Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 7 ppsx

Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 7 ppsx

Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 7 ppsx

... controls that are often used for text fields, for labeling boxes, and for drawing frames and rectangles. Although static controls are frequently limited to labeling and simple drawing operations, ... structure 2 * cxChar, // x for start cyChar, // y for start cxClient -(2 * cxChar), // x for end cyClient); // y for end // Display multi-line text string 532 Chapter 21 handl...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 07:22

90 381 0
Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 1 pps

Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 1 pps

... Summar y 77 3 28.0 Histor y and Chronology 77 3 28.1 Object-Oriented Fundamentals 77 4 28.1.1 Problem-Set and Solution- Set 77 5 28.1.2 Rationale of Object Orientation 77 6 28.2 Classes and Objects 77 6 28.2.1 ... Customer 75 8 27. 2.3 The Specifications Phase 75 8 The Software Specifications Document 76 0 27. 3.4 Formal and Semiformal Specifications 76 1 27. 3.5 Asser...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 07:22

90 325 0
Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 2 pptx

Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 2 pptx

... significand in the ANSI/IEEE 75 4 double format is 53 bi - nary digits wide, to which we must add an implicit 1-bit. The largest decimal significand allowed in 54 bits is 72 0, 575 ,940, 379 , 277 ,74 3, ... book’s CD ROM. 4.0.1 ANSI/IEEE 854 Standard On March 12, 19 87, the Standards Board of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers approved the IEEE Standard for Radix-In...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 07:22

90 393 0
Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 3 pps

Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 3 pps

... negative) by powers of 2. Range of factor is –3 276 7 ≤ ST(1) < 3 276 7 in 80 87 And 802 87. No limit in 803 87 and later FPREM Partial remainder. Performs modulo FPREM division of the stack top by ST(1), ... simultaneously. In the 803 87 and the math unit of the 486 and the Pentium, the operand range for all trigo - Math Unit Architecture and Instruction Set 173 grees an...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 07:22

90 320 0
Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 6 pdf

Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 6 pdf

... believe that the 7. 0 and 7. 1 compilers were intended exclusively for .NET development, which is not the case. Borland Corporation had developed and marketed several C++ systems for the PC over ... First Windows Program 471 16.1 PC Implementations of C and C++ Several software companies have developed C and C++ compilers for the PC. Some of these products have gained and...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 07:22

90 337 0
Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 8 pptx

Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 8 pptx

... palette-relative format. If the high-order byte is zero, then the color is an ex - 610 Chapter 23 31 24 23 16 15 8 7 0 FORMAT CODE RED 0 for explicit RGB format 1 for palette-index format 2 for palette-relative ... obtain information regarding the device context. For example, a program may need to know the screen resolution or the number of display colors. One of the most useful fun...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 07:22

90 340 0
Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 9 potx

Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 9 potx

... pro - gram’s user friendliness. For example, a program with low levels of correctness and reliability and that performs poorly could hardly be considered as user 72 8 Chapter 26 Figure 25.6 is a ... GlobalFree() and LocalFree(), actually perform virtu- ally identical functions. Because of their greater flexibility we will use GlobalAlloc() and GlobalFree() instead of new and dele...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 07:22

90 341 0
Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 10 pot

Software Solution for Engineers and Scientist Episode 10 pot

... clients. In this case the New Mexico, South Dakota, and California sites perform different functions and could therefore be con - sidered as candidates for classification. Another example: the quality ... breach is detected, switches for enabling and disabling the system, and input/output hardware such as a keypad for entering passwords and displays for echoing input and r...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 07:22

90 196 0
Software Solutionsfor for engineers and scientist ppt

Software Solutionsfor for engineers and scientist ppt

... Summar y 77 3 28.0 Histor y and Chronology 77 3 28.1 Object-Oriented Fundamentals 77 4 28.1.1 Problem-Set and Solution- Set 77 5 28.1.2 Rationale of Object Orientation 77 6 28.2 Classes and Objects 77 6 28.2.1 ... Customer 75 8 27. 2.3 The Specifications Phase 75 8 The Software Specifications Document 76 0 27. 3.4 Formal and Semiformal Specifications 76 1 27. 3.5 Asser...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 19:20

946 499 0
The boundary element method with programming for engineers and scientists - phần 7 ppsx

The boundary element method with programming for engineers and scientists - phần 7 ppsx

... ! Solution of system of equations ! by Gauss Elimination ! for multple right hand sides ! REAL(KIND=8) :: Lhs(:,:) ! Equation Left hand side REAL(KIND=8) :: Rhs(:) ! Equation right hand ... modified into Solve_Multi, which can handle both single (Rhs) and multiple (RhsM) right hand sides. The output parameter of the SUBROUTINE is stiffness matrix K and for partially coupled...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

50 248 0
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