 AM Page 1 86 Figure 8-17 Figure 8-18 225 E-mail, SMS, and PIM Data 13_ 762 935 ch08.qxp 11/20/ 06 8:24 AM Page 225 Because ... phone number 1- 866 -4 36- 5702 and vote for the number 2 contestant of American Idol: OutlookSession aSession = new OutlookSession()...

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Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming phần 7 ppt

Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming phần 7 ppt

... vary over multiple runs. Joe acquired 8783 86 John acquired 878385 Joe acquired 878387 Joe is eating 303 Exception Handling and Debugging 16_ 762 935 ch11.qxp 11/20/ 06 7:58 AM Page 303 John acquired 878387 John ... key value and the IV are missing, a random number will be used to 3 36 Chapter 13 19_ 762 935 ch13.qxp 11/20/ 06 7:59 AM Page 3 36 some drama to the stories of mobile threat...

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Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming phần 8 docx

Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming phần 8 docx

... rec- ommended that you edit the resource file using the XML format. 366 Chapter 14 20_ 762 935 ch14.qxp 11/20/ 06 7:59 AM Page 366 To write an ASP.NET web services application that requires a SOAP ... (string name, bool useUserOverride) 365 Globalization and Localization 20_ 762 935 ch14.qxp 11/20/ 06 7:59 AM Page 365 [WebService(Namespace = “http://192. 168 .0.88/webServices”)] [WebS...

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