microsoft visual c 2008 step by step phần 7 ppt

Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 PHẦN 1 potx

Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 PHẦN 1 potx

... IV: Data Access 77 5 Chapter 24: File System Data 77 7 Streams 77 8 The Classes for Input and Output 77 8 The File and Directory Classes 78 0 The FileInfo Class 78 1 The DirectoryInfo Class 78 3 Path ... 6 97 JavaScript 70 1 Script Element 70 1 Declaration of Variables 70 2 Defining Functions 70 2 Statements 70 2 Objects 70 3 Summary 70 7 Exercises 70 8 Chapter 21: Web Service...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

135 321 0
Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 PHẦN 2 doc

Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 PHẦN 2 doc

... (byte) cast to convert the value of myDirection into a byte type: directionByte = (byte)myDirection; The same explicit casting is necessary in the other direction, too, if you want to convert ... can place identical (or near identical) sections of code in your application whenever necessary, but this has its own problems. Changing even one minor detail concerning a common task (to cor...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

135 324 0
Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 PHẦN 3 pot

Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 PHẦN 3 pot

... This project will contain four .cs files: Card.cs , which contains the Card class definition, Deck.cs , which contains the Deck class definition, and Suit.cs and Rank.cs files containing enumerations. ... project is called Ch10CardClient. To use the class library you have created from this new console application project, add a reference to your Ch10CardLib class library project. Once...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

135 289 0
Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 PHẦN 4 pot

Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 PHẦN 4 pot

... 3. Select the Animal.cs , Cow.cs , Chicken.cs , SuperCow.cs , and Farm.cs files from the C: \BegVCSharp\Chapter12\Ch12Ex04\Ch12Ex04 directory, and click Add. 4. Modify the namespace declaration ... 1. Create a new console application called Ch13Ex03 and save it in the directory C: \BegVCSharp\Chapter13. 2. Copy the code across for Program.cs , Connection.cs , and Display.cs from Ch13E...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

135 345 0
Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 PHẦN 5 pps

Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 PHẦN 5 pps

... OpenFileDialog . Invalid characters for a filename include characters such as \\ , / , and :. Figure 17- 4 Figure 17- 5 With ValidateNames set to true , you can use CheckFileExists and CheckPathExists for ... the Figure 17- 2 c1 7. indd 54 1c1 7. indd 541 3/24/08 4: 27: 58 PM3/24/08 4: 27: 58 PM Part II: Windows Programming 514 This chapter focuses on the tasks necessary for creating...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

135 356 0
Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 PHẦN 6 doc

Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 PHẦN 6 doc

... EventsDataSource for this new data source. Figure 19-25 6. Click OK to configure the data source. The Configure Data Source dialog opens. Click the New Connection button to create a new connection. 7. ... successfully created, click the Next button for step 6 of the wizard (see Figure 19 - 17 ). Here, you can configure which users are allowed or denied access to the Web site or sp...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

135 288 0
Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 PHẦN 7 pptx

Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 PHẦN 7 pptx

... < Dictionary < string, string > > (); columns = new List < string > (); try c2 4.indd 79 7c2 4.indd 79 7 3/25/08 12:20: 17 PM3/25/08 12:20: 17 PM c2 3.indd 77 4c2 3.indd 77 4 3/24/08 ... convert raw bytes into more useful items, such as characters: Decoder d = Encoding.UTF8.GetDecoder(); d.GetChars(byData, 0, byData.Length, charData, 0); These lines create a...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

135 267 0
Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 PHẦN 8 docx

Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 PHẦN 8 docx

... Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=true” ); // Open connection thisConnection.Open(); // Create command for this connection SqlCommand thisCommand = thisConnection.CreateCommand(); ... @”Provider =Microsoft. Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source =C: \Northwind\nwind.mdb”); // Open connection object thisConnection.Open(); // Create SQL command object on this connection OleDbCo...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

135 279 0
Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 PHẦN 9 docx

Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 PHẦN 9 docx

... Using DNS 1. Create a new C# console application project named DnsLookup in the directory C: \BegVCSharp\Chapter32. 2. Import the namespace System.Net . c3 2.indd 1 07 8c3 2.indd 1 078 3/24/08 5:31:29 ... that communicate. The applications can be identified by endpoints. The server application waiting for clients to connect has a known endpoint to connect to. Both the Transmissi...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

135 295 0
Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 PHẦN 10 ppt

Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2008 PHẦN 10 ppt

... here. PropertyChangedCallback propertyChangedCallback The callback method to use when the property value changes . CoerceValueCallback coerceValueCallback The callback method to use ... Simple WCF Service and Client 1. Create a new WCF Service Application project called Ch35Ex01 in the directory C: \BegVCSharp\Chapter35. 2. Add a console application called Ch35Ex01Client...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

132 200 0