Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 3 potx

Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 3 potx

Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 3 potx

... 1)} Total SST = 33 33( x ijk - x) 2 n - 1 1 The sum for SST is over all levels for i, j , k and m, i.e., over all n observations. 2 The F-ratios for the factors and two factor interactions are for fixed ... SSBC (J - 1)(K - 1) MSBC = SSBC/{(J - 1)(K - 1)} MSBC/MSE ABC Interaction SSABC (I - 1)(J - 1)(K - 1) MSABC = SSABC/{(I - 1)(J - 1...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

39 365 0
Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 1 ppt

Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 1 ppt

... 1.24 9 5-1 61.2 4.6 5.70 5.50 2 .3 1.6 240 70 0.94 0.59 Mean 5 .34 5.40 5 .31 5 .38 3. 74 3. 98 3. 72 3. 33 124.1 161.6 124.1 100.2 1.29 1.27 1. 23 1.08 SD 0.65 0.66 0.57 0.56 2 .32 3. 06 2. 53 2. 03 101.4 ... 5. 43 1.6 2.6 1.8 1.5 50 100 60 50 0. 53 0.66 0.47 0.67 12 58.8 7.5 5.42 5.15 5. 23 5.19 2.5 2.7 2.8 2.9 32 0 130 130 160 0.69 0.62 0.66 0.66 13 59 .3 7.6 5.72 5. 73...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

31 575 0
Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 2 ppt

Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 2 ppt

... X X-rU 1 4 4 .32 4. 23 -0 .077 2 5 4.97 4.74 -0 .215 3 6 4.58 4.55 -0 .016 4 8 4.72 4.81 0.104 5 9 4. 53 4.70 0.184 6 10 4.96 5 .35 0.405 7 11 5 .31 5.14 -0 .154 8 12 5.42 5.15 -0 .254 9 17 4.87 4.76 -0 .095 10 ... 6.44 -0 .210 13 24 5 .38 5 .32 -0 .044 14 26 5.41 5.94 0.546 15 30 5.60 6.10 0.517 16 32 4. 93 4.94 0.025 17 36 5.60 5.69 0.107 18 38 6.72 6.59...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

41 410 0
Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 5 pps

Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 5 pps

... 0. 133 . The mean control chart is shown in Figure 5.6 (a), with the action limits set at 7.640 ± 3. 09 x 0. 133 (i.e., 7. 23 and 8.05), and the warning limits at 7.640 ± 1.96 x 0. 133 (i.e., 7 .38 and ... 6.25 20 59.9 8 .3 6.67 6.44 6.28 6.67 21 59.8 8.9 6.06 5.80 6.09 24 60.1 12.0 5 .38 5 .32 5 .33 5.21 26 59.6 5.9 5.41 5.94 30 60.4 10.2 5.60 6.10 5.57 5.98 32 60.4 12.2 4. 93 4....

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

30 270 0
Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 6 pdf

Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 6 pdf

... Difference 1 0.40 0 .37 -0 . 03 2 0 .37 0.14 -0 . 23 3 0.56 0.40 -0 .16 4 0. 63 0.50 -0 . 13 Start of Impact 5 0 .33 0.26 -0 .07 6 0.45 0.22 -0 . 23 Mean Difference Before -0 . 138 After -0 .150 Figure 6 .3 Results from ... size 4, and the differences after the impact as a random sample of size 2, the change in the mean difference -0 .150 - (-0 . 138...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

16 433 0
Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 7 ppsx

Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 7 ppsx

... 0.20 1.6 140.0 0.20 2.15 0.1 -1 .30 0.1 -1 .30 2.2 0 .34 210.0 2 .32 30 0.0 2.48 1.1 0.04 4.0 0.60 31 .0 1.49 7.5 0.88 0.1 -1 .30 Mean 46.0 2 73. 5 0.859 1.489 SD 86.5 534 .7 1. 030 1.025 Turning now to the ... Contaminated 3. 5 2.6 0.54 0.41 5.0 18.0 0.70 1.26 36 .0 110.0 1.56 2.04 68.0 130 0.0 1. 83 3.11 170.0 6.9 2. 23 0.84 4 .3 1.0 0. 63 0.00 7.4 13. 0 0.87 1.11 7.1 1...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

13 521 0
Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 8 ppsx

Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 8 ppsx

... 1912 244.6 1 932 87.9 1952 137 .8 1972 129.9 18 53 1 23. 3 18 73 205.8 18 93 1 43. 0 19 13 190.5 1 933 93. 7 19 53 106.8 19 73 233 .1 1854 159.0 1874 148.7 1894 250.5 1914 151.2 1 934 188.8 1954 1 03. 2 1974 251.2 1855 ... 1 930 8 .3 1950 7 .3 1970 8.2 1911 6 .3 1 931 9.9 1951 8.0 1971 7.6 1912 6.5 1 932 10.4 1952 6.4 1972 10.5 19 13 8.7 1 933 8.7 19 53 9.7 19 73 11 .3 1914 10.2...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

31 299 0
Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 10 ppsx

Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 10 ppsx

... -2 .40 <0.25 -5 .01 39 0.51 0. 03 0.47 -0 .76 -0 .77 2 0.02 -2 .02 <0.25 -4 .36 40 0. 53 0.07 0.48 -0 . 73 -0 .71 3 0. 03 -1 .81 <0.25 -3 .99 41 0.54 0.10 0.48 -0 . 73 -0 .65 4 0.05 -1 .66 <0.25 -3 . 73 ... 0 .33 -0 .45 0.28 -1 .27 -1 .61 63 0. 83 0.96 1. 53 0. 43 0.86 26 0 .34 -0 .41 0.28 -1 .27 -1 .54 64 0.85...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

14 418 0
Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 11 ppsx

Statistics for Environmental Science and Management - Chapter 11 ppsx

... 0.5208 Mean = 1 .37 78 0.07 03 Std Deviation = 1.1 539 0.0588 Variance = 1 .33 14 0.0 035 Skewness = 2.7076 2.7076 Kurtosis = 11. 936 4 11. 936 4 Errors Calculated = 0 0 Mode = 1.1 234 0.05 73 5% Perc = 0.4795 ... dose and ICR as functions of the other variables, with the @Risk add-on activated. Each recalculation of the spreadsheet then produced new random values for IR and BW, and...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

8 444 0