compilers principles techniques and tools phần 1 ppsx
... 803 11 .4.3 Exercises for Section 11 .4 804 11 .5 Data Reuse 804 11 .5 .1 Types of Reuse 805 11 .5.2 Self Reuse 806 11 .5.3 Self-spatial Reuse 809 11 .5.4 Group Reuse 811 11 .5.5 ... Summary of Chapter 10 765 10 .7 References for Chapter 10 766 11 Optimizing for Parallelism and Locality 769 11 .1 Basic Concepts 7 71 . 11 .1 1 Multiprocessors...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:20
... C1 S -+ while ( { L1 = new(); L2 = new(); C.false =; C.true = L2; } c> { = LI; ) s1 { S.code = label 1) L1 11 C.code )I label )I L2 11 Sl ... S.code = label (1 L1 11 C.code (1 label 1) L2 )I Sl.code Figure 5.27: SDD for while-statements that Sl jumps there after it finishes. That is why we set &.next to L1. L2 i...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:20
... Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - 11 2 CHAPTER 3. LEXICAL ANALYSIS else 1 characters e, 1, s, e I else TOKEN if lit era1 1 anything but ... Symbol found = (Symbol) (e .table. get (s) ) ; I 51 if ( found != null ) return found; 16 ) 3 17 ) return null; 18 ) 1 19 ) 1 Figure 2.37: Class Env implements chaine...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:20
compilers principles techniques and tools phần 3 docx
... each j from 1 to i - 1 ) { 4) replace each production of the form Ai -+ Aj7 by the productions Ai -+ 617 I 627 1 I dk7, where Aj -+ dl 1 d2 1 . . . 1 dk are all ... (1 and M[E, id]. Production El -+ +TE1 is added to M[E', +] since FIRST(+T El) = {+}. Since FOLLOW (El) = {), $1, production E' + E is added to MIE1, )]...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:20
compilers principles techniques and tools phần 5 ppt
... proposed solution," Comm. ACM 1: 8 (19 58), pp. 12 -18 . Part 2: 1: 9 (19 58), pp. 9 -15 . Report of the Share Ad-Hoc committee on Universal Languages. 11 . Wirth, N. "The design of a ... Intermediate Representations (19 95), pp. 11 1- 1 18 . 5. Huskey, H. D., M. H. Halstead, and R. McArthur, "Neliac - a dialect of Algol," Comm. A CM 3:8 (19 60...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:20
compilers principles techniques and tools phần 6 pdf
... systems", Comm. ACM 12 :11 (19 69), pp. 611 - 612 . 8. Frege, G., "Begriffsschrift, a formula language, modeled upon that of arithmetic, for pure thought," (18 79). In J. van Heijenoort, ... is prefixed by #. The instruction LD R1, #I00 loads the integer 10 0 into register R1, and ADD R1, R1, #I00 adds the integer 10 0 into register R1. ' Comments at the...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:20
compilers principles techniques and tools phần 7 pptx
... output value cannot get larger as the input gets smaller. I UNDEF 11 UNDEF UNDEF UNDEF Cl I UNDEF 11 NAC NAC I C2 11 NAC Figure 9.26: The constant-propagation transfer function for ... is evaluated only in blocks B1 and B,, and that the operands of e are not redefined in blocks along the path. There are incoming edges that join the path and there are outgoing edge...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:20
compilers principles techniques and tools phần 8 pot
... 5) ST a, R3 ST a, R1 ST a, R3 6) ST b, R2 ST b, R2 ST b, R4 Figure 10 .10 : Machine code for Exercise 10 .3 .1 10 .3.4 Exercises for Section 10 .3 Exercise 10 .3 .1 : For each of the ... 7) L: MUL LD 8) ST ADD LD BL (L) 9) MUL 10 ) ST ADD 11 ) 12 ) ST ADD 13 ) 14 ) ST Figure 10 .20: Software-pipelined code for Example 10 .12 The technique described a...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:20
... Verification System 10 7 3 .1 Data Acquisition 10 7 3.2 Feature Extraction 11 0 3.3 Feature Matching 11 1 3.4 Verification 11 2 4. Proposed Online Signature Verification Applications 11 3 4 .1 System Password ... Authentication 11 3 4.2 Internet E-commerce Application 11 4 5. Conclusions 11 6 References 11 6 8. Hybrid Fingerprint Recognition using Minutiae and Shape 11 9 Asker...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22