Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 3 pot

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 3 pot

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 3 pot

... as follows: char , int16 , int32 , int64 , UInt16 , UInt32 , UInt64 , float , double , decimal , bool , string , char[] , regex , XmlDocument , object [] . 54 Kumaravel c 03. tex V3 - 01/07/2008 11:22am Page 48 Chapter 3: ... semicolons: PS > PS > $a="abc;xyz;kmh" PS > $a.split(";") abc xyz 47 Kumaravel c 03. tex V3 - 01/07/2008 11:22am Page 53 Chapter 3: Under...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

34 459 0
Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 1 potx

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 1 potx

... Windows PowerShell 3 Cmdlets 3 High-Level Architecture of Windows PowerShell 9 Host Application 9 Windows PowerShell Engine 10 Windows PowerShell Snap-ins 10 Summary 11 Chapter 2: Extending Windows ... Interaction 30 3 Drive-Specific Cmdlets 30 3 Item-Specific Cmdlets 30 3 Container-Specific Cmdlets 30 4 Property-Specific Cmdlets 30 4 Dynamic Property Manipulation Cmdle...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

34 263 0
Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 2 potx

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 2 potx

... - Value " ;Professional Windows PowerShell& quot; PS C: \> $psObj Title Professional Windows PowerShell PS C: \> $psobj.Title = " ;Professional Windows PowerShell Programming& quot; PS ... a get operation. Thefollowingexampleaddsa NoteProperty called Title ,withaninitialvalueofastring Professional Windows PowerShell to the variable psobj ,whichisa PSObject...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

34 427 0
Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 5 pot

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 5 pot

... Microsoft .PowerShell. ConsoleHost,Version=, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken =31 bf3856ad364e35,ProcessorArchitecture=msil ConsoleHostModuleName : "C: \ WINNT \ system32 \ WindowsPowerShell \ v1.0 \ Microsoft .PowerShell. ConsoleHost.dll" PowerShellVersion ... location 131 Kumaravel c05.tex V2 - 01/07/2008 11:26am Page 128 Chapter 5: Providers ApplicationBase : C: \ WINNT \...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

34 223 0
Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 6 potx

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 6 potx

... 01/07/2008 11 :30 am Page 178 Chapter 6: Hosting the PowerShell Engine in Applications Versioning concerns in Windows Vista required a redesign of the way third-party cmdlets were added to PowerShell, ... path: protected virtual string GetChildName(string path); 1 53 Kumaravel c06.tex V2 - 01/07/2008 11 :30 am Page 1 73 Chapter 6: Hosting the PowerShell Engine in Applications You als...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

34 285 0
Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 4 docx

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 4 docx

... new-object system.drawing.rectangle 3, 4,1,1 PS C: \ user \ gxie > Unite-Rectangle (1,2,1,1) $r2 Location : {X=1,Y=2} Size : {Width =3, Height =3} X:1 Y:2 Width : 3 Height : 3 Left : 1 Top : 2 Right : ... C: \ user \ gxie > get-evennumber -number 13 Get-EvenNumber : Cannot validate argument on parameter ’Number’. Not an even num Ber. At line:1 char: 23 + get-evennumber -number &...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

34 824 0
Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 7 docx

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 7 docx

... of System.Management.Automation.Host.PSHost .In fact, powershell. exe , the Windows PowerShell startup application, implements one such host, Microsoft .PowerShell. ConsoleHost . This chapter begins by explaining how the Windows PowerShell ... 01/07/2008 11 :32 am Page 197 Hosts As you saw in Chapter 6, the Windows PowerShell hosting engine provides access to output, error, and i...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

34 367 0
Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 8 doc

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 8 doc

... MyProcessview Process: [ svchost:756 4024MB ] Process: [ svchost: 836 4 532 MB 247 Kumaravel c08.tex V2 - 01/07/2008 11 :33 am Page 237 Chapter 8: Formatting & Output 3: 39:44 AM Start Menu 1/9/20 03 6:58:57 AM 7/18/2007 1:51:28 PM 2/19/2007 11 :39 :49 PM VSWebCache ... 01/07/2008 11 :33 am Page 235 Chapter 8: Formatting & Output Name : My Documents CreationTime : 1/9/20 03 6:58...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

34 314 0
Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 9 doc

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 9 doc

... Dev Mgr 63 Jeff Manager Test Mgr 63 PS C: \ Documents and Settings \ Owner > get-employees -emp manager Name Role Level # Reports George Manager Dev Mgr 63 3 Jeff Manager Test Mgr 63 2 The ... - 01/07/2008 11 :33 am Page 256 Kumaravel bappb.tex V2 - 01/07/2008 11 :35 am Page 268 Appendix B: Cmdlet Parameter Naming Guidelines Parameter Name Type Description Priority Int32 Property Str...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

34 274 0
Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 10 doc

Professional Windows PowerShell Programming phần 10 doc

... 210 <ViewDefinitions> XML node, format configuration, 240 views custom, 235 format configuration files, 241 list, 234 – 235 table, 234 types of, 233 – 234 wide, 235 – 236 <ViewSelectedBy> node , format configuration, 241–242 W WaitHandle property, PipelineReader class, ... 199–204 IPropertyCmdletProvider , 134 ISecurityDescriptorCmdletProvider , 134 ItemCmdletProvider , 129– 13...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

33 335 0