... not equal to set2 set1 contains 10 set2 does not contain 10 set1 after adding 4 and removing 10: { 3 1 5 4 } set1 intersect set2: { 3 5 } set1 union set : { 12 3 5 20 0 } The print method uses ... alloc] init]; NSMutableSet *set1 = [NSMutableSet setWithObjects: INTOBJ(1), INTOBJ(3), INTOBJ(5), INTOBJ( 10) , nil]; NSSet *set2 = [NSSet setWithObjects: INTOBJ(-5), INTOBJ( 100 ), INTOBJ(3)...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:22
... located in the \chapter 12\ ArrayMapTest folder. #include “allegro.h” //define some convenient constants #define MODE GFX_AUTODETECT_FULLSCREEN #define WIDTH 6 40 #define HEIGHT 4 80 #define STEP ... values! #define TILEW 32 #define TILEH 32 / / 20 columns across is the default for a bitmap //file exported by Mappy #define COLS 20 //make sure this exactly describes your map data #defi...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:20
Programming in Objective-C 2.0 edition phần 6 potx
... copied.” 2 ; char string2[ 50] ; copyString (string2, string1); NSLog (@”%s”, string2); copyString (string2, “So is this.”); NSLog (@”%s”, string2); [pool drain]; return 0; } Program 13.13 Output A string ... [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSString *str = @ Programming is fun”; NSLog (@”%@”, str); [pool drain]; return 0; } Program 15 .2 Output Programming is fun In the line NSS...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:22
How to Do Everything with Web 2.0 Mashups phần 7 potx
... Description Committee Identification 1–9 9s Committee Name 10 99 9s City or Town 20 6 22 3 18s State 22 4 22 5 2s ZIP Code 22 6 23 0 5s TABLE 13 -2 Committee Data Description 13 Simpo PDF Merge and Split ... (@var1) set committee_ID=substring(@var1, 1, 9), name=substring(@var1, 10, 9), city=substring(@var1, 20 6, 18), state=substring(@var1, 22 4, 2) , zip=substring(@var1, 22 6...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:21
Programming in Objective-C 2.0 edition phần 1 ppt
... Reference David Beazley ISBN-13: 978 -0- 6 72 - 328 62- 6 Programming in Objective-C Stephen G. Kochan ISBN-13: 978 -0- 321 -56615 -7 PostgreSQL Korry Douglas ISBN-13: 978 -0- 6 72 - 3 301 5-5 Developer’s Library books ... Development Luke Welling & Laura Thomson ISBN 978 -0- 6 72 - 329 16-6 MySQL Paul DuBois ISBN-13: 978 -0- 6 72 - 329 38-8 Linux Kernel Development Robert Love ISB...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:22
Programming in Objective-C 2.0 edition phần 2 docx
... are dealing with a short int size of 16 bits: w1 00 00 000 0 00 01 01 01 0x15 w2 00 00 000 0 00 00 1 100 & 0x0c ——————————————————————————————————— w3 00 00 000 0 00 00 0 100 0x04 Bitwise ANDing is frequently ... + 12 98.6F 98.7U 177 77s 09 96 -12E- 12 07 77 7 123 4uL 1.2Fe -7 15 ,00 0 1 .23 4L 197u 100 U 0XABCDEFL 0xabcu + 123 2. Write a program that converts 27 °...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:22
Programming in Objective-C 2.0 edition phần 4 pot
... = 5, h = 8 Origin at ( 100 , 20 0) Area = 40, Perimeter = 26 Inside the main routine, you allocated and initialized a rectangle identified as myRect and a point called myPoint. Using the setX:andY: ... 50] ; NSLog (@”Origin at (%i, %i)”, myRect.origin.x, myRect.origin.y); [myRect release]; [myPoint release]; [pool drain]; return 0; } Program 8.5 Output Origin at ( 100 , 20 0) Origin...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:22
Programming in Objective-C 2.0 edition phần 5 ppsx
... 83 and 24 0 is %i”, gcd (83, 24 0) ); [pool drain]; return 0; } Program 13.5 Output The gcd of 1 50 and 35 is 5 The gcd of 1 02 6 and 405 is 27 The gcd of 83 and 24 0 is 1 The function gcd is defined ... function finds the minimum integer value in an array containing a specified number of elements: // Function to find the minimum in an array int minimum (int values[], int num...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:22
Programming in Objective-C 2.0 edition phần 8 ppt
... variables point to the same lo- cation in memory. Making changes to the instance variables with a message such as [origin setX: 100 andY: 20 0] ; changes the x, y coordinate of the XYPoint object ... arrayWithObjects: [NSMutableString stringWithString: @”one”], [NSMutableString stringWithString: @”two”], [NSMutableString stringWithString: @”three”], nil ]; NSMutableArray *dataArray2; NSMu...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:22