Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 10 ppsx

Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 10 ppsx

Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 10 ppsx

... 0.01 -2 .40 <0.25 -5 .01 39 0.51 0.03 0.47 -0 .76 -0 .77 2 0.02 -2 .02 <0.25 -4 .36 40 0.53 0.07 0.48 -0 .73 -0 .71 3 0.03 -1 .81 <0.25 -3 .99 41 0.54 0 .10 0.48 -0 .73 -0 .65 4 0.05 -1 .66 <0.25 -3 .73 ... -0 .71 -0 .59 5 0.06 -1 .54 <0.25 -3 .52 43 0.57 0.17 0.51 -0 .67 -0 .53 6 0.07 -1 .44 <0.25 -3 .34 44...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

14 418 0
Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 7 ppsx

Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 7 ppsx

... n 1 is the sample size for the damaged site and n 2 is the sample size for the reference site, s p 2 = {(n 1 - 1)s 1 2 + (n 2 - 1)s 2 2 }/(n 1 + n 2 - 2) is the pooled-sample estimate of ... Bioequivalence intervals for a situation where two sites are considered to be equivalent if their true mean difference is between -1 and +1. It is assumed that a random sa...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

13 521 0
Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 8 ppsx

Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 8 ppsx

... model y t - "y t-1 = $ 0 (1 - ") + $ 1 (x 1t - "x 1t-1 ) + + $ p (x pt - "x pt-1 ) + , t - ", t-1 or z t = ( + $ 1 v 1t + + $ p v pt + u t , where z t = y t - "y t-1 , ... pairwise observations, n i - 1 S = 3 3 sign(x i - x j ), (8.14) i = 2 j = 1 where sign(z) is -1 for z < 0, 0 for z = 0, and +1 for z...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

31 299 0
Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 11 ppsx

Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 11 ppsx

... obtained for the ICR. (The dose distribution is the same but with the horizontal axis divided by 0.051.) The 50th and 95th percentiles for the ICR distribution are 0.05x10 -5 and 0.20 x 10 -5 , respectively. ... dose and ICR as functions of the other variables, with the @Risk add-on activated. Each recalculation of the spreadsheet then produced new random values for IR a...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

8 444 0
Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 1 ppt

Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 1 ppt

... 1190 0.690 0.040 23-Apr 776 0.606 0.047 26-Apr 103 2 0.630 0.048 29-Apr 643 0.623 0.069 1-May 106 9 0.676 0.056 4-May 542 0.665 0.094 1 0- May 104 8 0.721 0 .101 Mean 0.660 0.011 Future objectives of the ... by %10 Release Number Survival Standard Date Released Estimate Error 16-Apr 1189 0.688 0.027 17-Apr 1196 0.666 0.028 18-Apr 1194 0.634 0.027 21-Apr 1190 0.690 0.040 23-Apr 776 0.606...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

31 575 0
Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 2 ppt

Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 2 ppt

... America 100 10 100 10 20 40 75 0 60 0 40 40 5 100 60 10 60 50 100 60 20 40 20 30 20 30 90 10 90 40 50 70 30 30 15 50 30 30 0 60 The mean percentage for the sampled plots is 42.38, and the standard ... 4.32 4.23 -0 .077 2 5 4.97 4.74 -0 .215 3 6 4.58 4.55 -0 .016 4 8 4.72 4.81 0 .104 5 9 4.53 4.70 0.184 6 10 4.96 5.35 0.405 7 11 5.31 5.14 -0 .154 8 12 5.42 5.15...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

41 410 0
Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 3 potx

Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 3 potx

... SSBC (J - 1)(K - 1) MSBC = SSBC/{(J - 1)(K - 1)} MSBC/MSE ABC Interaction SSABC (I - 1)(J - 1)(K - 1) MSABC = SSABC/{(I - 1)(J - 1)(K - 1)} MSABC/MSE Error SSE IJK(m - 1) MSE = SSE/{IJK(m - 1)} Total ... MSB/MSE Factor C SSC K - 1 MSC = SSC/(K - 1) MSC/MSE AB Interaction SSAB (I - 1)(J - 1) MSAB = SSAB/{(I - 1)((J - 1)} M...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

39 365 0
Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 5 pps

Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 5 pps

... 5 5 4 6 20 10 10 10 10 40 For the second of Stehman and Overton's (1994) tests the counts above and below a shifted line are found to be 15 7 7 15. The chi-squared statistic for this 2 ... (x 1j - x 1 ) + (x 2j - x 2 ) + + (x ij - x i ), (5.3) for j from 1 to m and i from 1 to n, and plotting the S ij values against i, for each of the m sample ti...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

30 270 0
Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 6 pdf

Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 6 pdf

... called a control- treatment paired (CTP) design (Skalski and Robson, 1992, Chapter 6), or a before-after-control-impact-pairs (BACIP) design (Stewart-Oaten et al., 1986). Sometimes information is ... impact - control differences before the impact as a random sample of size 4, and the differences after the impact as a random sample of size 2, the change in the mean difference -0 ....

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

16 433 0