ASP.NET 2.0 DEMYSTIFIED phần 7 doc
... 5 ,00 0 customers and each customer places five orders a month. This results in 5 ,00 0 occurrences of the customer name and address in the customer entity; 25 ,00 0 occurrence each month ( 300 ,00 0 ... date 10 required 35 required 3 5 75 required 75 required 75 required 2 required 10 required 10 required l0 required 75 required 75 required 75 required 2 re...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:22
ASP.NET 2.0 DEMYSTIFIED phần 3 doc
... 79 ,22 8,1 62, 5 14 ,26 4,3 37, 593,543,9 50, 335, and the smallest is -79 ,22 8,1 62, 514 ,26 4,3 37, 593,543,9 50, 335. The Decimal data type can also store up to 28 decimal places. The largest of these is 7. 922 8 ... temporary memory location that can hold a whole number within the range -9 ,22 3,3 72 , 03 6,854 to 9 ,22 3,3 72 , 03 6,854 ,77 5, 8 07 . This hold values smaller an...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:22
ASP.NET 2.0 DEMYSTIFIED phần 4 docx
... String = 11 10& quot; Dim TenAsANumber As Integer TenAsANumber = C~nt(TenAsAString) ASP. NET 2. 0 Demystified Conditional Statements A conditional statement tells the ASPNET engine to ... to simply use the literal value .06 whenever you need to refer to the sales tax in a calculation. ASP. NET 2. 0 Demystified 9. The Not operator tells the ASPNET to a. Skip ev...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:22
ASP.NET 2.0 DEMYSTIFIED phần 5 docx
... the value of i is 0. And the value of ProductsPrices[O] is 2. 50. Therefore, the ASP. NET engine is told to do this: Row 0 1 TotalPrice = 0 + 2. 50 ProductsPrices 2. 50 1 SO Now the ... ll~eer") products (0) = llWinell CurrentProduct = products (0) ProductsTxbx.Value = CurrentProduct ASP. NET 2. 0 Demystified This statement tells the ASP. NET...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:22
ASP.NET 2.0 DEMYSTIFIED phần 2 pptx
... create ASP. NET web pages using the ASPNET Web Matrix. Quiz 1. ASP. NET web pages are written using a. VB .NET b. C# c. C++ d. VBScript 2. The ASP. NET engine requires a. .NET OS b. .NET ... hand or two). ASP. NET 2. 0 Demystified Internet Information Sewer (11s) You can install Microsoft's Internet Information Server (11s) if you are running a Window...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:22
ASP.NET 2.0 DEMYSTIFIED phần 8 pdf
... dropped. ASPONET 2. 0 Demystified <b>Customer Last Name:</b> <br> casp:TextBox ID="txtCustLastName" Runat="Servern /> <P> <P> < ;asp: Button ... subroutine 4. d. Select 5. b. Where 6. d. None of the above 7. b. False 8. b. False 9. b. False 10. a. True ASPONET 2. 0 Demystified It is important to remember that...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:22
ASP.NET 2.0 DEMYSTIFIED phần 9 pps
... Street 3 Sixth 822 72 USA Street Angeles 18 Fifth Chicago IL 4 500 3 USA Street 3 Sixth Los CA 822 72 USA Street Angeles Sales 500 00 20 00 0 500 00 300 00 400 00 300 00 Let's begin ... by CustomerNumber. ProductNumber 10 52 325 5 325 5 523 7 523 7 74 66 74 66 CustomerNumber 54 321 54 321 54 32 1 123 45 876 76 123 45 678 9...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:22
ASP.NET 2.0 DEMYSTIFIED phần 10 ppsx
... expressions, 77 Between operator, 20 7 binding data, 22 1 -22 2 check box control, 22 9 -23 0 DropDownList control, 22 6 -22 8 hyperlinks, 23 1 -23 2 List Box control, 23 0 -23 1 radio button control, 22 8 -22 9 ... data binding, 22 1 -22 2 check box control, 22 9 -23 0 DropDownList control, 22 6 -22 8 hyperlinks, 23 1 -23 2 List Box control, 23 0 -23 1 ra...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:22
... users is shown in Table 11-6. 3 40 Chapter 11 14_59 67 72 ch11.qxd 12/ 13 /05 11:19 PM Page 3 40 Building an Airline Reservation System Using ASP. NET 2. 0 and SQL Server 20 05 So far in this book, you ... 14_59 67 72 ch11.qxd 12/ 13 /05 11:19 PM Page 375 < ;asp: ListItem Value= 2 >B< /asp: ListItem> < ;asp: ListItem Value=”3”>C< /asp: ListItem> < ;a...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:22
... equity $ $ $ $ 22 2 6 20 600 26 196 16 70 31 12 2 27 0 $ $ $ $ 23 2 428 408 600 1 3 20 196 27 56 1 9 20 Current assets Cash Accounts receivable Inventory Total Fixed assets Net fixed assets Total assets $ $ $ $ 27 56 1644 11 12 553 455 104 $ $ $ $ 31 12 1 70 9 1 403 555 688 1 60 ... 31 TMA INC. Balance Sheets as of December 31, 20 10...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20