Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 2 pot

Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 2 pot

Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 2 pot

... when CHAPTER 2 ■ SEAM CONFIGURATION AND ADMINISTRATION 23 863-6 CH 02. qxd 6/13/07 11 :29 PM Page 23 Some of Seam s services provide enhanced JSF Expression Language (EL) syntax features. Seam s security ... picture in Java EE 5.0. You can, CHAPTER 2 ■ SEAM CONFIGURATION AND ADMINISTRATION 25 863-6 CH 02. qxd 6/13/07 11 :29 PM Page 25 The Gadget Catalog with JBoss Seam...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21

23 228 0
Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 7 pot

Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 7 pot

... xmlns:security="http:/ /jboss. com/products /seam/ security" xmlns:xsi=" /20 01/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation= "http:/ /jboss. com/products /seam/ security http:/ /jboss. com/products /seam/ security-1 .2. xsd"> . ... . <event type="org .jboss. seam. notLoggedIn"> <action expression="#{redirect.captureCurrentV...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21

23 229 0
Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 10 potx

Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 10 potx

... property, 171 J J2EE 1.4 application servers configuration, 28 running Seam applications on, 25 JBoss 4, 25 26 Java 5.0 annotations, 2 J2EE 1.4 server and, 28 requirement for, 21 22 Java Authentication ... See Seam JBoss transaction management, avoiding conflicts between jBPM and, 171–1 72 jboss- beans.xml configuration file, 24 jboss- ejb3-all.jar library, 23 jboss-...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21

32 234 0
Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 1 pptx

Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 1 pptx

... the application to your application server. 863-6 FM.qxd 6/18/07 12: 54 PM Page xx Practical JBoss Seam Projects Copyright © 20 07 by Jim Farley All rights reserved. No part of this work may be ... INTRODUCING SEAM4 863-6 CH01.qxd 6/13/07 11 :24 PM Page 4 Figure 1 -2. Seam- enhanced Java EE framework The Seam Component Model The simplifications provided by Seam stem mostly fr...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21

24 289 0
Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 3 pptx

Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 3 pptx

... xmlns="http:/ /jboss. com/products /seam/ components" xmlns:security="http:/ /jboss. com/products /seam/ security" xmlns:xsi=" /20 01/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation= "http:/ /jboss. com/products /seam/ security http:/ /jboss. com/products /seam/ security-1 .2. xsd"> . . . <! Setup the Seam security component > <sec...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21

23 315 0
Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 4 ppt

Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 4 ppt

... expired) is a Seam configuration parameter. It can be set in the components.xml or in the seam. properties file, both of which I discussed in Chapter 2 when I described Seam configuration. Seam s built-in ... take a look at Seam s conversation model and what practical benefits it brings to the table. Seam Contexts and the JSF Life Cycle Before we dive deep into the practical as...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21

23 147 0
Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 5 pptx

Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 5 pptx

... shown in Figure 4-8. CHAPTER 4 ■ CONTEXTS AND CONVERSATIONS 82 863-6 CH04.qxd 6/1/07 5 :29 PM Page 82 one, an exception will be thrown by Seam. You can, however, choose to join an existing conversation ... full-blown business process management within Seam. The Basics of Pageflow with jPDL Before diving into the details of Seam s pageflow support and its practical use in the Gadget C...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21

23 185 0
Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 6 pps

Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 6 pps

... introduced by Seam, you must remove the jPDL schema reference from your jPDL XML file, which eliminates the validation features of XML editors. Hopefully in the future JBoss Seam and JBoss jBPM ... 103 Seam s Pageflow Model Seam uses jBPM to implement its pageflow capabilities, but these capabilities have been tightly integrated into Seam s overall framework. To accomplish this, th...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21

23 344 0
Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 8 pptx

Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 8 pptx

... in Seam In order to make use of jBPM services within Seam, you need to configure the jBPM engine. The first step in doing this is to install the org .jboss. seam. core.Jbpm component in the Seam ... specific to JBoss Rules. Here’s a sample .drl file that defines a rule for our permission check: package org.jimfarley.gadgets; import org .jboss. seam. security.PermissionCheck; impor...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21

23 411 0
Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 9 ppsx

Practical JBoss Seam Projects 2007 phần 9 ppsx

... the key features of Seam remoting. Configuring Seam Remoting As with all the other Seam services, you need to configure the remoting services before you can use them. Since Seam remoting involves ... stubs for your Seam components and use them from a web browser client to interact directly with your server-side Seam components. Figure 8-1 shows the runtime model used by the Seam...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:21

23 239 0