Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 5 doc

Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 5 doc

Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 5 doc

... Chapter 5, Searching. In principle, one can walk the edges in any order. Because of this ambiguity, there are numerous orderings: O ( | E | !) possibilities, which grows extremely quickly. In many algorithms ... that leads us to somewhere where we have been before (see Figure 8- 25) . Depending on the algorithm, cycles can cause us to finish without discovering all edges and vertices, or t...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

74 171 0
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 2 doc

Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 2 doc

... $cu->append($new); $cu->ldump; } # $sq is a list of squares from 0*0 5* 5 # $cu is a list of cubes from 0*0*0 5* 5 *5 # Move the first cube to the end of the squares list. $sq->append($cu->first->remove); ... understand such letters is a long and system-dependent story. Please see the perllocale documentation bundled with Perl for details. For now, we'll assum...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

74 139 0
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 1 pps

Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 1 pps

... Modules 351 9. Strings 353 Perl Builtins 354 String-Matching Algorithms 357 Phonetic Algorithms 388 Stemming and Inflection 389 Parsing 394 Compression 411 10. Geometric Algorithms 4 25 Distance 426 Area, ... Sorts 119 Sorting Algorithms Summary 151 5. Searching 157 Hash Search and Other Non-Searches 158 Lookup Searches 159 Generative Searches 1 75 6. Sets 203 Venn Dia...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

74 134 0
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 3 pdf

Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 3 pdf

... follows:break @scores = qw(40 53 77 49 78 20 89 35 68 55 52 71); print percentile(\@scores, 90), "\n"; Page 1 45 This will be: 77 Beating O (N log N) All the sort algorithms so far have been ... string ABCD can be seen as a number in base 256 as follows: D + C* 256 + B* 256 2 + A* 256 3 . The keys have to have the same number of bits because radix algorithms walk through...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

74 198 0
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 4 ppt

Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 4 ppt

... Pentium Pro with NetBSD release 1.2G showed that running nu took 0.62 CPU seconds; therefore, the actual testing parts of ta and tb took 5. 92 – 0.62 = 5. 30 CPU seconds and 6.67 – 0.62 = 6. 05 CPU seconds. ... demonstrated here. $bullseye = zeroes(412, 351 ) creates a piddle with 412 columns and 351 rows, where every element is 0. (ones() creates a piddle with every element 1.) $bul...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

74 217 0
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 6 ppsx

Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 6 ppsx

... == 65 * ( 256 **4 % 8 355 967) + 66 * ( 256 **3 % 8 355 967) + 67 * ( 256 **2 % 8 355 967) + 68 * 256 + 69 == 65 * 16712192 + 66 * 652 82 + 67 * 655 36 + 68 * 256 + 69 == == 377804 We may check ... 8, 355 ,967, we are guaranteed never to surpass 2,147,483,647. Let's try this, taking the modulo whenever the number is about to "escape." "ABCDE" == 65 * ( 2...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

74 232 0
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 7 ppsx

Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 7 ppsx

... $gif->colorAllocate( 255 , 255 , 255 ); my $red = $gif->colorAllocate( 255 , 0, 0); # Background color. $gif->transparent ($white); # The circle. $gif->arc (50 , 50 , # Center x, y. 30, 30, ... "%.5f", 1234 .56 78; # prints "1234 .56 780" printf "%3.f", 1234 .56 78; # prints "12 35& quot; printf "%4.f", 1234 .56 78; # prints "12...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

74 290 0
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 8 pot

Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 8 pot

... exhaustive search. Encrypted Perl Code You can get Perl to execute code that has been encrypted! (No, not the perverse sort of Perl code that resembles line noise.) For Perl 5, you use the Filter module, ... learn how to add encryption to Perl 4 now, after Perl 5 has been out for so many years. Page 56 3 Since your encryption program must insert at least that one line with u...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

74 192 0
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 9 pptx

Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 9 pptx

... clicks 8 1/ 256 1/ 256 = 0.0039 7 8/ 256 9/ 256 = 0.0 352 6 28/ 256 37/ 256 = 0.14 45 5 56 / 256 93/ 256 = 0.3633 4 70/ 256 163/ 256 = 0.6367 3 56 / 256 219/ 256 = 0. 855 5 2 28/ 256 247/ 256 = 0.9648 1 8/ 256 255 / 256 = ... Figure 15- 3, we get 54 .9 952 963760691 + 2.01701164212 454 x. That is, our best estimate of the relation between sales and hits is that sales = 2.01701164212 454...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

74 282 0
Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 10 pot

Mastering Algorithms with Perl phần 10 pot

... storage, 52 8 of Perl source code, 56 2 -56 4 product development (government restrictions), 52 7 public key, 53 3, 54 3, 54 8 -55 4 El Gamal, 55 2 -55 4 private key vs., 55 4 RSA, 54 9 -55 2 random numbers, 56 8 shared-secret, ... 213 encryption, 52 6, 53 8 -55 4 algorithms (licensing), 52 7 authentication vs., 55 9 block unit size, 54 7 lost/stolen keys, 56 4 meet-in-the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20

73 188 0
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