The C# Programming Language phần 3 pot
... header that specifies the attributes and modifiers of the class, the name of the class, the base class (if any), and the interfaces implemented by the class. The header is followed by the class body, which ... 20 03 7 :35 PM 1 .3 Types and Variables 9 1. Introduction C# programs use type declarations to create new types. A type declaration specifies the name and the mem...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:23
... body of the loop as long as one of the two numbers is not EOS . The if statement compares the two numbers, outputs the smaller, and receives the next number in the stream from which the smaller ... details about the implementation of the barrier in the Barrier class. The Barrier class should make public a single method that the workers call when they arrive at the...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 13:22
... describe each of the other capabilities. 3. 2 Show the output from program Simple in Section 3. 3 given the following method declarations: EXTENSIONS FOR CONCURRENCY This part of the text introduces ... in their critical sections at the same time. Consider the values taken on by the turn variables in the Bakery2 pro- gram. Are these values bounded or can they become arbitrar...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 13:22
... in the subclass is routed through the method associated with the ProcOp to determine whether or not the invocation will be passed on to a Worker object. If the invocation is not rejected by the ... class and invokes the operation foo on these instances. 13. 3 Starting with the code in Section 13. 2, create a centralized server program and a decentralized server program. Meas...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 13:22
... strips the tours should go from the top to the bottom; in even-numbered strips they should go from the bottom to the top. Once tours have been found for all strips, they are connected together. 17. 13 Write ... communicate with each other. The main class and the results class are identical to those in the previous solution. See the previous sections for their code. As in t...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 13:22
The C# Programming Language phần 1 ppt
... PM Contents vi 3 Basic Concepts 73 3. 1 Application Startup 73 3. 2 Application Termination 74 3. 3 Declarations 75 3. 4 Members 77 3. 5 Member Access 79 3. 6 Signatures ... Assignment 533 21.9 Method Group Conversions 534 21.10 Implementation Example 535 Page x Friday, October 10, 20 03 7 :35 PM Contents ix 14 Enums 39 3 14.1 Enum Declaration...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:23
The C# Programming Language phần 2 pptx
... 127 16 short 32 ,768 32 ,767 32 int –2,147,4 83, 648 2,147,4 83, 647 64 long –9,2 23, 372, 036 ,854,775,808 9,2 23, 372, 036 ,854,775,807 Category Description Page 8 Friday, October 10, 20 03 7 :35 PM ... and the development of a second version of the language with several major new features is close to completion. This book is a complete technical specification of...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:23
The C# Programming Language phần 4 pdf
... access the member. There are five possible forms of accessibility. These are summarized in the following table. Member Description Constants The constant values associated with the class Fields The ... of the class in the same way as an array Events The notifications that can be generated by the class Operators The conversions and expression operators supported by the cl...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:23
The C# Programming Language phần 5 pps
... called the elements of the array, are all of the same type, and this type is called the element type of the array. Page 35 Friday, October 10, 20 03 7 :35 PM 1.9 Interfaces 37 1. ... dynamically at runtime using the new operator. The new operation specifies the length of the new array instance, which is then fixed for the lifetime of the instance. The...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:23