Báo cáo khoa học: "Molecular characterization of two hantavirus strains from different rattus species in Singapore" ppsx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Molecular characterization of two hantavirus strains from different rattus species in Singapore" ppsx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Molecular characterization of two hantavirus strains from different rattus species in Singapore" ppsx

... screening of the animals using PCR, and the characterization of two genetically different hantavirus strains denoted Seoul virus strain Singapore and Serang virus strain Jurong TJK/06 of samples from ... 7:15 http://www.virologyj.com/content/7/1/15 Page 8 of 9 RESEA R C H Open Access Molecular characterization of two hantavirus strains from different rattus...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:21

9 349 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular characterization of artemin and ferritin from Artemia franciscana pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular characterization of artemin and ferritin from Artemia franciscana pot

... ferritin and the positioning of cysteine residues in artemin. A monomer of human H ferritin was depicted in Cn3D in the so called Ôneighbor styleÕ and used as a template for positioning of cysteine ... underlining indicates helical regions, and residues in blue indicate b structures in Artemia ferritin and artemin. Residues in the di-iron ferroxidase centers of humanferrit...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 20:22

9 415 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana PUF proteins – binding specificity and target candidates doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana PUF proteins – binding specificity and target candidates doc

... the binding of RNA-binding proteins to 3¢ UTR tran- scripts has been poorly described in plants. PUF proteins are a large family of RNA-binding proteins found in all eukaryotes. These proteins ... cell maintenance [7,15]. However, these two proteins show distinct patterning functions in the distal germ line, independently affecting the number of cells in the mitotic region [29...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 06:20

15 586 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular characterization of Osh6p, an oxysterol binding protein homolog in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular characterization of Osh6p, an oxysterol binding protein homolog in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae pot

... pro- tein–protein interaction. In this study, Osh6p was demonstrated to bind a pool of phosphatidylinositol phosphates (PtdInsP) including PtdIns(4)P, PtdIns(5)P, PtdIns(3,4)P 2 and PtdIns(3,5)P 2 with ... Faculty of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Republic of Singapore 2 Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, A*STAR Biomedical Research Institutes, Singapore, Republi...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 21:20

13 584 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular characterization of H2O2-forming NADH oxidases from Archaeoglobus fulgidus potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular characterization of H2O2-forming NADH oxidases from Archaeoglobus fulgidus potx

... might have remained in the Nox assay. The decrease in NADH in the first assay was related to the amount of H 2 O 2 found in the second assay. Protein was determined according to Bradford [18] using the ... 3,3¢-dimethoxybenzidine as electron donor. In the NoxA-1 assay between 71% and 95% of the amount Fig. 3. SDS/PAGE of extracts of recombinant E. coli containing NoxA-1, NoxB...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:21

10 531 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular characterization of a novel nuclear transglutaminase that is expressed during starfish embryogenesis ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular characterization of a novel nuclear transglutaminase that is expressed during starfish embryogenesis ppt

... : 26 of the original volume using Centricon-10 (Amicon). Proteins were determined by the modified method of alkaline copper (Lowry) protein assay [23] using BSA as the standard. Transglutaminase ... localization of TG has been reported in the studies on tissue TG [8,9]. A nuclear transport protein, importin-a3, has been shown to be involved in the active transport of tissue TG into...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 10:20

11 502 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular characterization of a blood-induced serine carboxypeptidase from the ixodid tick Haemaphysalis longicornis docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular characterization of a blood-induced serine carboxypeptidase from the ixodid tick Haemaphysalis longicornis docx

... (1999) Vaccination with cathepsin L proteinases and with leucine aminopeptidase induces high levels of protection against fascioliasis in sheep. Infect Immun 67, 1954–1961. 3 Williamson AL, Brindley ... modeling of substrate binding in the S1¢ subsite of serine carboxy- peptidases from yeast, wheat, and human. Biochemistry 35, 14899–14909. 23 Pshezhetsky AV, Vinogradova MV, Elslig...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 10:20

14 433 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular characterization of recombinant mouse adenosine kinase and evaluation as a target for protein phosphorylation potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular characterization of recombinant mouse adenosine kinase and evaluation as a target for protein phosphorylation potx

... protein kinases tested in this study represent most of the p rincipal classes of protein serine/threonine kinases, the possibility remains that an untested, perhaps unidentified, protein kinase ... ome properties of 5¢-nucleotidase, adenosine kinase and adenosine deaminase in tissues of vertebrates and invertebrates in relation to the control of the concentration and the physio...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 18:20

9 497 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular characterization of secretory proteins Rv3619c and Rv3620c fromMycobacterium tuberculosisH37Rv docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular characterization of secretory proteins Rv3619c and Rv3620c fromMycobacterium tuberculosisH37Rv docx

... enhancements of fluorescence intensity, suggesting the relocation of tryptophans in the hydrophobic environment because of membrane bind- ing. We also checked the binding of the two proteins to small ... Rv3020c contains histidine in place of tryptophan in the WXG motif, which induces the formation of a small helix that joins the N-terminal and C-terminal domains [13]. The...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:21

13 280 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular characterization of gonad-inhibiting hormone of Penaeus monodon and elucidation of its inhibitory role in vitellogenin expression by RNA interference pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular characterization of gonad-inhibiting hormone of Penaeus monodon and elucidation of its inhibitory role in vitellogenin expression by RNA interference pptx

... primers used in 3¢-RACE of Pem-GIH cDNA were designed from the conserved amino acid sequences of MIH ⁄ GIH from several species of crustacean. In the first round of PCR, a 1 lL aliquot of cDNA was amplified ... compilation ª 2008 FEBS Molecular characterization of gonad-inhibiting hormone of Penaeus monodon and elucidation of its inhibitory role in vitellogenin exp...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 07:20

11 369 0