O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 2 ppt

O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 2 ppt

O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 2 ppt

... Perl 5. Perl 6 has a space in it. I just say " ;Perl& quot;. This is a Perl 5 line Perl 5 is the current version. Just another Perl 5 hacker, At the end is Perl PerlPoint is PowerPoint BioPerl ... have Perl without a trailing 6, and a line that has a space between Perl and 6: Trying negated character class: Perl6 comes after Perl 5. Perl 6 has a space in it. This i...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

32 218 0
O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 1 pdf

O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 1 pdf

... version 5.8 .2 perl5 81delta Perl changes in version 5.8.1 perl5 8delta Perl changes in version 5.8.0 perl5 73delta Perl changes in version 5.7.3 perl5 72delta Perl changes in version 5.7 .2 perl5 71delta ... version of the perl documentation page, which I get with perldoc -t: % perldoc -t perl | perl- grep2.pl "\b(\S)\S\1\b" perl5 83delta Perl changes in...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

33 239 0
O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 3 pot

O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 3 pot

... 0.003950s) 82 | Chapter 5: Profiling Perl 2. 54 0. 024 0. 024 8 92 0.0000 0.0000 HTTP::Cookies::set_cookie 2. 44 0. 023 0. 023 1060 0.0000 0.0000 Text::Reform::_debug 2. 44 0. 023 0.061 29 3 0.0001 0.00 02 SOAP::SOM::_traverse ... DBI_PROFILE='!MethodName' perl dbi-profile2.pl DBI::Profile: 2. 16 827 1s 72. 28% (1015 calls) dbi-profile2.pl @ 20 06-10-10 02: 37:16 &a...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

32 290 0
O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 4 pdf

O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 4 pdf

... number, 26 4,5 52, is 500 times 525 , the aggregate size of the scalars added to 2, 0 52, the array size: The size of the scalar is 525 The total size of the scalar is 525 The size of the array is 20 52 The ... secs ( 2. 31 usr + 3.30 sys = 5.61 CPU) ordinary_mod: 28 secs ( 5.57 usr + 21 .49 sys = 27 .06 CPU) ordinary_orig: 34 secs ( 7.86 usr + 24 .74 sys = 32. 60 CPU) schwartz_mod...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

32 248 0
O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 5 pps

O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 5 pps

... McAdams wrote Perl Critic” for The Perl Review 2. 3 (Summer 20 06): http:// www.theperlreview.com. Perl: :Critic has its own web site where you can upload code for it to analyze: http:// perlcritic.com/. ... before me. Further Reading See the perltidy site for more details and examples: http://perltidy.sourceforge.net/. You can install perltidy by installing the Perl: :Tidy module. It...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

32 327 0
O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 6 pdf

O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 6 pdf

... qw( 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 ); Readonly::Hash my %Natural => ( e => 2. 72, Pi => 3.14, Phi => 1.618 ); With Perl 5.8 or later, I can leave off the second-level package name and let Perl figure it ... the standard Perl distribution as the perlboot documentation. 1 62 | Chapter 10: Modifying and Jury-Rigging Modules $ perl getoptions-v.pl -verbose The value of debug verbose...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

32 281 0
O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 7 docx

O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 7 docx

... messages go to the standard error. However, I get both on the screen! 20 06/10 /22 20 : 02: 45 I've got something to say! 20 06/10 /22 20 : 02: 45 Hey! What's going on in there? I don’t have to be content ... with ( undef ), a list of one item. 20 2 | Chapter 12:  Detecting and Reporting Errors #!/usr/bin /perl # log 4perl- easy2.pl use Log::Log 4perl qw(:easy); Log::Log 4per...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

32 570 0
O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 8 pot

O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 8 pot

... at line 25 5 in file test.pod *** ERROR: =over on line 23 without closing =back (at head2) at line 25 5 in file test.pod *** ERROR: empty =head2 at line 28 3 in file test.pod Module.pm has 2 pod syntax ... noticed that we liked footnotes in Learning Perl and Intermediate Perl. § Mastering Perl web site: http://www.pair.com/comdog /mastering_ perl/ . Testing Pod | 24 5 In that...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

32 246 0
O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 9 pot

O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 9 pot

... \3 42\ 230 \27 2\n"\0 [UTF8 "Has a unicode smiley > \x {26 3a}\n"] CUR = 29 LEN = 32 MAGIC = 0x4059d0 MG_VIRTUAL = &PL_vtbl_utf8 MG_TYPE = PERL_ MAGIC_utf8(w) MG_LEN = 27 Finally, ... PV = 0x401b10 "Has a unicode smiley > \3 42\ 230 \27 2\n"\0 [UTF8 "Has a unicode smiley > \x {26 3a}\n"] CUR = 29 LEN = 32 # How did I know the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

32 337 0
O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 10 potx

O’Reilly Mastering Perl 2007 phần 10 potx

... 118– 122 perlbench tool, 92, 107–109 perldebguts documentation, 26 , 29 benchmarking and, 1 02 perldebug documentation, 59 perldoc, 23 9 perlfunc documentation, 31 perlopentuf documentation, 31 perlpodspec ... 23 8 24 5 Pod::Checker module, 24 5 Pod::Parser module, 23 8 Pod::Perldoc module, 23 9 Pod::Perldoc::ToToc module, 24 0 24 2 Pod::Simple module, 24 2 24 5 Pod::TOC module,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

34 327 0
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