ASP.NET Bible 2002 PHẦN 7 ppsx
... within .NET provides support for a wide variety of the common data types. All of these data types are shared equally across all of the .NET ASP. NET security is configured in the ASP. NET application ... be used by an ASP. NET Web service, along with their purpose. Tip Many of these files are optional. A minimal ASP. NET Web service only requires the ASMX file. Table 25-3:...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:23
ASP.NET Bible 2002 PHẦN 9 ppsx
... with ASP. NET supplemented by VB .NET, you will first be taken on a tour through the VB .NET development environment. This will give you the foundation required for you to be a top- notch .NET ... important ASP. NET techniques. Some of the techniques are creating a hierarchical relationship among tables in a relational database; connecting to and retrieving data from a database us...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:23
C# Bible 2002 phần 7 ppsx
... Integration with Visual Studio .NET Visual Studio .NET is the rapid application-development tool for ASP. NET. Visual Studio .NET offers complete integration with ASP. NET and enables you to drag ... using Visual C# in the ASP. NET framework. You learned the basics of ASP. NET and how you can create Web applications in Visual C#. Table 22-3: Events Associated with ASP. N...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:20
ASP.NET Bible 2002 PHẦN 1 docx
... love for ASP. NET has led him to build the largest online ASP. NET directory, at You can usually find Dave online discussing ASP. NET topics at the lists found at ... .NET Framework provides: § ASP. NET Console.WriteLine( _ "Created new EventSource 'ASPnetBible'") End If Dim evLog As New EventLog() evLog.Sour...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:23
ASP.NET Bible 2002 PHẦN 4 doc
... Applications with ASP. NET Mobile Controls Chapter 19: ASP. NET Security Chapter 20: Localizing ASP. NET Applications Chapter 21: Deploying ASP. NET Applications Chapter 14: ASP. NET Application ... namespace provided in ASP. NET for working with XML documents. Then, you looked at some simple applications of using XML with ASP. NET. Finally, you learned about bin...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:23
ASP.NET Bible 2002 PHẦN 5 potx
... when the source ASP. NET file is changed or the cache timeout is reached. Figure 17- 6 shows the processing of a Web page in ASP. NET. Figure 17- 6: Processing a Web page in ASP. NET You can mark ... process-independent. ASP. NET session state can run in a separate process from the ASP. NET host process. Therefore, the session state is available irrespective of the ASP....
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:23
ASP.NET Bible 2002 PHẦN 6 pdf
... Configuration sections in ASP. NET Section Configuration Section Handler in ASP. NET Description model settings, such as timeout, idletimeout, and shutdowntime out, for an ASP. NET application. ... used to run an ASP. NET application. webServices System.Web.Services.Webservices. ConfigurationSectionHandler Configures the settings for ASP. NET Web services. AS...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:23
C# Bible 2002 phần 4 ppsx
... hierarchy will include the .NET object class. Thanks to the rules of inheritance in C#, the functionality of the .NET object class is available to all classes in C#. The .NET object class carries ... and process environment management. The System namespace is the largest one provided with .NET. The .NET Framework also contains a Microsoft namespace that provides backward compatibili...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:20
C# Bible 2002 phần 6 ppsx
... and used by .NET code. Listing 17- 3 adds a new class to the code from Listing 17- 2. The new class is called ClassAuthorAttribute and derives from the .NET Attribute class. Listing 17- 3: Defining ... defined by an Internet standard called RFC 176 6. The standard is titled Tags for the Identification of Languages and is available on the Internet at 176 6.txt. The...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:20
... world, and NHaml looks set to win a lot of fans in the ASP. NET MVC world, too. CHAPTER 10 ■ VIEWS 3 67 10 078 ch10.qxd 3/16/09 1:01 PM Page 3 67 Table 10-5. HTML Helpers for Rendering Multiple-Choice ... application to your server, you’ll usually deploy a set of these ASPX and ASCX files that are as yet uncompiled. Nonethe- less, when ASP. NET wants to use each such file at runtime,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22