Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 9 pptx

Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 9 pptx

Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 9 pptx

... 199 9. 47. Beltrán, F.J., Theoretical aspects of the kinetics of competitive first-order reactions of ozone in the O 3 /H 2 O 2 and O 3 /UV oxidation processes, Ozone Sci. Eng., 19, 13–38, 199 7. 48. ... 32, 194 9– 196 1, 199 6. 29. Beltrán, F.J., González, M., and González, J.F., Industrial wastewater advanced oxi- dation. 1. UV radiation in the presence and absence of hydrog...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:22

34 772 0
Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 1 pptx

Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 1 pptx

... the Ozone- B and Ozone- UV Photolysis Reactions 9. 3.1 Comparison Between the Ozone Direct Photolysis and the Ozone Direct Reaction With a Compound B through Reaction and Diffusion Times 9. 3.2 ... 199 2. 27. Beltrán, F.J. et al., Improvement of domestic wastewater sedimentation through ozo- nation, Ozone Sci. Eng ., 21, 605–614, 199 9. 28. Beltrán, F.J. et al., Wine...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:22

27 305 0
Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 2 potx

Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 2 potx

... treat wastewater? Try ozone, Chem. Eng., May, 112–116, 199 3. 6. Hoigné, J., Chemistry of Aqueous Ozone and Transformation of Pollutants by ozona- tion and Advanced Oxidation Processes, in The Handbook ... Chem., 88, 599 9–6004, 198 4. 24. Tomiyasu, H., Fukutomi, H., and Gordon, G., Kinetics and mechanism of ozone decomposition in basic aqueous solution, Inorg. Chem., 24, 296...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:22

24 475 0
Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 3 docx

Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 3 docx

... the reactions of ozone with organic and inorganic compounds. III. Inorganic compounds and radicals. Water Res., 19, 99 3–1004, 198 3. 14. Yao, C.C.D. and Haag, W.R., Rate constants of direct reactions ... as pre-treatment step for the biological batch degradation of industrial wastewater containing 3-methyl-piperidine, Ozone Sci. Eng., 23, 1 89 198 , 2001. 34. Shawwa, A.R. a...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:22

16 436 0
Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 4 ppt

Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 4 ppt

... following approx- imate solution of the reaction factor for second order reactions (4. 49) and (4.50): (4.75) (4.76) with (4.77) Finally, a trial -and- error procedure allows the reaction factor ... conditions (4 .9) . Danckwerts 11 found an analytical solution for the case of fast reactions (C Ab = 0) and Ha 1 > 1: (4.58) Irreversible Second-Order Reactions For...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:22

22 368 0
Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 5 docx

Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 5 docx

... accommo- dation coefficient of ozone on aqueous surfaces, J. Phys. Chem., 96 , 497 3– 497 9, 199 2. 9. Johnson, P.N. and Davis, R.A., Diffusivity of ozone in water, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 41, 1485–1487, 199 6. 10. ... ( 195 5) Nakanishi 2.0 4, ( 197 8) Matrozov et al. 1.7 5, ( 198 2) Siddiqi and Lucas 1.6 6, ( 198 6) Díaz et al. 2.2 7, ( 198 7) Utter et al. 3–4 8, ( 199 2) Johnson an...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:22

44 761 0
Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 6 ppsx

Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 6 ppsx

... coef - cients in the ozonation of wastewaters, Ozone Sci. Eng., 19, 281– 296 , 199 7. 93 . Sotelo, J.L., et al. Henry’s law for the ozone water system, Water Res., 12 39 1246, 198 9. 94 . Gurol, M.D. and ... 17–18ºC, 35 Lh –1 7.05 b 6 .99 × 10 –2 92 Ozone wastewater Tomato wastewater, COD = 500 mgL –1 , pH = 6.5–7.8, 17–18ºC, 35 Lh –1 9. 95 c 92 Ozone wastewater D...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:22

37 489 0
Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 7 pps

Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 7 pps

... drinking water sources: HO concentration and oxidation-competition values, in Ozone in Water and Wastewater, Proceedings of 11th Ozone World Congress, Vol 2, S-1 7-1 19 125, San Francisco, CA, 199 3. 22. ... volatile orga- nochlorine compounds in water by ultraviolet radiation and hydrogen peroxide, Chemosphere, 32, 194 9– 196 1, 199 6. 19. Haag, W.R. and Yao, C.C.D., Ra...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:22

23 298 0
Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 10 pot

Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 10 pot

... B, 102, 68 09 6816, 199 8. 112. Hougen, O.A. and Watson, K.M., Solid catalysts and reaction rates: General princi- ples, Ind. Eng. Chem., 35, 5 29 541, 194 3. 113. Chaudhari, R.V. and Ramachandran, ... be formed from the reaction between photogenerated and adsorbed hydrogen peroxide and ozone in a similar way that occurs in the ozone/ hydrogen peroxide and ozone/ UV syste...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:22

50 352 0
Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 11 (end) ppt

Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 11 (end) ppt

... J.M., and García-Araya, J.F., Modelling industrial wastewater ozonation in bubble contactors. 2 Scale-up from bench to pilot plant, Ozone Sci. Eng., 199 5, 17, 3 79 398 , 199 5. Copyright 199 5 International ... Encinar, J.M., and García-Araya, J.F., Modelling industrial wastewater ozonation in bubble contactors. 2 Scale-up from bench to pilot plant, Ozone Sci. Eng., 199 5, 17, 3...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:22

73 653 0