Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 9 potx
... GlobalFree() and LocalFree(), actually perform virtu- ally identical functions. Because of their greater flexibility we will use GlobalAlloc() and GlobalFree() instead of new and delete or malloc and ... of formal methods of specifications. Therefore we settle for the lowest level of rigor, which we define as methodol - ogy for program development based on following a sequence of...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 07:22
... 791 Encapsulation 791 Inheritance 791 Message Passing 791 29. 1 Class and Object Decomposition 792 29. 1.1 Searching for Objects 796 29. 1.2 Neat and Dirty Classes 796 29. 2 Finding Classes and Objects 797 29. 2.1 ... Summar y 7 89 29. 0 Elements of Object-Oriented Analysis 7 89 29. 0.1 Modeling the Problem-Domain 790 29. 0.2 Defining System Responsibilities 790 29....
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 07:22
... – 99 99 M significand 136 34 0 – 99 99 (34 digits) Format size 160 (20 bytes) Notes: 1. The significand is scaled (normalized) to a number in the range 1.00 00 to 9. 99 99. 2. The encoding for ... book’s CD ROM. 4.0.1 ANSI/IEEE 854 Standard On March 12, 198 7, the Standards Board of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers approved the IEEE Standard for Radix-Inde...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 07:22
Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 3 pps
... po- sition. Table 8.5 Octant Formulas for the Tangent Function of Angle r CONDITION CODES OCTANT C3 C1 FORMULA 0 and 4 0 0 tan (r) 1 and 5 0 1 1/tan (p/4– (r (MOD p/4))) 2 and 6 1 0 –1/tan (r) 3 and 7 1 1 – tan ... In the 80387 and the math unit of the 486 and the Pentium, the operand range for all trigo - Math Unit Architecture and Instruction Set 173 grees and vice-versa...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 07:22
Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 6 pdf
... multi - ple inheritance, template functions, and some degree of exception handling. The C++ programming was standardized in 199 8 as ISO/IEC 14882: 199 8. The current ver - sion dates from 2003. During ... version is Borland C++ Builder 2006 for Microsoft Windows. Two variations are available in the Borland product: the Professional and the Enterprise editions. 16.2 Flowcharts and So...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 07:22
Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 7 ppsx
... to 9 are VK_0 to VK _9, and the ones for the alphabetic characters A through Z are VK_A through VK_Z. This type of processing is not without complications. For example, the vir - tual-key code for ... User Interface Elements 5 59 } return 0; Finally, there is the static class of controls that are often used for text fields, for labeling boxes, and for drawing frames and r...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 07:22
Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 8 pptx
... palette-relative format. If the high-order byte is zero, then the color is an ex - 610 Chapter 23 31 24 23 16 15 8 7 0 FORMAT CODE RED 0 for explicit RGB format 1 for palette-index format 2 for palette-relative ... the function PolyDraw95() the processing for closed and open fig- ures takes place in the same intercepts. Therefore, there is no closing action imple- mented. When using...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 07:22
Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 10 pot
... and Whole-Part class rela - tionships. For example, the structures in Figures 29. 8 and 29. 9 would give rise to the compound structure shown in Figure 29. 10. Figure 29. 10 Compound Structure 29. 2.2 ... APPROXIMATION 492 6 D11CCH D11CCH D11E0H CFBC3 0512 492 7 82B1FH 82B1FH 82B2CH 82501 0410 492 8 A35E7H A35E8H A35CCH A37CEH 158 492 9 CC361H CC361H CC33FH CAB86H 0612 493 0 FFA1D...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 07:22
Software Solutionsfor for engineers and scientist ppt
... 791 Encapsulation 791 Inheritance 791 Message Passing 791 29. 1 Class and Object Decomposition 792 29. 1.1 Searching for Objects 796 29. 1.2 Neat and Dirty Classes 796 29. 2 Finding Classes and Objects 797 29. 2.1 ... Summar y 7 89 29. 0 Elements of Object-Oriented Analysis 7 89 29. 0.1 Modeling the Problem-Domain 790 29. 0.2 Defining System Responsibilities 790 29....
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 19:20
Modeling Tools for Environmental Engineers and Scientists Episode 9 ppsx
... cannot be solved explicitly to find the bed length for a desired process performance. Webber and DiGiano ( 199 6) recommended a graphical proce- dure for solving this problem. Further, it would be ... RK4-se, and the custom procedure, “Equation.” By opening the procedure sheet for “Equation,” the governing ODE for this problem is entered in the bottom section, and the parameters...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:22