Lập trình đồ họa trong C (phần 3) doc
... in each partition. The change Ay, in they direction over each partition is calculated from the line slope rn and partition width Ax+ Ay, = mAxP (3-1 7i At the kth partition, the ... (50, 103 , (150, 2501, and (250, 100 ): wcPoints[ll .x = SO; wcPoints[ll .y = 100 ; wcPoints[21 .x = 150; wc~oints[2l.y = 250; wc~oints[3l.x = 250; wcPoints[31 .y = 100 ;...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
Lập trình đồ họa trong C (phần 5) docx
... argc, char " argv) ( wcPt2 ptsi31 : { 50.0, 50.0, 150.0, 50.0, 100 .0, 150.0); wcPt2 refPt :. (100 .0. 100 .0); long windowID -; openGraphics (*a~gv, 200, 350); set8ac:iground ... Typically, a graphics package allows a user to specify which part of a defined pi&ke is to be display& and where that part is to be placed on the display device. Any conveni...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
Lập trình đồ họa trong C (phần 10) ppt
... sentations is given in Fig. 10- 115. The scene is modeled using particle-system grass, fractal mountains, and texture mapping and other surface-rendering pro- cedures. Figwe 10- 114 An object ... object disintegrating into a cloud of particles. (Courtesy of Autodesk, lnc.) Figure 10- 115 A scene, entitled Road to Point Reyes, showing particle-system grass, fracta...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20