Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 5 pptx

Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 5 pptx

Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 5 pptx

... OJB •Deleting data with OJB CHAPTER 5 ■ ARCHITECTING THE DATA ACCESS TIER WITH OBJECTRELATIONALBRIDGE224 Ch 05_ 7389_CMP3 9/27/06 11: 05 AM Page 224 CHAPTER 5 ■ ARCHITECTING THE DATA ACCESS TIER WITH OBJECTRELATIONALBRIDGE ... FRONT-ENDS WITH THE TILES FRAMEWORK 2 35 Ch06_7389_CMP3 9/27/06 11:30 AM Page 2 35 urlSubprotocol = mysql urlDbalias = //localhost:3306/javaedge createDa...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22

53 206 0
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 1 pptx

Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 1 pptx

... Harrop THE APRESS JAVA ™ ROADMAP Beginning Apache Struts Pro Apache Struts with Ajax Pro Apache Ant Pro Apache Tomcat 6 Enterprise Java ™ Development on a Budget Rob Harrop, coauthor of Pro Jakarta Struts Kunal ... 1 -59 059 -738-9 9 78 159 0 59 73 85 54499 6 89 253 59 738 5 Companion eBook Available Architect, build, and configure multitier web applications...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22

53 321 0
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 10 pptx

Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 10 pptx

... plug-in, 457 EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) and Struts, 154 business logic as EJB, 118, 154 fat EJBs, 155 code listing example, 155 extreme/typical examples, 155 – 157 Session Facade, 134, 157 , 159 <ejbdoclet> ... 397 org .apache. struts. action package, 399 process() method, 356 , 409 processActionPerform() method, 4 05, 407, 409 processForward() method, 407, 409 processInclude()...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22

48 206 0
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 2 ppsx

Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 2 ppsx

... parameter provides the ActionServlet with the location of the struts- config.xml file. By default the ActionServlet looks for struts- config.xml at /WEB-INF /struts- config.xml. If you place your struts- config.xml ... com .apress. javaedge .struts. homepage; import com .apress. javaedge.common.ApplicationException; import com .apress. javaedge.story.StoryManagerBD; import com .apress....

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22

53 233 0
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 3 doc

Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 3 doc

... Map-backed ActionForm: package com .apress. javaedge .struts. poststory; import com .apress. javaedge.common.VulgarityFilter; import org .apache. struts. action.*; import org .apache. struts. util.MessageResources; import ... patterns that are most appropriate for use in building Struts- based applications. CHAPTER 4 ■ MANAGING BUSINESS LOGIC WITH STRUTS1 32 Ch04_7389_CMP3 9/27/06 10 :5...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22

53 209 0
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 4 potx

Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 4 potx

... com .apress. javaedge.story.StoryVO; import org .apache. struts. action.Action; import org .apache. struts. action.ActionForm; import org .apache. struts. action.ActionForward; import org .apache. struts. action.ActionMapping; import ... MANAGING BUSINESS LOGIC WITH STRUTS 1 45 Ch04_7389_CMP3 9/27/06 10 :59 AM Page 1 45 We have encountered far more of the latter design problem, “fat...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22

53 194 0
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 6 pps

Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 6 pps

... org .apache. struts. action.Action; import org .apache. struts. action.ActionForm; import org .apache. struts. action.ActionForward; import org .apache. struts. action.ActionMapping; import org .apache. struts. action.DynaActionForm; import ... org .apache. struts. action.ActionErrors; import org .apache. struts. action.ActionError; import org .apache. struts. action.ActionServlet; im...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22

53 202 0
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 7 pot

Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 7 pot

... SPEEDING STRUTS DEVELOPMENT WITH XDOCLET 301 Ch08_7389_CMP3 9/28/06 8:42 PM Page 301 import org .apache. struts. action.ActionError; import org .apache. struts. action.ActionErrors; import org .apache. struts. action.ActionMapping; import ... org .apache. struts. action.ActionMapping; import org .apache. struts. action.ActionServlet; import org .apache. struts. util.MessageResources...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22

53 415 0
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 8 ppt

Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 8 ppt

... VelocityContext(); Collection products = new ArrayList(); products.add(new Product("Widget", 12.99)); products.add(new Product("Wotsit", 13.99)); products.add(new Product("Thingy", ... THE STRUTS FRAMEWORK 3 95 Ch11_7389_CMP2 9/ 25/ 06 9:12 PM Page 3 95 Debugging the Struts Framework You’re not only restricted to debugging your own source code. If you suspe...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22

53 260 0
Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 9 docx

Apress Pro Apache Struts with Ajax phần 9 docx

... org .apache. commons.logging.Log; import org .apache. struts. action.ActionServlet; import org .apache. struts. action.PlugIn; import org .apache. struts. config.ModuleConfig; import org .apache. struts. config.PlugInConfig; import com .apress. javaedge.common.ServiceLocator; public ... those configured in the struts- config.xml file. Figure B-10. Action mapping with WebSphere APPENDIX...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22

53 211 0