Evidence based pediatrics - part 3 ppt

Evidence based pediatrics - part 3 ppt

Evidence based pediatrics - part 3 ppt

... than 43 C for 60 minutes. In the sec- ond part of the study, 32 individuals received a 1-hour treatment with steam ( 43 C) and were compared with 36 who received room air (20 to 24°C). A 7-day ... Pediatr Infect Dis J 1994; 13: 585–9. 77. Cetron M, Breiman R, Jorgensen J. Multi-site population -based surveillance for drug-resistant Strep- tococcus pneumoniae (DRSP) [abstract C-2 83] , 97...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 03:21

46 282 0
Evidence based pediatrics - part 1 ppt

Evidence based pediatrics - part 1 ppt

... Sci 1987;92 :30 1-1 4. 72. Annas GJ. Women and children first. N Engl J Med 1995 ;33 3:164 7-5 1. 73. Carty EM, Bradley CF. A randomised, controlled evaluation of early postpartum hospital dis- charge. ... mea- surement. Pediatrics 1998;101:221–8. 34 Evidence- Based Pediatrics EVIDENCE- BASED PEDIATRICS William Feldman, MD, FRCPC Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics University...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 03:21

43 262 0
Evidence based pediatrics - part 6 pptx

Evidence based pediatrics - part 6 pptx

... Commission of Pediatrics of the International League against Epilepsy. Restrictions for children with epilepsy. Epilepsia 1997 ;38 :1054–7. 240 Evidence- Based Pediatrics 230 Evidence- Based Pediatrics Table ... Com- pany; 19 93. p. 198–208. 42. Loening-Baucke V. Constipation in early childhood: patient characteristics, treatment and long- term follow-up. Gut 19 93; 34:1400–4. 43...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 03:21

45 248 0
Evidence based pediatrics - part 10 ppt

Evidence based pediatrics - part 10 ppt

... anaphylaxis, 33 8 and diagnosis of immediate hypersensitivity, 33 0 -3 33 environmental, 33 0 food, 32 7 -3 29 penicillin, and cross- reactions, 32 9 -3 30 treatment, 33 3- 3 38 of anaphylaxis, 34 1 of food, ... for, 422 prognosis, 431 symptoms, 42 1-4 23 treatment, 42 7-4 31 , 428 education, 427 medication, 42 7-4 29 psychological and behavioural therapy, 43 0-...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 03:21

46 192 0
Evidence-based Cardiology – part 3 pptx

Evidence-based Cardiology – part 3 pptx

... (Ϫ20 33 ) CHD death Ϫ5 ( 37 –20) CHAOS 17 2002 patients 1·4 800 IU/ Non-fatal MI 77 ( 53 89) with CHD in 400 IU All-cause death Ϫ29 (Ϫ119–24) the UK CV death Ϫ10 (Ϫ96 39 ) GISSI 18 11 32 4 3 5 30 0 ... status Aromaa, 1994, 535 5 (55) 40–64 Depression 6·6 (me) Fatal CH D (91) Age 1·95 (ss) 5 ϩϩ Finland, Mini- (GHQ -3 6 In those with no Finland Health and PSE) pre-existing CVD: 3 36 (ss)...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 17:21

99 322 0
Solar Cells Silicon Wafer Based Technologies Part 3 ppt

Solar Cells Silicon Wafer Based Technologies Part 3 ppt

... this work Cell (33 °C) G sh (Ω -1 ) R s (Ω) n I s (µA) I ph (A) 0.0186 0. 036 4 1.4 837 0 .32 23 0.7608 0.0094 0. 037 6 1.4841 0 .33 74 0.76 03 0.0114 0. 039 2 1.4425 0.2296 ... (45°C) G sh (Ω -1 ) R s (Ω) n I s (µA) I ph (A) 0.00182 1.2057 48.450 3. 2876 1. 031 8 0.00145 1.1619 50.99 6 .39 86 1. 030 0.001445 1. 237 3...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 11:20

25 356 0
Biomimetic Based Applications Part 3 ppt

Biomimetic Based Applications Part 3 ppt

... C(\7,:$="<(&+#%=+%#,&(89(@8#@7*# $3& amp;( ,3= "@&%<"+,2( $3( &$<$="(?,<(&78; $3? (>$8:$:,+$=( "=+$B$+*( $3( @78+88E*? ,3& quot;+$ 83( 89(: 838 +,#@ ,3, &C( J:ONZf J 4 WXO N NH N NH CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 N N NH NH CH 3 CH 3 O O OHOH CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 OH OH CH 3 Homogeneous ... 1x10 -6...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

40 244 0
Evidence based Dermatology - part 2 pptx

Evidence based Dermatology - part 2 pptx

... RCTs), 1 23 130 erythromycin/zinc (three RCTs), 92, 131 , 132 2% fusidic acid (two RCTs), 133 , 134 meclocycline, 135 metronidazole, 136 triclosan 137 and tetracycline (three RCTs). 87–89 In the studies ... of the six RCTs that presented data, 29 ,30 ,33 ,34 ,46 mean percentage reductions in NIL ranged from 46% to 83% in the 0·1% adapalene group and from 33 % to 83% in the 0·025%...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22

76 295 0
Evidence based Dermatology - part 3 pot

Evidence based Dermatology - part 3 pot

... Allergy Clin Immunol 1999; 1 03 :125 38 . 148 Evidence- based Dermatology 20. Wahlgren CF, Hagermark O, Bergstrom R. The antipruritic effect of a sedative and a non-sedative antihistamine in atopic ... al . 1998 (USA) 6 Twice-daily tacrolimus ointment 0· 03% , 0·1% and 0 3% v vehicle alone (emollients and bath oils only) Twice-daily tacrolimus ointment 0· 03% , 0·1% and 0 3% v vehicle...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22

76 291 0
Evidence based Dermatology - part 8 pptx

Evidence based Dermatology - part 8 pptx

... terpenoids. 12, 30 33 528 Evidence- based Dermatology levels of immunoreactive β-melanocyte stimulating hormone found normal levels in patients taking oral contraceptives, some of whom had melasma, 13 suggesting ... Dermatol 1986; 3 :34 4–8. 7. Taplin D, Castillero PM, Spiegel J et al. Malathion for treatment of Pediculus humanus var . capitis infestation. JAMA 1982; 247 :31 03...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 15:20

76 279 0