How to Design Programs phần 3 pot
... add -to- pi : N -> number ;; to compute n + 3. 14 without using + (define (add -to- pi n) (cond [(zero? n) 3. 14] [else (add1 (add -to- pi (sub1 n)))])) Figure 32 : Adding a natural number to ... function how- many-numbers , which counts how many numbers are in a list of numbers. How do how- many-symbols and how- many-numbers differ? Exercise 9.5 .3. Develop the...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:20
... that show the reader how to analyze a problem statement; how to formulate concise goals; how to make up examples; how to develop an outline of the solution, based on the analysis; how to finish ... FLY PRESENTS -36 - Exercise 3. 1.2. Use the results of exercise 3. 1.1 to determine how much it costs to run a show at $3. 00, $4.00, and $5.00. Also determine how...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:20
... C D E F to B C E E B F The first step is to create a list of all the nodes and to name it. The second step is to establish the connections according to this table. Figure 133 shows the ... accumulator, [2] invariant add, [2], [3] add-at-end add-child, [2] add -to- address-book, [2], [3] add -to- each add -to- pi add-up -3 address-book, [2] airplane algebra, [2], [...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:20
How to Design Programs phần 2 pps
... following expressions: 1. (distance -to- 0 (make-posn 3 4)) 2. (distance -to- 0 (make-posn (* 2 3) (* 2 4))) 3. (distance -to- 0 (make-posn 12 (- 6 1))) by hand. Show all steps. Assume that sqr ... Thus, (distance -to- 0 (make-posn 3 4)) = 5 (distance -to- 0 (make-posn 8 6)) = 10 (distance -to- 0 (make-posn 5 12)) = 13 Once we have examples, we can turn our atte...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:20
How to Design Programs phần 4 ppt
... 16.2 .3. Show how to model a directory with two more attributes: a size and a systems attribute. The former measures how much space the directory itself (as opposed to its files and subdirectories) ... selector expressions. Using the examples and the template, we are ready to design size : see figure 39 . The differences between the definition and the template are minimal,...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:20
How to Design Programs phần 5 docx
... versions of max with (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20) Explain the effect. Exercise 18.2. 13. Develop the function to- blue-eyed-ancestor. The function consumes a family ... tree (ftn) (see section 14.1) and produces a list that explains how to get to a blue-eyed ancestor. If there is no blue-eyed ancestor, the function produces false. TEAMFLY...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:20
How to Design Programs phần 6 doc
... the following example, however: (gcd-structural 101 135 8 53 45014640) The result is 177 and to get there gcd-structural had to compare 101 135 676, that is, 101 135 8 53 - 177, numbers. This ... TEAM FLY PRESENTS -33 0- Exercise 27 .3. 2. Use poly from 27 .3. 1 to test find-root . Experiment with different values for TOLERANCE . Use the strategy of section 17.8...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:20
How to Design Programs phần 7 ppt
... empty 3) (height-a empty 3) )) (height-a empty 1)) = (max (max 2 (max 3 3)) 1) = 3 It shows how height-a increments the accumulator at each step and that the accumulator at the top ... vectors. A vector is a well-defined mathematical class of data with specific basic operations. For our purposes, it suffices to know how to construct them, how to extract val...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:20
How to Design Programs phần 8 doc
... following list of inexact numbers: (define JANUS (list #i31 #i2e +34 #i-1. 234 5678901 235 e+80 #i2749 #i-2 939 234 #i-2e +33 #i3.2e+270 TEAMFLY ... 3) z)) (change -to- 3 x) What is the effect of change -to- 3 ? What is its result? 35 .4 A First Useful Example Let's take a look at the definitions in figure 98. The fun...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:20
How to Design Programs phần 9 doc
... (begin ((first B) 33 ) true) (= (second C) 33 ) (begin (set! B (make-box 44)) (= (second C) 33 ))) Underline for each step the subexpression that must be evaluated next. Show only those ... 0])) 3. (define (f x) (cond [(zero? x) 1] [else 0])) (begin (set! f 11) f) Rewrite the three programs to show the next state. Exercise 38 .4 .3. Evaluate the followin...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:20