Hydrodynamic Lubrication 2009 Part 3 docx

Hydrodynamic Lubrication 2009 Part 3 docx

Hydrodynamic Lubrication 2009 Part 3 docx

... way as for Eq. 3. 35 and Eq. 3. 36: M j = 2πµUR 2 L c 1 2(1 − κ 2 ) 1/2  2 + 3 2 2 + κ 2  ≡ M ¯m j (κ) (3. 47) M b = 2πµUR 2 L c 1 2(1 − κ 2 ) 1/2  2 − 3 2 2 + κ 2  ≡ M ¯m b (κ) (3. 48) where ... π 2 (1 − κ 2 )} 1/2 (3. 62) Further, from Eq. 3. 59 and Eq. 3. 60, we can write the locus of the bearing center as: tan θ = π(1 − κ 2 ) 1/2 4κ (3. 63) This is shown in Fig. 3. 13. The...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 08:21

18 272 0
Hydrodynamic Lubrication 2009 Part 1 docx

Hydrodynamic Lubrication 2009 Part 1 docx

... InfinitelyLongBearings 29 3. 2.1 OilFilmPressure 29 3. 2.2 Infinitely Long Bearing Under Sommerfeld’s Condition 31 3. 2 .3 Infinitely Long Bearing Under G ¨ umbel’s Condition 37 3. 3 Short Bearings . . 41 3. 3.1 OilFilmPressure ... Bearings 23 3.1 CircularJournalBearings 25 3. 1.1 CrossSectionofaBearing 25 3. 1.2 Shape of the Oil Film 26 3. 1 .3 Bearing Length (Bearing Width) 27 3....

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 08:21

18 219 0
Hydrodynamic Lubrication 2009 Part 8 docx

Hydrodynamic Lubrication 2009 Part 8 docx

... x i ) 5  1 4 (h i+1 − h i ) 3 (x i+1 4 − x i 4 ) + (h i+1 − h i ) 2 (h i x i+1 − h i+1 x i )(x i+1 3 − x i 3 ) + 3 2 (h i+1 − h i )(h i x i+1 − h i+1 x i ) 2 (x i+1 2 − x i 2 ) +(h i x i+1 − h i+1 x i ) 3 (x i+1 − ... straight line. In a foil bearing, particularly when the wrap angle 130 6 Foil Bearings Fig. 6.8. Dependence of h ∗ , h min , p max , and p min on β [15] 6 .3. 3 Comp...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 08:21

18 206 0
Hydrodynamic Lubrication 2009 Part 12 docx

Hydrodynamic Lubrication 2009 Part 12 docx

... follows using k and ε: ν t = C µ k 2 ε (9.24) 9 .3 Turbulent Lubrication Theory Using the Mixing Length Model 207 Fig. 9 .3. Turbulent flow in clearance [33 ] where τ x1 , τ x2 and τ z1 , τ z2 are shear ... Rhode, “A Study of the Thermohydrodynamic Performance of Finite Slider Bearings”, Trans. ASME, Journal of Lubrication Technology, Vol. 95, No. 3, July 19 73, pp. 298 - 30 7. 10. A.K...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 08:21

18 229 0
Tribology Lubricants and Lubrication 2012 Part 3 docx

Tribology Lubricants and Lubrication 2012 Part 3 docx

... stress on the raceway, discussed in the context of Figures 11 and 12 in section 3. 3, reaches – 230 MPa. Fig. 32 . SEM-SE image of (a) the damaged raceway of the inner ring of a CRB after rig ... extended detail of Figure 30 b in the center of Figure 30 a. The gradual evolution of white etching bands from the DER precursor, as particularly evident from Figure 31 a, indicates adva...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 15:20

25 294 0
Hydrodynamic Lubrication 2009 Part 2 ppsx

Hydrodynamic Lubrication 2009 Part 2 ppsx

... foundation of the theory of hydrodynamic lubrication. Recently developed theories of elastohy- drodynamic lubrication, thermohydrodynamic lubrication, turbulent hydrodynamic lubrication, and others ... used. This circle, shown in Fig. 3. 3a,ba, is called the clearance circle. The clearance circle is 2 Foundations of Hydrodynamic Lubrication The essence of hydrodynamic lubricat...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 08:21

18 155 0
Hydrodynamic Lubrication 2009 Part 4 pps

Hydrodynamic Lubrication 2009 Part 4 pps

... to Eq. 3. 33 and Eq. 3. 34: τ y=0 = − µU h − h 2 dp dx (4.19) τ y=h = − µU h + h 2 dp dx (4.20) 3. 4 Finite Length Bearings 45 ∂ ∂x  h 3 ∂p ∂x  = h 3 i+1/2, j p i+1, j − p i, j ∆x − h 3 i−1/2, ... + ∂ ∂θ  h 0  θ dz = 0 (4 .33 ) Substituting Eq. 4 .30 and Eq. 4 .31 into Eq. 4 .33 yields Reynolds’ equation in cylindrical coordinates as follows: ∂ ∂r  h 3 12µ ∂p ∂r + G c  + 1 r...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 08:21

18 279 0
Hydrodynamic Lubrication 2009 Part 5 potx

Hydrodynamic Lubrication 2009 Part 5 potx

... [16]: p(φ) 6µω(R j /c) 2 =  J 2 (φ) − J 2 (π) J 3 (π) J 3 (φ)  +  J 3 s (φ) − J 3 s (π) J 3 (π) J 3 (φ)  2˙κ ω −  J 3 c (φ) − J 3 c (π) J 3 (π) J 3 (φ)  2κ ˙ θ ω (5.9) where J k (φ) =  φ 0 dφ (1 ... follows: A 0 , A 1 , A 2 , A 3 , A 4 , A 5 , A 6 > 0 (5.58)               A 1 A 3 A 5 00 A 0 A 2 A 4 A 6 0 0 A 1 A 3 A 5 0 0 A 0 A 2 A 4 A 6 00A 1...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 08:21

18 210 0
Hydrodynamic Lubrication 2009 Part 6 pot

Hydrodynamic Lubrication 2009 Part 6 pot

... (kg) (kg·mm) (kg·mm) (rpm) (rpm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mPa·s) A 1000 10 10 5 18 93 338 3 15 30 0.06 20 B 680 10 10 5 33 76 5445 15 30 0.06 20 l, shaft length; m, disk mass; I p , I d , moment of inertia; N c , ... = p 0 + p 1 X 1 + p 2 X 2 + p 3 X 3 + p 4 X 4 + p 11 X 1 2 + p 12 X 1 X 2 + p 22 X 2 2 + p 13 X 1 X 3 + p 14 X 1 X 4 + p 23 X 2 X 3 + p 24 X 2 X 4 (5.84) where X 3 = dX...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 08:21

18 216 0
Hydrodynamic Lubrication 2009 Part 7 pot

Hydrodynamic Lubrication 2009 Part 7 pot

... M c = 36 .51 d ij j = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 i = 1 3. 4255 1.2681 5.9 031 -2.11 43 = 2 -2.4468 0.9712 -2.11 43 2.5770 = 11 = 12 = 22 = 13 = 14 = 23 = 24 23. 2595 -0.1478 -8.9769 -9.7 937 1.9 934 -3. 0892 -2. 436 9 -7.7506 ... Unstable Domain 101 M dX 3 dt = − d 11 X 1 − d 12 X 2 − d 13 X 3 − d 14 X 4 − d 111 X 2 1 − d 112 X 1 X 2 − d 122 X 2 2 − d 1 13 X 1 X 3 − d 114 X 1 X 4 − d 1 2...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 08:21

18 229 0
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