Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 6 ppsx
... "escape." "ABCDE" == 65 * (2 56* *4 % 8355 967 ) + 66 * (2 56* *3 % 8355 967 ) + 67 * (2 56* *2 % 8355 967 ) + 68 * 2 56 + 69 == 65 * 167 12192 + 66 * 65 282 + 67 * 65 5 36 + 68 * 2 56 + 69 == == 377804 We ... 147, 483, 64 7. The reason for using 2, 147, 483, 64 7, 2 31 - 1, instead of 4,294, 967 ,295, 2 32 - 1, will be explained shortly. Th...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
... 1234. 567 8. We'll start off with %d: printf "%d", 1234. 567 8; # prints "1234" printf "%2d", 1234. 567 8; # prints "1234" printf "%6d", 1234. 567 8; ... "%f", 1234. 567 8; # prints "1234. 567 800" (defaults to %.6f) printf "%.0f", 1234. 567 8; # prints "1235" printf "%.1f", 1234. 567 8;...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
... Submatrix 259 Combining Matrices 260 Inverting a Matrix 261 Computing the Determinant 262 Gaussian Elimination 263 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 266 Page vii The Matrix Chain Product 269 ρρ and θθ coordinates ... and Intersection 435 Inclusion 443 Boundaries 449 Closest Pair of Points 457 Geometric Algorithms Summary 464 CPAN Graphics Modules 464 11. Number Systems 469 Inte...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 2 doc
... sorting is, how to do it efficiently using Perl& apos;s own sort function, what comparing actually means, and how you can code your own sort algorithms with Perl. An Introduction to Sorting Sorting ... from a telephone book: Munro, Alice 15 Brigham Road 62 3—2448 Munro, Alice 48 Hammersley Place 489—1073 Munro, Alicia 62 Evergreen Terrace 62 3 60 99 The last names ae the primary key...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 3 pdf
... string ABCD can be seen as a number in base 2 56 as follows: D + C* 2 56 + B* 2 56 2 + A* 2 56 3 . The keys have to have the same number of bits because radix algorithms walk through them all one by one. ... browse pp_ctl.c in the Perl source code.continue * The better qsort() implementations actually are also hybrids, often quicksort combined with insertion sort. Page 1 56 Table...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 4 ppt
... Pentium Pro with NetBSD release 1.2G showed that running nu took 0 .62 CPU seconds; therefore, the actual testing parts of ta and tb took 5.92 – 0 .62 = 5.30 CPU seconds and 6. 67 – 0 .62 = 6. 05 CPU ... can be done using Perl closures: a function definition that maintains some state. ** This might change in future versions of Perl. *** Hint: 2 raised to the 32nd is 4,294, 967 ,2 96,...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 5 doc
... O ( | E | !) possibilities, which grows extremely quickly. In many algorithms one can pick any edge to follow, but in some algorithms it does matter in which order the adjacent vertices are traversed. ... graphs using a simple text-based format. Edges (and unconnected vertices) are listed separated with with commas. A directed edge is a dash, and an undirected edge is a double-dash. (Ac...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 8 pot
... exhaustive search. Encrypted Perl Code You can get Perl to execute code that has been encrypted! (No, not the perverse sort of Perl code that resembles line noise.) For Perl 5, you use the Filter ... ability to filter Perl source code before it is parsed by the Perl interpreter. This filtering can be used for many purposes: • macro expansion with cpp, m4, etc. • decompression w...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 9 pptx
... 1/2 56 1/2 56 = 0.0039 7 8/2 56 9/2 56 = 0.0352 6 28/2 56 37/2 56 = 0.1445 5 56/ 2 56 93/2 56 = 0. 363 3 4 70/2 56 163 /2 56 = 0 .63 67 3 56/ 2 56 219/2 56 = 0.8555 2 28/2 56 247/2 56 = 0. 964 8 1 8/2 56 255/2 56 = 0.9 961 0 ... " "; } print "\n"; } This prints: 11.00000002 960 59 -2 16 266 666 668 .1 762 14 0.25 11.999999 866 7732 -8 -6 12.000000044...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 10 pot
... 369 , 535 mean( ), 61 3, 61 8 mean, 591, 60 0 -60 2 mean_median( ), 60 2 measures, statistics, 60 0 -60 8 mean, 60 0 -60 2 median, 60 2 -60 3 mode, 60 3 -60 4 standard deviation, 60 4 -60 6, 60 8 standard score, 60 6 -60 8 variance, ... 467 graphics, general references on, 65 0 graphics modules, 464 - 468 graphs, 273-352 attributes, 2 86, 299 linear_solve( ), 64 3 linear_string...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20