Hepatobiliary Surgery - part 4 pot
... 35 14 23 (47 ) (40 ) (66) FNH 33 42 16 9 8 (48 ) (56) (50) Adenoma 10 39 8 6 6 (80) (75) (75) Cyst 26 56 15 5 8 (58) (33) (53) Polycystic liver 4 46 4 0 4 (100) (100) Hydatid cyst 4 48 4 0 4 (100) ... Elevation (sec) 1-3 4- 6 >6 Ascites None Slight Moderate Encephalopathy (grade) None 1-2 3 -4 Grade A 5-6 points B 7-9 points C 1 0-1 5 points 107 Hepatocellular...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 00:22
... (HSV-3) Beta CMV CMV (HSV-5) Roseola HSV-6 Gamma Lympho EBV (HSV -4 ) Hepadna- HBV ds yes Adeno- pharyngitis, ARD ds no Papo- no Papilloma- papilloma ds Polyoma- BK, JC ss Parvo- B-19 ss no Pox- molluscum, ... Nile Reo- ds no Orthomyxo- influenza virus ss yes Paramyxo- ss yes Paramyxo- parainfluenza 1 and 3 Rubula- parainfluenza 2 and 4 Morbilli- measles Pneumo- RSV Rhabdo- rabies ss yes B...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 15:20
... inhibit inhibit parathyroid cell function. The phenylalkylamine (R)-N-(3-methoxy-a- phenylethyl )-3 -( 2-chlorophenyl )-1 - propylamine (R- 568) is one such calcimimetic compound, which is known to inc ... 1 14: 468 47 4. 52. Attie JN, Bock G, Auguste L. Multiple parathyroid adenomas: report of thirty-three cases. Surgery 1990; 108:10 14 1102. 53. Silverberg SJ, Bilezikian JP. Primar...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21
... conduction threshold. Ϫ15 Ϫ10 Ϫ5 0 5 10 340 680 1, 040 1,200 1,360 1,600 2,080 2 ,40 0 2,560 3, 040 3,200 3,760 4, 320 4, 800 5,360 5, 840 6 ,40 0 6,560 6,660 pre intra peri post Fig. 2. Mean DP-grams recorded just before surgery (pre), ... reaction. 1,200 1,000 800 600 40 0 200 0 28/28 29/30 33/ 34 37/39 Age (years) 40 /40 41 /41 Healthy Otosclerosis Fig. 4. Titer for 50% MV-n...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 18:21
Advanced therapy in thoracic surgery - part 4 pot
... complete ring (Figure 1 4- 1 1). If Vascular Rings and Slings / 191 FIGURE 1 4- 9 . Intraoperative view of a double aortic arch. DAo = descending aorta; L = left; R = right. FIGURE 1 4- 1 0. Formation of ... (MO): Mosby; 2002. p. 1025 48 . 42 . White CW. Treatment of hemangiomatosis with recombi- nant interferon alfa. Semin Hematol 1990;27(3 Suppl 4) :15–22. 43 . Eltorky MA, Headley AS...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 01:22
Difficult Decisions in Thoracic Surgery - part 4 potx
... 3.9 10 .4 ± 4. 6 10.3 ± 4. 3 9.2 ± 4. 1 8.6 ± 4. 2 (mL/[min • mm Hg]) % predicted 34% * 33% 39%* 39%** 36%* 34% * 6-min walk −919 ± 335** 1 142 ± 291 1 345 ± 316* −1 341 ± 310** 1271 ± 305** 348 * (mean ... disease: a prospective study of 200 patients. N Engl J Med 1969;280:397– 40 4. 4. Nocturnal-Oxygen-Therapy-Trial-Group. Contin- uous or nocturnal oxygen therapy in hypoxemic...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 01:22
Practical Plastic Surgery - part 4 potx
... stage and divided 1 4- 2 1 days later in a second-stage procedure. One-fourth to one-third of the lower lip can be taken without significant loss of function. Studies have demon- strated evidence ... Grabb and Smith’s Plastic Surgery. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1997: 545 . 3. Baker DC. Reanimation of the paralyzed face: Nerve crossover, cross-face nerve graft- ing, and muscle...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:20
Robot Surgery Part 4 pot
... Future, Journal of Neurosurgery, Vol., 56. No., 3., March 2005, pp .42 1 -4 33, ISSN 152 4- 4 040 New Scientist Space & AFP (2006). Doctors remove tumor in first zero-g surgery; New Scientist, ... Urol 2006; 13(6):3 34 0-3 345 . Robot Surgery 42 tool for laparoscopy aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, Surgical Endoscopy, Vol., 13., No., 7., 1999, pp.67 3-6 78, ISSN 093 0-...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 23:22
Hepatobiliary Surgery - part 7 pot
... - resection) Hadjis, 8 27 60% 44 % 56% 17.5 mo* 22 mo* 7 .4% 1990 Bismuth, 30 23 57% 61% 39% 12% 50% 0% 1992 Baer, 1992 4 21 43 % 33% 67% 21 mo * 40 mo* 5% Suigura 18 85 100% 43 % 57% 11% 41 % 8 .4% 19 94 Pichlmayr, ... 8 .4% 19 94 Pichlmayr, 18 125 76% 27% 73% 12.2% 40 .1% 10.5% 1996 Nakeeb, 23 109 7% 74% 26% 9%** 19%** 6.7% 1996 Madariaga, 14 28 100% 50% 50% 18% 40 % 14%...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 00:22
EAES Guidelines for Endoscopic Surgery - part 4 potx
... esophagitis: long-term fol- low-up. Arch Intem Med 147 :1717±1720 167. Low DG, Hill LD (1989) Fifteen to 20-year results following the Hill antireflux opera- tion. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 98 :44 4 45 0 168. ... (2) 2 (4) 2 (4) 2 (4) 3 (6) 0 0 0 Nilsson et al. [66]/1995±1997 Open 30 Laparoscopic 30 23 (60 months) 17 (60 months) 4 (17) 2 (12) 5 (22) 7 (41 ) 10 (43 ) 8 (47 ) 1 (4) 2 (12) *p...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 00:22