Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 9 pps

Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 9 pps

Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 9 pps

... combination. In October 199 8, Moldflow released a family of products called MPX (Moldflow Plastics Xpert). The Moldflow Xpert Series is the down- stream realization of Moldflow’s Process Wide Plastics Simulation Strategy ... position is at the end of the part. Most of the part has a high confidence of fill. However regions far from the gate are shown in yellow, while areas at the end...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22

70 273 0
Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 6 pps

Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 6 pps

... coating die mm die diameter, mm mm width, mm 38 Ͻ100 — — 64 75–200 90 0 — 89 150–380 600–1520 610–1220 114 Ն220 90 0–1830 91 5–2 290 152 Ն220 1520–3050 1370–3550 203 — — Ն4065 0267146_Ch05_Harper 2/24/00 ... Thermoplastics 5.61 TABLE 5.10 Extruder and Film Die Sizes 92 Extruder Cast film Extrusion diameter, Blown film die width, coating die mm die diameter, mm mm width, mm 38 Ͻ100 —...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22

70 264 0
Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 7 ppsx

Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 7 ppsx

... Atlanta, 199 2, p. 18. 91 . Petrothene® Polyolefins, p. 52. 92 . Glanvill, A. B., The Plastics Engineer’s Data Book, p. 96 . 93 . Berins, M. L., Plastics Engineering Handbook of the Society of the Plastics ... 199 1, p. 104. 94 . Ibid., p. 102. 95 . Petrothene® Polyolefins, p. 54. 96 . Glanvill, A. B., The Plastics Engineer’s Data Book, p. 102. 97 . Berins, M. L., Plastics...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22

69 287 0
Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 12 pps

Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 12 pps

... to both surfaces and the parts assembled as quickly as possible. Moderate pressure should be applied as soon as the parts Finishing, Assembly, and Decorating 9. 59 TABLE 9. 13 Factors Influencing ... degreaser ethyl ketone 9. 92 Chapter Nine As with adhesive bonding, surface treatment and cleanliness is of primary importance when decorating plastic parts. Prior to decoration, the surface...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22

70 220 0
Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 1 pptx

Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 1 pptx

... of Plastics Parts—General Considerations 9. 16 9. 4 Methods of Mechanical Joining 9. 17 9. 5 Adhesive Bonding 9. 35 9. 6 Welding 9. 70 9. 7 Recommended Assembly Processes for Common Plastics 9. 80 9. 8 ... Plastic Parts 8. 49 8.3 Design Details Specific to Major Processes 8. 79 References 8.116 Chapter 9. Finishing, Assembly, and Decorating 9. 1 9. 1 Introduction 9. 1 9....

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22

70 451 1
Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 2 potx

Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 2 potx

... 71. 394 . Brydson, Plastics Materials, 6th ed., p. 341. 395 . Strong, Plastics, p. 173. 396 . Hurter, D., “Dispersion PVC,” in Modern Plastics Encyclopedia Handbook, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 199 4, ... Strong, Plastics, p. 173. 392 . Brydson, Plastics Materials, 6th ed., p. 346. 393 . Martello, G. A., “Chlorinated PVC,” in Modern Plastics Encyclopedia Handbook, McGr...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22

70 408 1
Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 4 ppt

Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 4 ppt

... Partnership, Houston, Texas, 199 7. 30. Fluoroelastomers Product Information Manual ( 199 7), Product Comparison Guide ( 199 9), Dyneon LLC, A 3M-Hoechst Enterprise, Oakdale, Minnesota, 199 7. 31. Engel data ... Engineering Plastics, Evansville, Ind., ca. 199 8. 35. Correspondence from DuPont Engineering Polymers, July 199 9. 36. Correspondence from DuPont Dow Elastomers, Wilmington, Delawar...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22

70 423 0
Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 5 ppt

Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 5 ppt

... two-roll mills, and extruders. Polymer modifications, such as annealing molded parts and radiation of plastics parts, change the amount of orientation, crystallinity, and/or cross-linking in ... affected. With some difficult-to-crystal- lize thermoplastics, such as partially aromatic polyamides or PET, nucleants are needed to obtain useful parts with reasonable cycle times and mold temperat...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22

70 370 0
Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 8 pdf

Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 8 pdf

... reject finished parts. Whatever the source, economics dictate that the scrap be reintroduced into the material stream. The first step in the process is to grind the parts into a particle size small ... single desiccant-coated honeycomb wheel rotates slowly, exposing part of the wheel to process air, part to regen- eration, and part to cooling prior to returning to the process. 7.48 Chap...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22

70 279 0
Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 10 pot

Modern Plastics Handbook 2011 Part 10 pot

... in plastic parts. (Source: Jordan I. Rotheiser, Joining of Plastics Handbook for Designers and Engineers, Hanser Publishers, Munich- Hanser/Gardner Publications, Inc., Cincinnati, 199 9.) 0267146_Ch08_Harper ... Joining of Plastics Handbook for Designers and Engineers, Hanser Publishers, Munich-Hanser/Gardner Publi- cations, Inc., Cincinnati, 199 9.) 0267146_Ch08_Harper 2/24/00 4:46 P...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22

70 272 0