Total Knee Arthroplasty - part 4 pptx

Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 4 pptx

Tài liệu Insight into IELTS part 4 pptx

... 113. MATCHING Sometimes a matching exercise is used in IELTS to test your ability to identify and understand different arguments. It is used particularly when the text presents a number of arguments ... antibiotics from microbes found either inside the intestines of the amber-encased insects or in soil particles trapped with them when they were caught by sticky tree resin up to 130 million...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 21:15

15 1,9K 9
Tài liệu Spoken english elementary handbook part 4 pptx

Tài liệu Spoken english elementary handbook part 4 pptx

... onto now! Talk a Lot Elementary â English 3.5 8. Elicit from students the following conclusions: If a listener can’t understand your spoken English, ... For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! Talk a Lot Elementary â English 3 .4 4. Students identify how many syllables there are in...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 21:15

15 497 0
Tài liệu Bullentin for toefl part 4 pptx

Tài liệu Bullentin for toefl part 4 pptx

... voucher with the form. 200607 TOEFL CBT, TOEFL PBT, and TSE Bulletin \ 25Forms TOEFL đ CBT, TOEFL PBT, AND TSE đ OFFICIAL SCORE REPORT REQUEST FORM I authorize ETS to release my TOEFL/ TSE scores ... 08 541 -6151 USA Checks must be made payable to ETS -TOEFL/ TSE. In Canada, add GST/HST (Reg. No. 13 141 446 8 RT) and QST (Reg. No. 1087967 545 ) to total remittance. It is not nec...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 22:15

6 370 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Functional improvement after Total Knee Arthroplasty Revision: New observations on the dimensional nature of outcome" pptx

báo cáo hóa học:" Functional improvement after Total Knee Arthroplasty Revision: New observations on the dimensional nature of outcome" pptx

... and Research Open Access Research article Functional improvement after Total Knee Arthroplasty Revision: New observations on the dimensional nature of outcome Kevin J Mulhall* †1 , Hassan M ... Foundation and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Nei- ther of these organizations participated in study design; in the collection, analysis, and interpreta...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

7 371 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Anabolic steroids after total knee arthroplasty. A double blinded prospective pilot study" pptx

báo cáo hóa học:" Anabolic steroids after total knee arthroplasty. A double blinded prospective pilot study" pptx

... after total knee arthroplasty. A double blinded prospective pilot study Erik Hohmann 1* , Kevin Tetsworth 2 , Stefanie Hohmann 1 , Adam L Bryant 3 Abstract Background: Total knee arthroplasty is ... reported that patients with near normal quadriceps strength at minimum of 2 years after surgery had a mo re normal gait. S ilva et al [27] measured isometric peak torque...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 07:20

7 319 0
Total Knee Arthroplasty - part 1 doc

Total Knee Arthroplasty - part 1 doc

... alignment technique in total knee arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Rel Res 3 21: 28– 31 16. Lewis P et al (19 94) Posteromedial tibial polyethylene failure in total knee replacements. Clin Orthop Rel Res 299 :11 17 17 . Wasielewski ... Orthop Rel Res 3 31: 23–28 11 . Eckhoff D et al (19 96) Location of the femoral sulcus in the osteoarthrit- ic knee. J Arthroplasty 11 :16 3 16 5 ⊡ Fi...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20

42 170 0
Total Knee Arthroplasty - part 2 doc

Total Knee Arthroplasty - part 2 doc

... medialization in total knee arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty 12: 155–160 12. Pagnano M, Trousdale RT (20 00) Asymmetric patella resurfacing in total knee arthroplasty. Am J Knee Surg 13 :22 8 23 3 13. Weber ... patella during total knee replace- ment. Clin Orthop 321 :156–161 27 . Waters TS, Bentley G (20 03) Patellar resurfacing in total knee arthroplas- ty. J Bone Joint...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20

42 214 0
Total Knee Arthroplasty - part 3 doc

Total Knee Arthroplasty - part 3 doc

... (PS) Intercondylar + /- - /- (-/ -) (-) stabilization (ICS) Hinged Rotating -/ - -/ - -/ - + hinge Rigid -/ - -/ - -/ - - hinge + Unrestricted mobility; - restricted mobility Implant Breakage (⊡ Fig. 1 1 -3 ). Prosthetic ... case study. J Arthro- plasty 8: 43 9-4 46 4. Ritter MA, Faris PM, Keating EM (1988) Posterior cruciate ligament...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20

42 264 0
Total Knee Arthroplasty - part 4 pptx

Total Knee Arthroplasty - part 4 pptx

... 68.1 46 .4 -1 .3 0 .4 25 60 11.7 3.5 3.8 43 .5 40 .6 15.9 retaining mobile- bearing Posterior- 103 84. 5 49 .5 -3 .9 -0 .8 7 34 6.2 2.9 2.8 32.0 63.1 4. 9 stabilized mobile- bearing PCL- 59 84. 7 37.3 -2 .1 ... kinemat- ics of the normal knee and the knee after implantation of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) [1, 1 1-1 3, 15,2 6-2 9,3 3-3 6 ,40 , 41 , 46 ,...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20

42 179 0
Total Knee Arthroplasty - part 5 ppt

Total Knee Arthroplasty - part 5 ppt

... minus preop. flexion 80 60 40 20 0 -2 0 -4 0 -6 0 y = 6, 155 3x + 14 ,59 2 R 2 = 0 ,58 34 -1 2 -1 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 postop. minus preop. posterior condylar offset ⊡ Fig. 2 9-7 . Correlation of restoration ... 6.7 5. 0 Mean 7.0 5. 2 SD 2.9 2.0 Range 0-1 7 2-1 0 FB with PCL FB without MB with MB without Flexion (degrees) 4,0 2,0 0,0 -2 ,0 -4 ,0 -6...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20

42 312 0
Total Knee Arthroplasty - part 6 ppt

Total Knee Arthroplasty - part 6 ppt

... Clin Orthop 260 :6 6- 7 0 9. Duffy GP, Berry DJ, Rand JA (1998) Cement versus cementless fixation in total knee arthroplasty. Clin Orthop 3 56: 6 6- 7 2 10. Emmerson KP, Moram CG, Pinder IM (19 96) Survivorship ... Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. Clinical experience at 6- to 10-year follow-up. Clin Orthop Rel Res 367 :5 0 -6 0 2. Bert JM (1991) Universal intramedullary inst...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20

42 412 0
Total Knee Arthroplasty - part 8 pps

Total Knee Arthroplasty - part 8 pps

... Design 48 Flexion (deg) 5 0 -5 -1 0 -1 5 -2 0 -2 5 -3 0 Arc Center Position (mm) (+) anterior (-) posterior Normal Knee PS Knee HP Knee 0 30 60 90 120 150 Flexion (deg) 5 0 -5 -1 0 -1 5 -2 0 -2 5 -3 0 Arc ... (mm) (+) anterior (-) posterior Normal Knee PS Knee HP Knee 0 30 60 90 120 150 Flexion (deg) 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20

42 189 0
Total Knee Arthroplasty - part 9 ppsx

Total Knee Arthroplasty - part 9 ppsx

... 367:8 9- 9 5 5. Mont MA et al (2002) Total knee arthroplasty for patellofemoral arthritis. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 84: 197 7-1 98 1 6. Thompson NW et al (2002) Knee arthroplasty without patellar resurfac- ing ... al ( 199 5) Is there a place for patellofemoral arthroplas- ty? Clin Orthop 321:16 2-1 67 11. Cartier P, Sanouiller JL ( 199 0) Patellofemoral arthroplasty: 2- to...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20

42 190 0
Total Ankle Arthroplasty - part 1 pptx

Total Ankle Arthroplasty - part 1 pptx

... Osteoarthritis 17 3 11 .1. 1 Primary Osteoarthrosis of the Ankle 17 3 11 .1. 2 Post-Traumatic Osteoarthrosis of the Ankle 17 3 11 .1. 3 Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Ankle 17 3 11 .2 Patient Selection 17 5 11 .2 .1 Age ... 18 6 11 .6 Late Postoperative Complications 18 6 11 .6 .1 Loss of Motion 18 6 11 .6.2 Aseptic Loosening 18 8 11 .6.3 Subsidence 19 0 11 .6.4 Polye...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 22:22

21 182 0
Total Ankle Arthroplasty - part 7 pptx

Total Ankle Arthroplasty - part 7 pptx

... ligament, particularly for chronic instability (see Chap. 7, Sect. 7. 3 .7: Hindfoot -Ankle Instability) [7] . an arthritic ankle is still a matter of considerable debate (see Chap. 7, Sect. 7. 3.5. ... Complications of total ankle replacement. Foot Ankle Clin 7: 79 1–8 07 [7] Gould JS, Alvine FG, Mann RA, Sanders RW, Walling AK (2000) Total ankle replacement: a surgical...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 22:22

21 175 0