Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 5 docx

Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 5 docx

Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 5 docx

... tr ansactions . CHAPTER 5 ■ INTRODUCTION TO DATA ACCESS1 52 9187ch05CMP2.qxd 7 /26 /07 12: 19 PM Page 1 52 Listing 4- 65. The MoreBusinessOperations Class Is Now Classified Top Secret package com.apress.springbook.chapter04; @Audit("top ... serious problem. CHAPTER 5 ■ INTRODUCTION TO DATA ACCESS 151 9187ch05CMP2.qxd 7 /26 /07 12: 19 PM Page 151 Listing 5- 1. Using Raw JDBC to...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21

35 362 0
Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 3 ppt

Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 3 ppt

... the Spring Web MVC framework. ■Note You can learn about auto-wiring dependencies and extending the bean life cycle of the Application Context in Chapter 5 of Pro Spring (Apress, 20 05) . The Spring ... encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=" /20 01/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:util=&qu...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21

35 393 0
Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 4 pps

Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 4 pps

... the entire application and * is much less typing? CHAPTER 4 ■ SPRING AOP 2. 0 122 9187ch04.qxd 8/1/07 4:41 PM Page 122 Listing 4 -22 . Creating an AOP Configuration Unit in XML with the aop:config ... ■ SPRING AOP 2. 0 99 9187ch04.qxd 8/1/07 4:41 PM Page 99 Spring AOP 2. 0 Welcome to the chapter on the future of Spring AOP. In Chapter 3, we described how Spring AOP has been u...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21

35 310 0
Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 6 ppsx

Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 6 ppsx

... value=""/> </bean> CHAPTER 5 ■ INTRODUCTION TO DATA ACCESS 1 65 9187ch05CMP2.qxd 7 /26 /07 12: 19 PM Page 1 65 Introducing New Spring 2. 0 Features The release of Spring 2. 0 introduced several improvements to Spring in ... details, String emailForNewsletter) { CHAPTER 5 ■ INTRODUCTION TO DATA ACCESS1 62 9187ch05CMP2.qxd 7 /26 /07 12...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21

35 306 0
Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 7 ppt

Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 7 ppt

... 8 ■ SPRING MVC 222 9187ch08.qxd 8 /2/ 07 10:10 AM Page 22 2 Spring MVC Welcome to Chapter 8, where you will apply what you’ve learned about the Spring Framework to building high-quality web applications ... (Apress, 20 05) . Also, check out the Spring 1 .2 and 2. 0 reference manuals. They are a great source of information on the topic. CHAPTER 7 ■ TRANSACTION MANAGEMENT 21 1...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21

35 190 0
Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 9 ppt

Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications phần 9 ppt

... VIEW TECHNOLOGIES2 72 9187ch09CMP2.qxd 7 /26 /07 1:10 PM Page 27 2 Testing with Transactions A nother convenient test base class is o rg.springframework.test.AbstractTransactionalSpring ContextTests , ... TECHNOLOGIES 26 7 9187ch09CMP2.qxd 7 /26 /07 1:10 PM Page 26 7 </td> < /spring: bind> </tr> < ;spring: nestedPath path="member.address"> <tr> <...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:21

35 355 0
Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications

Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications

... the Spring Framework API here! */ } } CHAPTER 1 ■ A GENTLE INTRODUCTION TO THE SPRING FRAMEWORK 15 9187ch01.qxd 8 /2/ 07 10: 05 AM Page 15 Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications Copyright © 20 07 ... information on translations, please contact Apress directly at 28 55 Telegraph Avenue, Suite 600, Berkeley, CA 947 05. Phone 51 0 -54 9 -59 30, fax 51 0 -54 9 -59 39, e...

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 11:55

343 613 2
Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications - Introduction

Building Spring 2 Enterprise Applications - Introduction

... book covers the Spring Framework, the Java application framework of choice for tens of thousands of Java developers worldwide. We feel it is important to introduce you to the Spring Framework ... instead of its semantics. The Spring Framework excels at bringing consistency to the Java plat- form. We’re going to show you how to leverage this consistency to make your applications more c...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 05:20

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Java 2 Bible Enterprise Edition phần 5 docx

Java 2 Bible Enterprise Edition phần 5 docx

... class UserStoriesApp2 { public static UserStory aUserStory = new UserStory(); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { UserStoriesApp2 ua2 = new UserStoriesApp2(); File story ... isCompleted=false dateAssigned=Sat Sep 22 17:31:31 EDT 20 01 idNumber=1 name=Buy Lunch Items description=Get a jar of peanutbutter and a loaf of bread. programmer=Justin estimate =2& gt;>...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:21

71 302 0