Practical Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy - part 8 ppt
... control of an entire colonoscope r Coordinated activity of the left-hand-operated up/down con- trol knob and the right-hand-rotated shaft r Almost immediate response to a changing position of ... appendiceal orifice may coexist with left-sided colitis (Fig. 7. 28) . Signs of the so-called “back-washed’’ ileitis can be found in the terminal ileum: dif- fuse mild to moderate erythema, edema, ......
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22
... 3.2 EC-250 LP5 1390 11.1 3.2 EC-450 MP5 1330 11.1 3.2 EC-450 LP5 1690 11.1 3.2 Olympus Corp PCF-140 L 1 680 11.5 3.2 PCF-160 L 1 680 11.5 3.2 PCF-Q 180 AL 1655 11.5 3.2 Pentax Corp EC-3430 L 1700 11.7 3.5 Table ... 2004;20:496–501. Endoscopic hemostasis American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. ASGE guide-line: the role of endoscopy in acute non-variceal upper-GI hemorrhage. Gas-...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22
... 19 children GIbleeding 80 upper GI endoscopy 78 chromoendoscopy 167, 181 –93 application technique 184 –9 dyes 181 , 183 , 184 8, 193 equipment 184 8 immersion 190–1 indications 181 –4 lesion recognition 189 –93 mucosa ... 3 neonates GIbleeding 80 upper GI endoscopy 78 non-Hodgkin’slymphoma 91, 167 non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) 80 , 87 nursing staff 2 skills 3–4...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22
Practical Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy - part 1 pps
... index. ISBN-13: 97 8- 1 -4 05 1-3 19 3-3 ISBN-10: 1-4 05 1-3 19 3-4 1. Pediatric gastroenterology—Endoscopic surgery. I. Ament, Marvin Earl, 19 38 II. Title. [DNLM: 1. Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal. 2. Pediatrics—methods. 3. ... Act 1 988 , without the prior permission of the publisher. First published 2007 1 2007 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Gershman, Ge...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22
Practical Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy - part 3 docx
... Transmission of infection by gastrointestinal endoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc 2001;54 :82 4 8. Nelson DB, Jarvis WR, Rutala WA, et al. Multi-society guideline for re- processing flexible gastrointestinal endoscopes. ... numbers of pediatric studies look at the risk involved in doing endoscopy. Carefully collected data on adverse pedi- atric outcomes in pediatric upper intestinal and...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22
Practical Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy - part 4 potx
... quite simple with a thin 5-mm endoscope: it re- quires only gentle advancement. The 7- and 8- mm pediatric en- doscopes are more rigid and difficult to straighten during duo- denoscopy in neonates ... GI en- doscopy: 1 Urgent endoscopy 2 Elective/diagnostic endoscopy 3 Therapeutic endoscopy DIAGNOSTIC UPPER ENDOSCOPY TECHNIQUE 63 The R/L knob is useful for targeting the biopsy, U...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22
Practical Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy - part 5 pps
... be surgi- cally removed, although an alternative treatment by extracor- poreal shockwave lithotripsy in an 8- year-old child has been described. Phytobezoars may be dissolved with Coca-Cola lavage ... incidence of upper gas- trointestinal tract involvement in children with Crohn’s disease. Pedi- atrics 1 989 ;83 :777 81 . Leonidas JC, Beathy EC, Wenner MA. Menetrier’s disease and cy- tomegal...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22
Practical Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy - part 6 potx
... utilized. Injection of sclerosants can be done either intra- or par- avariceally (or both) through a 2 5- or 27-gauge needle starting from the Z-line and moving cephalad in a spiral fashion along the ... been used more often in pediatric patients than any other type of thermal hemo- static devices. Commercially available probes fit easily into the 2 . 8- mm biopsy channel of pediatric e...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22
Practical Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy - part 9 docx
... Gastroen- terol 1997;25:3 58 61. Wengrower D, Goldin E,Libson E,Okon E. Burkitt’slymphomainan old patient with diarrhea: ileoscopic diagnosis. Am J Gastroenterol 1 988 ;83 :696 8. Cotton PB,WilliamsC. Practical ... children: experi- ence in the pediatric intensive care unit. Pediatrics 1999;103:E3 0. Hoppin A.Other neoplasms. In:Walker WA, Durie PB,Hamilton JR, Walker-Smith JA,Watkins JB...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy - part 1 pptx
... 1-5 min 1-2 hrs Diazepam 3-5 min 5 min 1 5-6 0 min Meperidine 1 min 5-7 min 2-4 hrs Fentanyl 1-2 min 5-1 5 min 3 0-6 0 min Morphine sulfate 1-5 min 20 min 4-5 hrs Droperidol 3-1 0 min 1 5-3 0 min 3-6 ... Bioscience, 81 0 S. Church Street, Georgetown, Texas, U.S.A. 786 26 Phone: 512/ 86 3 7762; FAX: 512/ 86 3 0 081 ISBN: 1-5 705 9-5 7 2-0 Library of Congr...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 15:20