Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 8 pps

Cơ Khí Lưu Chất - Máy Bơm, Trạm Bơm (Phần 2) part 8 ppsx

Cơ Khí Lưu Chất - Máy Bơm, Trạm Bơm (Phần 2) part 8 ppsx

... nàõp. 1- äúng âáøy; 2- ọỳng thọng khờ; 3- van nừp; 4- raợnh õỷt sổợa chổợa; 5- cỏửu cọng taùc; 6- gióỳng laỡm lỷng nỉåïc; 7- kãnh thạo. 224 Hỗnh 12 - 19. ... Hỗnh 12 - 18. Sồ âäư bãø thạo trang bë van phàóng âọng nhanh. 1- ọỳng õỏứy; 2- ngổồợng lọự traỡn; 3- tồỡi õióỷn; 4- cỏửu truỷc;...

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2014, 02:20

8 305 0
Maintenance Fundamentals Episode 2 part 8 pps

Maintenance Fundamentals Episode 2 part 8 pps

... fixed volume of fluid for each Figure 17 .21 Lobe-type pump. Keith Mobley /Maintenance Fundamentals Final Proof 15.6 .20 04 6:12pm page 3 52 3 52 Maintenance Fundamentals Protection Positive-displacement ... by the characteristic curve for the pump. Keith Mobley /Maintenance Fundamentals Final Proof 15.6 .20 04 6:12pm page 3 42 3 42 Maintenance Fundamentals Impellers Impellers...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 12:20

20 230 0
Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 2 doc

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 2 doc

... 13.4 12 15. 026 21 .384 29 .0 02 39.580 18 19.615 21 .4 12 25.645 45.599 75.836 128 .117 24 26 .973 30. 422 39.083 88.497 184.168 3 92. 484 36 43.077 51.994 77.598 29 9. 127 * * 48 61 .22 3 79.354 139 .26 3 960.1 72 ... .9 62 .909 .870 .833 2 1.970 1.9 42 1.886 1.736 1. 626 1. 528 3 2. 941 2. 884 2. 775 2. 487 2. 283 2. 106 4 3.9 02 3.808 3.630 3.170 2. 855 2. 589 5 4....

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:22

35 189 0
Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 3 pdf

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 3 pdf

... its annual maintenance budget in predictive maintenance programs, but one-third (33 %) of the plants interviewed in our May 20 00 survey allocate less than 10 percent to predictive maintenance. According ... insurance to plants that have a viable predictive maintenance program. Predictive Maintenance Costs The average maintenance budget of the plants interviewed was $ 12,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:22

35 205 0
Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 4 potx

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 4 potx

... + () ++ () ++ () + 01 1 2 2 3 3 23 sin sin sin .wf wf wf XX X a tb t=+= () + () 12 1 2 sin sinww Xa t Xb t 11 22 = () = () sin sin w w Vibration Monitoring and Analysis 129 this is not practical ... are part of the machine. Vibration profiles generated by most recip- rocating and/or linear-motion machines reflect a combination of rotating and/or linear- 1 24 An Introduction to Pr...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:22

35 187 0
Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 5 pot

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 5 pot

... - K M g KK M g KK K c c 3 1 2 13 2 2 23 3 w w A A M g KK K c 1 2 2 2 23 3 = - w A A K M g KK c 1 2 3 1 2 13 = - w A A 1 2 , XA t XA t 11 22 = () = () sin sin w w M g XKKXKX c 2 223 231 0 ˙˙ ++ () -= M g XKXKXX c 2 222 3 12 ˙˙ =- ... ratio c M g c c n ==Critical damping 2 w X F cK M g F K c c c K M g c c o c ncn c cn n = () +- ấ ậ = - ấ ậ +Ơ ấ ậ = - = Ơ - (...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:22

35 267 0
Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 6 ppt

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 6 ppt

... 60 0 20 00 3 16 1093 .74–.87 Type 310, Rolled 1500 21 00 8 16 1149 . 56 .81 Type 3 16, Polished 75 24 0 .28 Type 3 16, Polished 450 23 2 0.57 Type 3 16, Polished 1740 949 0 .66 Type 321 20 0–800 93– 427 .27 –. 32 Type ... .07–.19 Stellite Polished 68 20 0.18 Tantalum Unoxidized 1340 727 0.14 20 00 1093 0.19 360 0 19 82 0 . 26 53 06 29 30 0.3 Tin, Unoxidized 77 25 0.04 21 2 10...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:22

35 187 0
Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 7 potx

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 7 potx

... techniques must be used as part of a comprehensive predictive maintenance program. 9.1 .2 Wear Particle Analysis Wear particle analysis is related to oil analysis only in that the particles to be studied ... competently inform the predictive maintenance analysts or maintenance group of the present condition of its Tribology 21 3 Inclusion of process parameters in a predictive...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:22

35 214 0
Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 8 pps

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 8 pps

... and further, what the effect of such changes may be. 26 2 An Introduction to Predictive Maintenance Figure 12 1 “Go/no-go” standards. Figure 12 2 Accelerometer to measure vibration of rotating shaft. ... be used as part of a comprehensive process performance analysis program. 13.1 .2 Limitation to Maintenance Issues From its inception, predictive maintenance has been perceived...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:22

35 186 0
Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 9 pps

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 9 pps

... frequency of that segment also changes. R MAX 2 298 An Introduction to Predictive Maintenance Figure 14 9 Resonance response. Failure-Mode Analysis 29 5 Figure 14–6 Sum modulation for a speed-increaser ... theoretical performance. 27 6 An Introduction to Predictive Maintenance 20 0 100 100 20 0 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 150 50 65% 70% 75% 80% 80% 75% 70% 65% BEP 15 HP 15 HP...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:22

35 204 0
Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 10 pps

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 10 pps

... well-planned Establishing a Predictive Maintenance Program 327 310 An Introduction to Predictive Maintenance Figure 14 21 Unloaded gear has much higher vibration levels. Figure 14 22 Typical gear-type ... impact on both production capacity and 328 An Introduction to Predictive Maintenance Figure 14–34 Eccentric sheaves. 320 An Introduction to Predictive Maintenance Figure...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:22

35 206 0
Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 13 pot

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 13 pot

... 122 rotating machinery, 122 reciprocating and linear, 124 Vibration theory, 125 periodic motion, 125 harmonic motion, 125 , 127 non-harmonic motion, 128 Viscosity, 20 3 Visual inspection, 111, 25 9, ... 8 325 .pdf Created on July 26 , 20 02 20:31:40 by Enfocus PitStop 4.05 Page 2 438 Index limitations of, 109 wear particle analysis, 20 5 Total acid number, 20 4 Total base numb...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:22

35 188 0
Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 14 pdf

Intro Predictive Maintenance 2 Part 14 pdf

... 1 129 x6 62 400.0x400.9 126 0.0 - - + + + + ❖ Mask CMYK 22 44x1698 600.0x600.0 1 32 0.0 - - + + + + ❖ GrayScale Gray 1811x1858 600.0x600.0 137 0.0 - - + + + + ❖ Mask CMYK 21 50x1405 6 42. 5x6 42. 5 147 ... CMYK 22 90x17 42 600.0x600.0 149 0.0 - - + + + + ❖ Mask CMYK 1993x1335 600.0x600.0 150 0.0 - - + + + + ❖ Mask CMYK 23 25x1715 600.0x600.0 153 0.0 - - + + + + ❖ Mask CMYK 21 28x 12...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:22

4 159 0
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