Báo cáo y học: " Translation and validation of the Korean confusion assessment method for the intensive care uni" pot
... Access Translation and validation of the Korean confusion assessment method for the intensive care unit Eun Young Heo, Byoung-Jo Lee, Bong-Jin Hahm, Eun Hee Song, Han-A Lee, Chul-Gyu Yoo, Young ... limited and usually underdiagnosed by physicians. The Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU) is one of the most widely use...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 15:22
... from that of a random population, and they may have a tendency to exaggerate self-perceived severity. The repeatability of the FAS index was excellent, as shown by the CCC, and the Bland-Altman ... deficits or psychiatric symptoms that would preclude them from complet- ing the questionnaire. The study was approved by the Ethics Committees of the Pol- ytechnic Univers...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22
... hnxiangtao@hotmail.com State Key Laboratory of Veterinary Etiological Biology, Key Laboratory of Animal Virology of Ministry of Agriculture, Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural ... demonstrated that the sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA test were higher than IFA (Table 1). The negative and positive serum determina- tions were 8...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 01:22
Báo cáo y học: "Development and Validation of a HPV-32 Specific PCR Assay" pps
... sensitivity, thus a HPV-32 type specific PCR assay was developed and optimized. Sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility are critical to the development of any new assay. The sensitivity of the HPV-32 ... standard, the HPV-32 specific PCR assay has a sensitivity of 95.8% and 88.9% by sample and subject, respectively, and specificity was 87.8% and 58.8% by sample...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:21
Báo cáo y học: "Development and validation of molecular markers for characterization of Boehmeria nivea var. nivea and Boehmeria nivea var. tenacissima" pps
... preparations may consist of one or the other variants, there is a nee d for rapid and simple assays to identify variants for the purpose of both commercial production and quality control. Whereas today’smeth- ods ... identify variants for quality cont rol. Methods: Four methods were developed and tested for their applicability in differentiating the two species. These...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo y học: " Development and validation of a complementary map to enhance the existing 1998 to 2008 Abbreviated Injury Scale map" doc
... fracture; these were the only injury type to show a significant effect for a particular injury type on the likelihood of Palmer et al. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine ... improving the accuracy of assigned maps was considered, both for the dictionary map and the complementary map, by identi- fying particular codes or injury types wh...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 23:20
báo cáo hóa học: " Development and validation of a preference based measure derived from the Cambridge Pulmonary Hypertension Outcome Review (CAMPHOR) for use in cost utility analyses" doc
... the Rasch analyses) were candidates for exclusion. However, it was the aim to include a reasonable spread of items in terms of the degree of severity they represented. The logit severity of the ... ran the analysis to identify items for the valuation exercise, analysed the validation data and contributed to the writ- ing of the manuscript. JB designed an...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo y học: "Knowledge and practice of traditional healers in oral health in the Bui Division, Cameroon" ppsx
... medicine is the most affordable and accessible system of health care for the majority of the African rural population,” the Organization for African Unity (now the African Union) declared the years ... Organization (WHO) and other official groups have acknowledge the potential effective- ness of T H as prim ary caregivers and the potential effi- cacy of the...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:21
Báo cáo y học: "Catheterization and embolization of a replaced left hepatic artery via the right gastric artery through the anastomosis: a case report" pdf
... Supply) into the com- mon hepatic artery beyond the region of origin of the LGA and pull ing them back to select the LGA; and (3) creatingasideholeinthetopoftheshepherd’ s hook catheter and trying ... hours. Therefore, using the microcatheter, we selected the RGA that arose from the proper hepatic artery. Accord- ing to the RGA angiography, the anastomosis from th...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 23:22
Báo cáo y học: " Development and evaluation of an immunochromatographic strip test based on the recombinant UL51 protein for detecting antibody against duck enteritis virus" ppsx
... faster than the time required for the ELISA and NT assays, and the results can be read directly by the naked eye. Therefore, the ICS test is a high specific and sensitive assay for the rapid and repro- ducible ... consistency ratio of the positive number of ICS to the positive number of ELISA is 85.37% and that of the negative number of ICS to the n...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 01:22