Radiation and Health - Chapter 5 pot

Radiation and Health - Chapter 5 pot

Radiation and Health - Chapter 5 pot

... t 1/2 Krypton- 85 Kr- 85 10.7 yr Tellurium-129m Te-129m 33.6 d Strontium-89 Sr-89 50 .5 d Iodine-131 I-131 8.04 d Strontium-90 Sr-90 29.1 yr Xenon-133 Xe-133 5. 3 d Yttrium-91 Y-91 58 .5 d Cesium-137 Cs-137 ... yr Zirconium- 95 Zr- 95 64 d Barium-140 Ba-140 12.7 d Technecium-99 Tc-99 213,000 yr Praseodymium-143 Pr-143 13.6 d Ruthenium-103 Ru-103 39.3 d Neodymium-147 Nd-147 11.0 d Rut...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23

8 146 0
Radiation and Health - Chapter 11 potx

Radiation and Health - Chapter 11 potx

... Taylor & Francis 134 Radiation and Health Radiation- induced Cancer in Animals A great deal of our knowledge about radiation- induced cancers is from experi- ments on rats and mice. The animals ... & Francis 142 Radiation and Health Figure 11 .5. The figure indicates relative risk for radiation- induced leukemia and cancer death. The equivalent dose calculations are...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23

24 376 0
Radiation and Health - Chapter 3 pot

Radiation and Health - Chapter 3 pot

... half-life. Time given in half-lives Activity given in percent After one half-life the intensity of the radiation has decreased to 50 %. After two half-lives only 25% remains and so on. Each half-life ... Francis 25Radioactive Decay Laws C-14 used as a biological clock C-14 emits β-particles. Since the energy is small (max. 156 keV) and since the number of disintegrations is small, the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23

6 208 0
Radiation and Health - Chapter 14 (end) pot

Radiation and Health - Chapter 14 (end) pot

... 181 - 294 - 407 - 52 0 - 633 liter. Approximately 71% of the γ -radiation from the first layer, which is directed against you (half of the photons), will hit your body. For the next layer 35% will reach ... Francis 214 Radiation and Health The decay scheme for Cs-137 (Figure 2.4) demonstrates that two types of - particles can be emitted. The majority (94 .5 %) have...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23

14 451 0
GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION: Value, Pricing, Production, and Consumption - Chapter 5 pot

GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION: Value, Pricing, Production, and Consumption - Chapter 5 pot

... http://www.faz.com/IN/INtem- plates/eFAZ/docmain.asp?rub={F040FFD 3-8 97B-46DF-960 3-7 52 DD64 053 89}&d oc={722DCB6C-4B8A-4D37-B1C 2-9 4EDB586FD30} (accessed March 4, 2004). Schuurman, N. 2000. Trouble in the heartland: ... http://www.newscientist.com/channel/tech/mg192 258 16.00 0- invented-for-the-military-used-to-defend-wildlife.html (accessed December 17, 2006). 3414.indb...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

36 385 0
Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 5 pot

Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 5 pot

... time and of causality. The praxeological system too is aprioristic and deductive. As a system it is out of time. But change is one of its elements. The notions of sooner and later and of cause and ... substituted for that of cause and effect. It will be shown later that axiomatic mechanics cannot serve as a model for the treatment of the economic system. Cf. below, pp. 35 3-3...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

6 258 0
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 5 potx

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 5 potx

... them in processions to Isis and sacrifice and worship heads of bulls and rams. Minucius Felix derides half-goats, half-humans and gods with lion or jackal heads, and he THE RELIGIOUS VALUE OF ... to earth and water, were displayed on carved stones and magical papyri, symbolized transformation, and had healing as well as prophetic powers (Turcan 1996: 260 5; Lancellotti 2000: 3...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20

21 613 0
Financial Modeling with Crystal Ball and Excel Chapter 5 pot

Financial Modeling with Crystal Ball and Excel Chapter 5 pot

... into rows 50 and 51 of Project.xls with indicator variables, as shown in Figure 5. 14. Cells G50:M50 check whether or not to abandon each quarter, and cells G51:M51 ensure that once abandoned, ... identified in Figure 5. 27 is the same as that identified in Figure 5. 22 using Decision Table, namely an Abandon Point of −6 and an Expansion Point of 5. For both Figures 5. 27 and 5....

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 18:20

24 310 0
Geography and Oceanography - Chapter 5 pot

Geography and Oceanography - Chapter 5 pot

... to Hole 1 256 D The ocean floor ages and accumulates sediments Toba (71,000 B.C.) - 3000 times as big as Mt St Helens - - Sulfuric acid and dust blocked sunlight, reducing temperatures 5 C for ... (tephra) Mid-Ocean Ridges Uniform process of mantle melting, lava freezing - magma chambers - effects of spreading rate - segmentation Mt St Helens Water, from slab, p...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 18:20

33 780 0
Humic Matter in Soil and the Environment: Principles and Controversies - Chapter 5 pot

Humic Matter in Soil and the Environment: Principles and Controversies - Chapter 5 pot

... FA-Andosols Temperate Region Soils HA-Alfisols HA-Aridisols (Solonetz) HA-Histosols (Peat-bogs) HA-Inceptisols HA-Mollisols HA-Spodosols HA-Ultisols FA-Inceptisols FA-Mollisols FA-Spodosols ... Redons Soils HA-Afisols HA-Aridisols (Solonetz) HA-Histosols (Peat-bogs) HA-Inceptisols HA-Mollisols HA-Spodosols HA-Ultisols FA-Inceptisols FA-Mollisols FA-Spodosols FA-Ultisol...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 12:21

42 294 0
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