J2ME in a Nutshell phần 10 pptx

J2ME in a Nutshell phần 10 pptx

J2ME in a Nutshell phần 10 pptx

... J2ME in a Nutshell 498 Reader: java.io readFully(): DataInput, DataInputStream readInt(): DataInput, DataInputStream readLong(): DataInput, DataInputStream readShort(): DataInput, ... DataInput, DataInputStream readUnsignedByte(): DataInput, DataInputStream readUnsignedShort(): DataInput, DataInputStream readUTF(): DataInput, DataInputStream ready():...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21

57 331 0
J2ME in a Nutshell phần 2 pptx

J2ME in a Nutshell phần 2 pptx

... therefore share the same instances of all Java classes and other resources loaded into the Java VM. Among other things, this means that data can be shared between MIDlets, and the usual Java synchronization ... to call setCurrent( ) to install a new Form containing the message and initiate the operation in a separate thread. The original thread can then continue unblocked and event...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21

52 290 0
Windows XP Headaches-How to Fix Common Problems in a Hurry phần 10 pptx

Windows XP Headaches-How to Fix Common Problems in a Hurry phần 10 pptx

... activated. If you did not activate Windows during final installation, it may have been activated by the computer manufacturer. At any rate, if the option is not available in All Programs, you ... the appearance of Windows XP, or I am having difficulty managing the Start menu. Operating Systems Affected Windows XP Professional and Home Editions are affected. Cause Windows XP provides a...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 13:20

19 402 0
J2ME in a Nutshell phần 1 ppt

J2ME in a Nutshell phần 1 ppt

... Package Contents 308 308 309 310 11. java.io Package java.io ByteArrayInputStream ByteArrayOutputStream DataInput DataInputStream DataOutput DataOutputStream EOFException InputStream ... http://java.oreilly.com/. Books that are of particular interest to J2ME programmers include: Java in a Nutshell, by David Flanagan A Java language tutorial and complete API r...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21

53 689 0
J2ME in a Nutshell phần 3 pot

J2ME in a Nutshell phần 3 pot

... display) a Canvas from which the attribute values are obtained, as shown in Example 5-1. Example 5-1. Getting Display and Canvas Attributes for a Device package ora.ch5; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas; ... LAYOUT_CENTER. Because LAYOUT_DEFAULT has value 0, a layout value of LAYOUT_NEWLINE_BEFORE is equivalent to LAYOUT_NEWLINE_BEFORE | LAYOUT_DEFAULT. As a shorthand...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21

52 306 0
J2ME in a Nutshell phần 4 pot

J2ME in a Nutshell phần 4 pot

... 6.3.1 Sending a Datagram To send a datagram, you have to obtain a Datagram object, populate it with the data to be sent, and invoke the send( ) method. The DatagramConnection interface has four ... following methods: public void drawArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int arcAngle) J2ME in a Nutshell 185 data until it has enough to satisfy the applic...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21

52 641 0
J2ME in a Nutshell phần 5 pot

J2ME in a Nutshell phần 5 pot

... packages are provided: java.io (but not LineNumberInputStream and StringBufferInputStream, which are deprecated in J2SE) java.lang java.lang.ref java.lang.reflect java.math java.net java.security ... java.security.acl java.security.cert java.security.interfaces java.security.spec java.text java.util java.util.jar java.util.zip J2ME in a Nutshell 221 Figure 6-5. A...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21

52 350 0
J2ME in a Nutshell phần 6 ppt

J2ME in a Nutshell phần 6 ppt

... and return values. Inner classes Groups all of the inner classes and interfaces defined by the class or interface. For each inner class, there is a single-line synopsis. Each inner class also ... a listing of the classes and interfaces included in the package. In this listing of package contents, classes and interfaces are first grouped by general category (interfaces, classes, a...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21

52 655 0
J2ME in a Nutshell phần 7 pps

J2ME in a Nutshell phần 7 pps

... } Subclasses ByteArrayInputStream, DataInputStream Passed To DataInputStream.DataInputStream(), InputStreamReader.InputStreamReader() Returned By Class.getResourceAsStream(), javax.microedition.io.Connector.openInputStream(), ... ByteArrayInputStream ByteArrayOutputStream CharArrayReader CharArrayWriter CharConversionException DataInput DataInputStream...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21

52 336 0
J2ME in a Nutshell phần 8 docx

J2ME in a Nutshell phần 8 docx

... created by applying the static valueOf() methods to a boolean, a char, an array of characters (char[]), an int, a long or an arbitrary Java Object. With an Object, the String is created using the ... Datagram newDatagram( int size) throws java.io.IOException; public abstract Datagram newDatagram(byte[] buf, int size) throws java.io.IOException; public abstract Datagram newData...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21

52 326 0