O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 7 docx

O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 7 docx

O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 7 docx

... out on the image plane (this is also known as barrel distortion) 11-R4886-RC1.indd 376 11-R4886-RC1.indd 376 9/15/08 4:24:11 PM9/15/08 4:24:11 PM Motion Templates | 341 locations to have converged.* ... Davis [Bobick96; Davis 97] and were further developed jointly with one of the authors [Davis99; Brad- ski00].  is more recent work forms the basis for the implementation in OpenCV. * Ag...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

57 408 0
O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 1 potx

O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 1 potx

... general OpenCV maintenance and new development in the area of robotics applications. Figure 1-3. OpenCV timeline 01-R4886-RC1.indd 70 1-R4886-RC1.indd 7 9/15/08 4: 17: 47 PM9/15/08 4: 17: 47 PM xiv ... in all cases, OpenCV outperforms the other libraries and OpenCV with IPP outperforms OpenCV without IPP 01-R4886-RC1.indd 801-R4886-RC1.indd 8 9/15/08 4: 17: 47 PM9/15/08 4: 1...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

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O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 2 pps

O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 2 pps

... fourth is not used (it can be used 03-R4886-RC1.indd 77 03-R4886-RC1.indd 77 9/15/08 4:18:49 PM9/15/08 4:18:49 PM 70 | Chapter 3: Getting to Know OpenCV cases shown in Table 3-10, the norm is absolute; ... implied here. OpenCV has a more practical view of reductions and so includes this useful operation in cvReduce. 03-R4886-RC1.indd 71 03-R4886-RC1.indd 71 9/15/08 4:18: 47 PM9/...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

57 384 0
O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 3 doc

O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 3 doc

... 1 ) { if( (cvWaitKey( 10 )&0x7f) == 27 ) break; } // Clean up and don’t be piggies cvDestroyWindow( argv[1] ); 05-R4886-AT1.indd 1 370 5-R4886-AT1.indd 1 37 9/15/08 4:20:08 PM9/15/08 4:20:08 ... max is considered rather than min: Figure 5 -7. Morphological erosion: take the minimum under the kernel B 05-R4886-AT1.indd 1 170 5-R4886-AT1.indd 1 17 9/15/08 4:20:00 PM9/15/08 4:20:00 PM S...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

57 452 0
O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 4 doc

O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 4 doc

... grid. Example 7- 1. Histogram computation and display #include <cv.h> #include <highgui.h> int main( int argc, char** argv ) { Figure 7- 4. Histogram matching measures 07- R4886-AT1.indd 203 07- R4886-AT1.indd ... in computer vision is described by Ballard and Brown [Ballard82]. 06-R4886-RC1.indd 177 06-R4886-RC1.indd 177 9/15/08 4:21:23 PM9/15/08 4:21:23 PM Distance Transform...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

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O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 5 pdf

O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 5 pdf

... 8-2. h 1 h 2 h 3 h 4 h 5 h 6 h 7 A 2.837e−1 1.961e−3 1.484e−2 2.265e−4 −4.152e 7 1.003e−5 7. 941e−9 I 4. 578 e−1 1.820e−1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 O 3 .79 1e−1 2.623e−4 4.501e 7 5.858e 7 1.529e−13 7. 775 e−9 −2.591e−13 M ... 5.858e 7 1.529e−13 7. 775 e−9 −2.591e−13 M 2.465e−1 4 .77 5e−4 7. 263e−5 2.617e−6 −3.607e−11 −5 .71 8e−8 7. 218e−24 F 3.186e−1 2.914e−2 9.397e−3 8.221e−4 3....

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

57 414 0
O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 6 potx

O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 6 potx

... for the in uence of a previous frame to fade. 09-R4886-RC1.indd 276 09-R4886-RC1.indd 276 9/15/08 4:22: 57 PM9/15/08 4:22: 57 PM 310 | Chapter 9: Image Parts and Segmentation We can similarly ... waving trees). It also assumes that the lighting 09-R4886-RC1.indd 275 09-R4886-RC1.indd 275 9/15/08 4:22: 57 PM9/15/08 4:22: 57 PM 316 CHAPTER 10 Tracking and Motion The Basics of Tracking...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

57 330 0
O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 8 ppt

O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 8 ppt

... && c != 27) { c = cvWaitKey(250); } } if(c == 27) return 0; 11-R4886-RC1.indd 39911-R4886-RC1.indd 399 9/15/08 4:24:19 PM9/15/08 4:24:19 PM Stereo Imaging | 4 17 Txx Zf T Z Z fT xx lr lr −− − =⇒= − () Since ... full images (i.e., those in which it can  nd all the chessboard 11-R4886-RC1.indd 3 971 1-R4886-RC1.indd 3 97 9/15/08 4:24:18 PM9/15/08 4:24:18 PM 432 | Chapter 1...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

57 491 0
O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 9 pps

O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 9 pps

... instead. 13-R4886-AT1.indd 471 13-R4886-AT1.indd 471 9/15/08 4:25: 27 PM9/15/08 4:25: 27 PM 488 | Chapter 13: Machine Learning you should consult the user manual … /opencv/ docs/ref/opencvref_ml.htm, particularly ... adjustment to meet a goal is what we mean by the term learning. * Machine learning is a vast topic. OpenCV deals mostly with statistical machine learning rather th...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

57 381 0
O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 10 pps

O’Reilly Learning OpenCV phần 10 pps

... 482 cvWarpAffine(), 162– 170 , 4 07 cvWarpPerspective(), 170 , 4 07, 409 cvWatershed(), 295 cvWrite(), 84 cvWriteFrame(), 27, 106 cvWriteInt(), 84 cvXor(), cvXorS(), 76 77 cvZero(), 77 , 178 CxCore, OpenCV component, ... 233 cvSetTrackbarPos(), 100 cvShowImage(), 17, 22, 93, 94 cvSize(), 32, 212 cvSlice(), 248 cvSobel(), 148–150, 158–160, 173 cvSolve(), 73 , 75 76 cvSplit(), 73 74...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

57 587 0