ASP NET AJAX in Action phần 8 docx

ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 8 docx

ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 8 docx

... client-centric drag-and-drop shopping cart ■ Building an ASP. NET server-centric drag-and-drop shopping cart 3 98 CHAPTER 11 XML Script InvokeMethod action. In the code, a binding was used to synchronize ... id="srcText" text="initial text" /> <label id="dstLabel"> <bindings> Listing 11.12 Binding between a text box and a label Binding...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:23

57 356 0
ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 4 docx

ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 4 docx

... Class="AspNetAjaxInAction.GeocodeService" %> using System; using System.Web; using System.Web.Services; using System.Web.Services.Protocols; using System.Web.Script.Services; namespace AspNetAjaxInAction { ... title. Listing 5 .8 shows the implementation for the class. using System; namespace AspNetAjaxInAction { public class Employee { public Employee() { } private strin...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:22

57 379 0
ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 7 docx

ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 7 docx

... 9.4.4 Adding Ajax to the ASP. NET Login control Trying to put the ASP. NET Login control in an UpdatePanel reveals a sad truth: The control suddenly stops working, and your dreams of performing user ... defined in the IScriptControl interface are embedded in the control rather than in a different object. In some situations, you’ll want to turn an existing control into a...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:22

57 425 0
Manning ASP.NET AJAX in Action PHẦN 8 ppsx

Manning ASP.NET AJAX in Action PHẦN 8 ppsx

... Built -in transformers available in the ASP. NET Futures Name Description Transformer argument Binding direction Invert Performs a Boolean NOT of the input value. -In ToString Formats the input ... example, you can move the binding defined in listing 11.12 outside the label and declare it under the components node, as shown in listing 11.13. <binding id="binding1"...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:20

57 436 0
ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 1 pot

ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 1 pot

... model ■ A tour of ASP. NET AJAX Part 1 ASP. NET AJAX basics The first part of the book sets the foundations of ASP. NET AJAX. Chap- ter 1 introduces the main Ajax concepts and terminology. In this chapter, we’ll ... ASP. NET AJAX BASICS 1 1 Introducing ASP. NET AJAX 3 1.1 What is Ajax? 4 Ajax components 5 ■ Asynchronous web programming 7 The XMLHttpRequest o...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:22

58 262 0
ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 6 doc

ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 6 doc

... in listing 8. 8. 280 CHAPTER 8 ASP. NET AJAX client components 8. 3.1 Sys.UI.Behavior A behavior is a client class that derives from the base Sys.UI.Behavior class. In turn, Sys.UI.Behavior inherits ... elements. Having a centralized location for initializing and disposing an instance is critical. 272 CHAPTER 8 ASP. NET AJAX client components Let’s see what it takes t...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:22

57 372 0
ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 10 potx

ASP.NET AJAX in Action phần 10 potx

... 479 transformers, built -in 406 ASP. NET Futures CTP installing 491–492 ASP. NET markup 374 ASP. NET page 285 Ajax- enabling 39–40 487 appendix A: Installing ASP. NET AJAX INDEX 529 feedback providing to user ... configure a predefined response for HTTP requests directed to a specific URL. APPENDIX A Installing ASP. NET AJAX 493 A.1.3 Additional ASP. NET AJAX down...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:23

59 380 0
Manning ASP.NET AJAX in Action PHẦN 1 potx

Manning ASP.NET AJAX in Action PHẦN 1 potx

... presented in ASP. NET AJAX in Action is available to purchasers of the book from the Manning website. Visit the site at www.manning. com/gallo or ASPNETAJAXinAction for instructions ... Script 3 78 ■ From XML Script to JavaScript 382 ■ Type descriptors 383 11.2 Actions 386 SetPropertyAction 387 ■ PostBackAction 389 InvokeMethodAction 389 ■ Custom actio...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:20

58 367 0
Manning ASP.NET AJAX in Action PHẦN 2 potx

Manning ASP.NET AJAX in Action PHẦN 2 potx

... method. ASP. NET AJAX in action 29 results. The delay in response time confuses the director and initially makes him wonder if something is wrong with the application. Before the introduction of Ajax, ... Microsoft Ajax Library extends with methods commonly found in the . NET Array class. Listing 2.6 Example using the Sys.StringBuilder class Create instance of StringBuil...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:20

57 425 0
Manning ASP.NET AJAX in Action PHẦN 3 doc

Manning ASP.NET AJAX in Action PHẦN 3 doc

... http:// ajax .asp. net/ docs/Configuring ASPNETAJAX.aspx. A helpful video is also available on the ASP. NET AJAX homepage at http://www .asp. net/ learn/videos/view.aspx?- tabid=63&id =81 . Assuming ... lan- guages: inheritance. Listing 3.6 Declaring a class in a namespace Classes in JavaScript 89 backslashes, it would be interpreted as a simple string instead of a date....

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:20

57 432 0
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