Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 10 doc

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 10 doc

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 10 doc

... 62 -whatif parameter, ShouldProcess ( ) method, 100 wide view, 235–236, 246 WideControl, 246 WideEntries, 246 wildcard characters, 4, 122–123 WildcarePattern class, 122–123 Windows PowerShell Engine, 10 WMI, PowerShell and, ... of, 2 in Windows PowerShell Engine, 10 cmdlets, developing best practices, 114–116 command discovery, 65–66 command invocation, 67 command-line parsing...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

33 335 0
Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 4 docx

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 4 docx

... ’C: \ Documents and Settings \ gxie \ My Documents \ readme.txt’ is not 102 Kumaravel c04.tex V2 - 01/07/2008 11:24am Page 93 Chapter 4: Developing Cmdlets There are two kinds of errors in PowerShell: ❑ ... xmlns:maml=" /10& quot; xmlns:command=" /10& quot; xmlns:dev="http://schemas.micr...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

34 824 0
Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 7 docx

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 7 docx

... of System.Management.Automation.Host.PSHost .In fact, powershell. exe , the Windows PowerShell startup application, implements one such host, Microsoft .PowerShell. ConsoleHost . This chapter begins by explaining how the Windows PowerShell ... the EnterNestedPrompt() method. The Windows PowerShell engine informs the host to exit from this loop by calling the ExitNestedPrompt() me...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

34 367 0
Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 8 doc

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 8 doc

... installation of PowerShell. They are located in \ %windir \ % \ system32 \ windowspowershell \ v1.0 . The following is a command to list the format files included with PowerShell: PS C: \ Documents ... to handle the message in the manner it wants. The Windows PowerShell console host writes the message immediately to the console window. Windows PowerShell enables the user to decide w...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

34 314 0
Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 9 doc

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 9 doc

... Windows PowerShell and others. The following lists of verbs are officially recommended by Microsoft. For the latest information, please refer to documents in the PowerShell SDK. Common Verbs Windows ... Metadata ValidateScriptAttribute The PowerShell public API defines one more attribute class we haven’t mentioned, and which is not documented in the SDK. The ValidateScriptAttribute me...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

34 274 0
Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 1 potx

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 1 potx

... Windows PowerShell 3 Cmdlets 3 High-Level Architecture of Windows PowerShell 9 Host Application 9 Windows PowerShell Engine 10 Windows PowerShell Snap-ins 10 Summary 11 Chapter 2: Extending Windows ... : 1.0 Description : This Windows PowerShell snap-in contains Windows PowerShell manage- ment cmdlets used to manage components of Windows PowerShell. Name : Mi...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

34 263 0
Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 2 potx

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 2 potx

... - Value " ;Professional Windows PowerShell& quot; PS C: \> $psObj Title Professional Windows PowerShell PS C: \> $psobj.Title = " ;Professional Windows PowerShell Programming& quot; PS ... a get operation. Thefollowingexampleaddsa NoteProperty called Title ,withaninitialvalueofastring Professional Windows PowerShell to the variable psobj ,whichisa PSObject...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

34 427 0
Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 3 pot

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 3 pot

... System (ETS) is one of the core elements of the Windows PowerShell Engine and it forms the basis of all object access and manipulation in Windows PowerShell. This chapter took a close look at the ... elements, then that < Type > entry fails to be loaded into Windows PowerShell s type table. Well-Known Members In order for the PowerShell system itself to understand how to bes...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

34 459 0
Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 5 pot

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 5 pot

... Settings \ Owner > get-itemproperty HKLM: \ Software \ Microsoft \ PowerShell \ 1 \ PowerShellEngine PSPath : Microsoft .PowerShell. Core \ Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ PowerShell \ 1 \ PowerShellEngine PSParentPath : Microsoft .PowerShell. Core \ Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ PowerShell \ 1 PSChildName ... ( HKCU , HKLM ,andsoon). For...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

34 223 0
Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 6 potx

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 6 potx

... GetLastPathName(xpath); XmlDriveInfo drive = base.PSDriveInfo as XmlDriveInfo; XmlDocument xmldoc = drive.XmlDocument; XmlNode newNode = xmldoc.CreateNode(itemTypeName, endName, parent.NamespaceURI); // lets ... 178 Chapter 6: Hosting the PowerShell Engine in Applications Versioning concerns in Windows Vista required a redesign of the way third-party cmdlets were added to PowerShell, and...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

34 285 0