The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 8 pps

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 8 pps

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 8 pps

... direction). the GB than there is into the matrix of the grains. The ratio of these two fluxes can be estimated through the use of Eqs. 8- 2 and 8- 3 for FCC metals; i.e., nb 6Db 3 x 8. 1 TM - ... consumes the Q phase at one interface and the @ phase at the other interface. It is instructive to begin with the simplified analysis of the kinetics of...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 223 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 2 ppsx

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 2 ppsx

... in the presence of an applied field. logarithm of the rate is plotted on the ordinate and the reciprocal of the absolute temperature is plotted along the abscissa. The slope of the resulting ... continuous state of random motion, which is intimately dependent on the temperature of the gas. During their motion the gas particles collide with each other a...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 578 1
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 10 pps

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 10 pps

... functional within bulk matter. Therefore, the interaction energy typically follows the behavior de- picted in Fig. l-8b as a function of separation distance regardless of the type of materials ... by the rupture of the ultrathin tunnel barrier due to the mismatch in thermal expansion between Pb alloys and the Si substrate on which the device is built. During tem...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 255 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 1 ppt

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 1 ppt

... Fig. 1-8b. The generalized behavior shown is common for all classes of solid materials, regardless of the type of bonding or crystal structure. Although the mathematical forms of the attractive ... discipline of materials science and engineer- ing. A dramatic increase in our understanding of the fundamental nature of materials throughout much of the twent...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 233 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 4 ppt

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 4 ppt

... view of the MOS field effect transistor structure in Fig. 4-1 indicates the extent to which the technology is employed. Above the plane of the base P-Si wafer, all of the films with the ... (4-34b) Note the use of the perfect gas law and the neglect of the temperature dependence of D. Maintenance of stoichiometry requires that JCd = JTez 9...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 485 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 5 docx

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 5 docx

... estimated in the capillarity theory. The uncertainties are now in i* and E;,. One of the important applications of this theory has been to the subject of epitaxy, where the crystallographic ... transport, the two most likely ones involve self-diffusion through the bulk or via the surface of the islands. In the case of sintering or coalescence of two e...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 430 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 6 doc

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 6 doc

... series of post-specimen lenses. The objective lens produces the first image of the object and is, therefore, required to be the most perfect of the lenses. Depending on how the beams reaching the ... Growth of Thin Films, 2.* R. W. Vook, Int. Metals Rev. 27, 209 (1 982 ). 3.* C. A. Neugebauer, in Handbook of Thin- Film Technology, eds. L. I. 4.* K....

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 254 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 9 pot

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 9 pot

... Again on the basis of 384 interdiffusion and Reactions in Thin Films considering the second term on the right-hand side of Eq. 8- 26. For the polarity shown, all terms in parentheses are ... no surprise that the varied mechanical properties of thin films 386 Interdiffusion and Reactions in Thin Films N - Si P-Si Figure 8- 1 8. Schematic dia...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 199 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 11 pot

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 11 pot

... parallel, to the plane of incidence. Through the use of the Maxwell equations with appropriate interfacial boundary conditions, the amplitudes of the components of the transmitted (&,l, 8, ") ... on whether the 1. spin polarization of electrons, 2. net magnetic moment of the sample, or 3. internal magnetic (hyperfine) field 480 Electrical and...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 301 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 12 pptx

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2011 Part 12 pptx

... substrates. The value of K, depends on a number of factors. Most important is the nature of the materials in contact, but the extent and type of lubrication, surface temperature, and nature of the ... consisting of 20 interfaces, each with R = 0.05, the value of T = (0.95)20 = 0.3 58. If, how- ever, R is reduced to 0.01 by means of AR coati...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 20:21

50 339 0